Supreme Allure

Chapter 192 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You

Chapter 192 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You (2)
"Qingcheng, what's going on? Now the whole school has spread the word that you don't want your life for the beauty, is it true or not?" Yun Luoying didn't have the time to be reserved at this time, and asked as soon as she pulled Qingcheng over.

"Luo Ying, it's fine if others don't understand me, but you still misunderstand me? Why do you think so? Do you think, it possible?" It was very long, with the expression of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Of course, Qingcheng is not afraid. Regarding the current situation, even a strong soul like Qingcheng can't help but slander in his heart. I am a woman, what kind of beauty do I want?Others don't know how to make wild guesses and talk nonsense, but you, Yun Luoying, know everything about me, and you come here so nervously to ask, what's the matter?

Yun Luoying smiled awkwardly, she really wasn't too embarrassed to ask such a question, it was like saying in disguise that Qingcheng had a habit of cutting off her sleeves.

Yun Luoyan stood next to Yun Luoying, completely confused.Are Qingcheng and Luoying playing some charades?Why didn't he understand?Why is Qingcheng so sure that she and Luoshui Xiangning will be fine, but why should Luo Ying be convinced of this?

"Qingcheng, I believe you are not such a lustful person, but, Luoshui Xiangning her, is it really worth your life?" Yun Luoyan lowered her eyes secretly, and her thick eyelashes covered all emotions.Regardless of whether he understands it or not, this is the sentence he most wants to ask after hearing the rumors, and now he must take this opportunity to ask carefully, otherwise it will always be uncomfortable in his heart, and he will feel empty in everything he does.

"Luoyan, Luoshui Xiangning her, it's really worth it. I have a feeling that she is a person with a deep story, with perseverance and strength that does not belong to human beings. I admire her, it can be said that I admire her. I want to know her What kind of unknown story is there, I... really want to help her." Qingcheng recalled all kinds of Xiangning in Luoshui, her beautiful eyes looked into the distance, and her thoughts floated.

"Qingcheng, do you know? Your biggest problem is that you are too compassionate. You are not a savior. There are many people with deep stories in this world. Do you want to dig them out?" Dongfang Hen dislikes Qingcheng's compassion the most. Heart, in the first place, this world is full of flesh and blood, how can there be so much sympathy, even if there is, it has long been smoothed out.

"Dongfang Hen, I'm not overwhelmed with sympathy. I want to enter her world because I admire her, and I hope to help her as much as I can." Qingcheng's eyes are clear, without any impurities, which makes people feel suspicious of him. It seems like a kind of blasphemy.

"Brother, don't worry about you and Brother Hen. I believe that Qingcheng has no other intentions. It's purely a prank to hug a beauty." Seeing Qingcheng being flanked by two brothers, Yun Luoying forgot that she also came to Xingshi to inquire about her crimes. He quickly helped Qingcheng to speak.

"Luo Ying, why are you so sure?" Dongfang Hen's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Because I have seduced Qingcheng before, she didn't respond at all, and... and I also saw her flirting with Prince Ming back then, Qingcheng is a broken sleeve at all!" Yun Luoying pretended to be ashamed and aggrieved crying.

"Ah!" Yun Luoyan and Dongfang Hen were stunned. Although they had heard gossip about Prince Ming and Qingcheng before, in the eyes of these two, it was Ming who was stalking Qingcheng all the time. , Qingcheng was forced to accept it. The so-called Duanxiu was actually only one person. .

After reacting, both of them glanced at Qingcheng with strange eyes, as if looking at the rarest animal in this century, and then each sighed for a while, not knowing what they were sighing, just left while sighing up.On the contrary, Qingcheng and Luoying looked at each other in dismay.

Qingcheng simply didn't bother with this issue any more. If it was said to have broken sleeves, it would be fine. Anyway, for a person who planned to live a single life for the rest of his life, not to mention being rumored to have broken sleeves, he would be rumored to be bisexual. It doesn't matter, but it can make people shy away from her. I believe that no girl will throw any handkerchief or hairpin at her again.

Therefore, just like in Dongmu Country, Qingcheng was honorably elected as the best gossip figure of the year and topped the gossip list.But the person involved was unconscious, painless and without itching, and moved into the highest and most sunny dormitory in Xiangning, Luoshui, calmly and frankly, stepping on the cusp of the wind and waves.

"Xiang Ning, look at this terrace, it's really sunny and rainy! If a medicinal field is cultivated on this terrace, after the medicinal materials grow up, they can be collected for medicinal purposes, and can also be used for ornamental purposes. It can even be used to improve the air, which serves multiple purposes! Your dormitory is indeed the veritable No. [-] dormitory of Caixuan, as the legend says! How did you get such a good dormitory?" As soon as Qingcheng moved into Xiangning's dormitory, I was deeply attracted by the terrace on the roof of the dormitory.

Luo Shui Xiangning's face was covered with black lines, she was a peerless beauty standing under his nose, why had she never seen him so excited before?Now she looks obsessed with the sun shining on the balcony, she can't help but feel a little jealous of the balcony of her dormitory.

"You forgot, before you came to Caixuan, I was the first student in the medical school! If you don't give it to me, who else can I give it to?" Jealousy is jealousy, Xiangning still couldn't help but be infected by Qingcheng's smile, and also Followed by laughing.

"That's right! Then Xiang Ning, do you think we are now a strong alliance, a combination of two swords?" Qingcheng deliberately made an arrogant look, but the pride and honor and disgrace revealed on her stunning face Having betrayed her disguise, Xiang Ning couldn't help laughing even louder.

The two perverted geniuses did what they said they would do. They started to tidy up the terrace overnight, talking and laughing while cultivating the medicine field.

In the sound of laughter, it seems to be a kind of enjoyment to reclaim the medicinal fields and plant medicinal herbs.The moonlight shrouded the two equally stunning figures, so beautiful that it was shocking!
"I said Qingcheng, the two of us stayed up in the middle of the night, basking in the moonlight while planting medicinal herbs, and now we are still laughing so loudly, if someone with a heart hears it, I don't know what the rumors will be like tomorrow Caixuan. "Luo Shui Xiangning's beautiful eyes were full of teasing, as if she was enjoying the scandal between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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