Supreme Allure

Chapter 227 A Genius Is Really Different

Chapter 227 A Genius Is Really Different (3)
"Such a famous student, as the dean, how could I not know about it? It's just that you two don't study hard in the academy and make progress every day. It seems a bit strange to come here to roast some wild boar in the wilderness." Nalan Muchen Elegantly nibbling on the wild boar meat, while gnawing, I closed my eyes and was intoxicated.

"No matter how strange it is, you brothers from the Nalan family are not so surprised. Why did you chase water chestnuts to such a wild place, and now you can sit and eat together without any problems? Don’t you want to grab the hornless water chestnut?” The two brothers of the Nalan family, one is the chief dean of Caixuan Academy, and the other is one of the most famous authorities in the crafting world. It is really a miracle that Jiaoling chased it to such a remote place.

The Nalan brothers looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. Since they were young, the two brothers' favorite thing to do was grab food and eat it.

How tempting food is, it is definitely something you can't appreciate at a young age.Brother Nalan Qiqi cast a look that you don't understand since you are a child, so they didn't bother to explain further.Lazily, he continued to savor the delicacy in his hand.

The surroundings became quiet again, leaving only bursts of fragrance lingering around.

After being silent for a while, Nalan Muye approached Qingcheng suddenly without any warning, Qingcheng leaned back and walked away, and said with all his body on guard: "What are you doing?"
"Qingcheng, you don't want to see others like this! It's rare that we are so destined, how about this, you let me follow you to gain some knowledge?" Nalan Muye stared at Qingcheng expectantly, afraid that he would not try hard to focus, Qingcheng will refuse.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The pepper itself was already a little choking, and when stimulated by Nalan Muye's words, Qingcheng choked on a few mouthfuls in a shameful manner, until she almost burst into tears.

Nalan Muye, the mysterious figure who made the Cosmo Continent fearful, actually said that he wanted to follow her to travel the rivers and lakes to increase his knowledge. Should he be thicker?
Nalan Muye ignored Nalan Muchen's contemptuous gaze, and desperately patted Qingcheng on the shoulder. Qingcheng waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and forced himself to calm himself down. With big eyes and an innocent face, he said, "Then what benefits do I have?"

Nalan Muye narrowed his blue water eyes and seemed to be deep in thought. After thinking for a long time, he finally said, "Why don't I take you as my apprentice."

Nalan Muchen looked at Nalan Muye with even more contempt, shook his head and sighed: "Muye, you never accept apprentices, now you have to make an exception for the sake of food, and you still cling to us Caixuan like brown sugar College students, are you still shameless? Besides, there are too many masters in Qingcheng, and Gu Hongyu and Elder Fat and Shou are both his masters. What's even more strange is that he is obviously a medical student, why did he change his profession? I'm messing with you! Don't think that you can mess around just because you are handsome! You compete with the medical profession for medical talents, but beware that the entire medical profession is against you. If one day you get sick, you will be finished. Who will heal you?"

Nalan Muchen looked like the elder brother was teaching the younger brother, with a look of disappointment that he hates iron but not steel. This Nalan Muye is crazy, and for the sake of delicious food, he actually planned to take on apprentices, which is really shameless.The most terrible thing is that he actually wants to poach a corner of the medical field. Isn't he afraid of becoming the public enemy of doctors all over the world?In life, it is inevitable that there will be headaches and foot pains, and he dares to offend the medical profession, so he really doesn't want to mess around.

Compared to Nalan Muchen's expression of disapproval, Qingcheng was seriously thinking about this issue.

I saw her beautiful eyes rolling around, thinking about it many times in her heart.

Being Nalan Muye's apprentice is indeed a huge temptation. Although Dean Gu and Elder Fat and Slender are both her masters, medicine and weapon refining are two completely different fields, so even if she decides to worship without authorization It's not too much for Nalan Muye to be his teacher.

In fact, he had made up his mind a long time ago, but as a genius, he had to be reserved, and if he agreed too soon, according to Nalan Muye's character, he might feel that he was at a disadvantage, and there was no guarantee that he would not regret it.

So Qingcheng leaned on his elbows, tilted his head, looked at the stars and moon in the sky, pretended to think hard, then turned his eyes to Nalan Muye and nodded sincerely.

Nalan Muye was so happy that he almost wanted to bump into a wild boar. He excitedly pulled Qingcheng's hand and knelt down to the stars and the moon. Before Qingcheng could react, he forced Qingcheng to kowtow three times to the stars and the moon. , When Qingcheng came back to his senses, he tried his best to resist with all his breastfeeding strength, but there was nothing he could do if he couldn't help himself.In front of an absolutely strong man, a peerless genius like Qingcheng can only kill people with his eyeballs in hatred.

"I said, Muye, do you understand the rules of this world? Qingcheng worships you as his teacher, so you should ask him to offer you tea and honor him as a teacher. You should not be like a young married couple who have eloped for life. , bowing down to the moon and the stars.” Nalan Muchen couldn’t stand it any longer, his younger brother usually only practiced in addition to delicious food, or he was refining weapons. Occasionally, when I went to a restaurant to enjoy delicious food, I learned it from listening to the people at the next table chatting.

I am most afraid of knowing a little bit about everything. In fact, Nalan Muye might as well not know anything. Now that he wears those etiquette crowns, the effect is quite terrifying.

"What is the etiquette of others? That's their own business. Of course, my etiquette is up to me. What's the matter with others? I think it's very good to salute. Testify, Qingcheng and I are now a firm master-student relationship, and anyone who dares to deny it will have to bear my pursuit!" Nalan Muye swore arrogantly.

Qingcheng and Sima Jingfeng were so shocked that they couldn't say a word. In fact, at this moment, they found that the best way is to stop with silence, so they all shut up knowingly and let Nalan Let Makino go alone!

Nalan Muye is currently immersed in his performance alone, he likes the feeling that no one will veto his decision, this apprentice is really good.Unlike his elder brother Nalan Muchen, who sang against him all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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