Supreme Allure

Chapter 246

Chapter 246
Tengtangmo and Rosemary Kajia sensed each other's shock from each other's eyes, exchanged knowing smiles, nodded towards Qingcheng, assembled a strong team, and when the city gate opened, the two of them left and right Go out to hide and kill, leaving Qingcheng alone to continue to stand on the city wall and command the battle.

Sima Jingfeng and others under the city wall had already seen Qingcheng standing high on the city wall. "He" was like a pole guiding everyone's direction, and like a magnet attracting everyone's footsteps.

With turbulent winds and clouds, and bloody rivers and mountains, thousands of troops experienced a mighty battle in front of the starfish city wall.

At this time, although Starfish City has added a lot of supporters, there are also a lot of supporters from Teng Tangxian, like Hua Luozhen and Xin Zhiyu also gathered a lot of teams to support Tangtangxian.

The colors of the mountains and rivers change, and life is precarious and falling in the wind and rain.

One will be successful and the bones will be dry, not to mention the birth of a generation of emperors.No matter what happens, there will be a thousand bones and bones. Although I don’t want to, I don’t want to bear it, but history is always surprisingly similar. The change of country has its own rules. Even if you are as noble as an emperor, you can’t change this cruel page of history.

The battle continued for another day and night, and both sides were exhausted. However, everyone knew that this moment was a critical moment. In a person's life, the critical moment was only a few steps. Although the body and mind were exhausted, anyone It is impossible to give up at this time, so the war continued like this.

The night was deep, and the Starfish City was full of stars, and the lights and candles on the street complemented each other, forming a beautiful picture scroll. There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers, but the heroes are staining the colorful mountains and rivers with their lives and blood.

Qingcheng used all means, and finally dragged Tengtangmo and Rosemary Kajia off the city wall. Walking in this war-torn Starfish City, no one was in the mood to appreciate the charming night view.

"I thought of a way to quickly end this war." Qingcheng said calmly while looking at the stars in the sky.

Tengtangmo and Rosemary Kajia turned around to look at her at the same time. At this moment, their bodies were already supporting beyond their limits. Therefore, they couldn't react to what Qingcheng said for a while, and just looked at her blankly. .

"I plan to sneak into your northern frame palace and treat your father's illness. As long as your father recovers from his illness, then the king will rule the world, who will dare to attack Starfish City!" Qingcheng said confidently.

"Good idea!" Tengtangmo and Rosemary Kaka said in unison, and then looked at each other, laughing loudly, feeling like a hero.

"Qingcheng, why didn't you say it earlier, this method is very good! As long as the emperor arrives in Starfish City, none of those ghosts and monsters will be able to escape. They have called so many soldiers behind the emperor's back this time. Seeing that the emperor is seriously ill, it is better to strike first. Do you think that as long as the raw rice is cooked, there is nothing we can do? As soon as the emperor recovers, none of these traitors will run away." Rosedica Seeing so many soldiers of Starfish City die in this war, Jia hated Fuji Tangxian deeply in his heart. Hearing that Qingcheng had such a good idea, he immediately felt that Qingcheng should do it earlier.

"Kajia, don't get excited. There is a reason why Qingcheng said it now. The city was in chaos before, and the strength between us and Fuji Tangxian was too different. If Qingcheng left at that time, what would the poisoned people in the city do? When Patriarch Bo and the others came, if Qingcheng wasn't there, should we open the city gate or close the city gate? Qingcheng simply had no time to escape. Now, the enemy and our side are equal in strength, and our side is relatively more advantageous. Besides, Patriarch Bo and the others also brought a lot of supplies, so we can last a long time no matter what we do this time, and when the emperor arrives, I don't think there will be any major problems in the city." As expected of brothers, in fact, Tengtangmo also thought of this method, and it would be better for Qingcheng to propose it now.

Rosedika Jia nodded appreciatively, and said embarrassingly: "I was too impatient and didn't think about it. Qingcheng, right now, only you can save the emperor. Go and come back quickly. We will send you a message if there is something to do of."

Qingcheng nodded, turned around and prepared to call Chipeng out.But he was grabbed by Tengtangmo.Qingcheng looked back, but saw Tengtangmo worried and said: "Qingcheng, now the palace is full of Tengtangxian's eyes and ears, careful in everything."

Qingcheng gently patted the back of Tengtangmo's hand with the other hand, his eyes were full of confidence, and said: "Brother, don't worry, I will never confront those people head-on." Yang, suddenly a handful of pills and powder appeared in his hand, and he smiled triumphantly, "They can't hurt me."

In fact, Qingcheng's words were considered reserved. What she originally wanted to say was: I'm not going to harm people, it's already very good.

Tengtangmo let go of his hand, patted Qingcheng's head, and said: "General Fu Qiong is my father's confidant general, and he has always supported me as the crown prince. When you arrive in the capital, take my token to find him. Him, let him dispatch troops to come together. The change of regime is never justified, but based on strength, and the army is the greatest strength." Tengtangmo said while taking a piece of red blood jade from his waist, Handed over to Qingcheng.

Qingcheng took the blood jade and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely bring your father to Starfish City."

After finishing speaking, he summoned the Nine-Winged Chipeng Bird, leaped forward, and flew away.

Tengtangmo and Rosemary Kajia quietly watched as Qingcheng's figure became smaller and smaller in the night sky until it disappeared.Only then did the two gather their minds and head towards the city wall.

City of Reaching Stars.

General Fu's Mansion.

"Father Commander, Starfish City is in critical condition right now. His Royal Highness is deeply trapped in Starfish City. Why doesn't Father Commander send troops to support him?" A burst of excited voice was particularly abrupt in the middle of the night, and one could tell that it must be a fiery master.

"Xi'er, in the current situation, can I get away with it? Once I leave, the whole Beijiao country will not be alone in the chaos!" A vigorous voice sounded, and the words were full of helplessness, "If I Right now, the team is drawn out to support His Highness the Crown Prince, so who will protect His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Father commander, you can send your child there, and the child will definitely not disappoint father commander." Fu Xi hurriedly recommended himself.

(End of this chapter)

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