Supreme Allure

Chapter 228 A Genius Is Really Different

Chapter 228 A Genius Is Really Different (4)
Nalan Muye was happy, so he began to dig out treasures from his interspatial ring again. After digging and digging for a long time, he finally took out a piece of golden jade.

The bright yellow beautiful jade is the best among jades, even if you have money, you can't buy it. It's only by chance and coincidence that people with predestined relationship can get it. I saw that Nalan Muye actually took out two pieces at the same time. A master in the world of gadgets, all kinds of treasures will appear with just one tap.

I saw him handing one of the topaz to Qingcheng while saying: "This is the positioning jade document. As long as we have this jade document by our side, we can know each other's exact location without any contact. If there is any danger, you Just press the phoenix eye on the jade ultimatum."

Qingcheng took the jade disk and stroked it lightly. The jade disk was bright and transparent, and two phoenixes flying high were carved on it. The carving was exquisite, lifelike and natural.

"There are two coiled dragons on my jade ultimatum. If I need to find you urgently, I will press the dragon eye on the jade ultimatum. At that time, even if you are thousands of miles away, you will still be able to sense my call." .” Nalan Muye explained while holding the jade ultimatum.

"It's really speechless, even the gifts for apprentices are like tokens of love. I said Makino, I usually tell you to read more books on human relationships, what have you read into your head?" Nalan Mu With a playful look on his face, Chen began to pour cold water on his younger brother again, as if two people were not brothers if they didn't bicker.

"It's up to you! I have been refining this gift for a long time before I succeeded. Since then, there is no other branch. It is definitely a treasure! Just look at your jealousy and hide it in your heart. Don't say it, it will degrade you status." Nalan Muye glanced at his elder brother, who likes to argue with him.

Qingcheng is not a pedantic person, and she has never paid much attention to the formal etiquette of the world.Seeing that Nalan Muye treats her sincerely and treats her as the most precious apprentice, he also sincerely believes that Nalan Muye is his very important master.

The form is not so important, the key is the heart.She felt Nalan Muye's sincerity, no matter what reason he accepted her as his apprentice, she would not be so foolish as to really believe that Nalan Muye accepted her as his apprentice for the sake of delicious food.

The four enjoyed the perfect meal, took out the blankets from the space ring with satisfied faces, and set up a few small tents to sleep and rest.

Originally, Sima Jingfeng proposed to set up a big tent and everyone would huddle together, but Qingcheng, a good-tempered person, insisted on having a tent by himself, so everyone couldn't hold her back, so they simply had a small tent for each of them.

In fact, they didn't know that since Qingcheng and Luoshui Qingchuan were caught on the tent last time, Qingcheng had a psychological shadow.

Under the circumstances at that time, Qingcheng's heart was originally bright orange, and she still thought in private, anyway, everyone is a girl, so you are not afraid.But who knew the truth of the matter would be like this.Although now, with Luoshui Qingchuan's identity revealed to the world, everyone felt that the last tent incident was nothing more than two big men anyway.But Qingcheng's heart brightened again, this time it was really too messy, she actually shared the bed with a man in the tent, and was caught by so many people, so, from then on, she was extra cautious about the tent stand up.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years!

The morning sun shines into the woods, and the mottled tree shadows are shining. The day's plan is in the morning. For practitioners, the morning is even more precious.

Qingcheng let out a deep breath of turbid air, and ended her morning practice early.

There are still a few men around her waiting for her delicious food, so she can't just hide in her small tent and continue to practice.Although, in her heart, she longed to continue cultivating like this, but thinking about the movement in the nearby tent, Qingcheng got up, put on her clothes and walked out of the tent.Then I went straight to the nearby creek to clean up.When she came back again, Nalan Muye was already waiting for her beside her tent. There was also a barbecue grill next to the tent, and a roe deer that had just been slaughtered and cleaned was placed on the grill.

This action must have been too fast, that posture was clearly waiting for her to come back to roast.

As soon as he saw Qingcheng, Nalan Muye was like a cat seeing a fish, and immediately went forward, looking at Qingcheng expectantly.

Qingcheng didn't say much, waved his hands, and a ball of dazzling white light immediately appeared on his fingers, pointing his fingers at the firewood on the barbecue grill, only heard a creaking sound, the fire suddenly appeared, and the fire burned instantly on the firewood Woke up.

Qingcheng looked back and saw Nalan Muye beside her looking at her in surprise, lightly smiled and brushed off his sleeves, looked at Nalan Muye calmly, and said innocently: "Didn't you already know that I am carrying a strange fire?" Why? Why are you still surprised when you see it now?"

Nalan Muye withdrew his surprised gaze, showing a smile that he thought was innocent and bright. Of course he knew that Qingcheng was carrying a strange fire. When Qingcheng was grilling the wild boar, he happened to see Qingcheng pointing the fire with his hand to light the firewood. , it is actually the legendary dragon fire, and it is purer and brighter than the legendary one.

Because Qingcheng contracted the blood dragon, he has always had the dragon fire of the fire dragon in his body, and because he had taken the fire phoenix crystal fruit, the dragon and the phoenix complement each other, making the originally rare dragon fire become purer and brighter.

"It turned out to be such a thing!" Nalan Muchen gracefully appeared in front of Qingcheng, "No wonder you fell in love with Qingcheng at first sight and wanted to take him as an apprentice. It turns out that there is such a divine fire in Qingcheng's body. It seems that you didn't notice it this time." Get carried away by the delicious food."

Nalan Muchen never worried that his younger brother would be bewitched by beautiful women one day, but he was always worried that his younger brother would be so dazzled by delicious food that he would forget what he was doing, for example, not following the rules like last night. Card.It turned out that things were not as simple as he thought.It is rare to see such a pure dragon fire in the entire Cosmo Continent. It is completely understandable that Makino wants to accept him as a disciple.

Sima Jingfeng stared blankly at the divine fire, because he had just gone to collect firewood and ran away when Qingcheng grilled wild boars to ignite the fire, so he didn't see the scene of Qingcheng igniting the fire.No wonder he always felt that the taste of the roasted pig was unusual, not only the seasoning, but also the temperature of the roasting fire was almost perfectly controlled, so it turned out to be dragon fire!
(End of this chapter)

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