Supreme Allure

Chapter 247 Ignore directly

Chapter 247 Ignore directly (1)
"Xi'er! There are so many heroes who have gone to support Starfish City right now. Starfish City will definitely not be a problem. On the contrary, this Star Picking City is currently in danger and is about to move. If you send troops out to support Starfish City at this time , On the contrary, it gave them a chance. At this time, for us, it is better to stay still than to move, so we should stay the same.” As a generation of famous generals, Fu Qiong wanted to go to Haixing City more than anyone else to participate in the competition. The battle is in full swing, but, in many cases, it is far more difficult to settle down and calm down one's eager heart than to wrap a corpse in horse leather.

"Hahahaha! Old General Fu really deserves to be a famous general of his generation. He considers issues so carefully and carefully. I admire him!" Suddenly, a clear voice rang out, breaking the silence of the night.

Fu Qiong and Fu Xi's father and son suddenly stood up, not to mention that the father and son are both people with amazing illusions and eyesight, even the entire General's Mansion is well-decorated, and not even a sparrow can fly in. Now, a A living person unexpectedly came to the general's mansion without making a sound, what level of skill has this person reached?

"Who are you? What do you want to do when you broke into the General's Mansion late at night?" Fu Xi couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately yelled loudly.

"Didn't I just report myself a long time ago? Why didn't the young general hear clearly? Then I will re-introduce myself. I have met General Fu and young general Fu in Qingcheng." Qingcheng said at the same time, While dodging into the General's Mansion's meeting hall.

Fu Qiong and Fu Xi's father and son felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a young man in black clothes suddenly appeared in front of them.

There is such a handsome young man in the world. He always thought that His Highness the Crown Prince is the most handsome handsome man in the world, but this person in front of him abruptly compares His Highness the Crown Prince, even though different beauties are often incomparable, However, people always like to make various comparisons for different beauties.

I saw the young man in front of me wearing a black outfit, with long black hair pulled up high, picturesque eyebrows, red lips like fire, fair and smooth skin like silk, handsome and refined, fresh and elegant, a little more than Lian A layer of charming, a layer of freshness than roses, in short, no matter who reads it, they will never forget it.

In front of a large group of acquaintances, Qingcheng had already taken off the butterfly wing mask. In addition, at this time, the purpose of coming to pick up Star City was to win people's trust, otherwise how could he achieve great things with a fake face from the beginning?Therefore, at this time, Qingcheng naturally wouldn't sneakily wear a mask.

On many occasions, the real face is also a way of trust.

"You are Qingcheng?" After all, Jiang is still old and hot. Old General Fu was the first to recover from the shock, and pushed his son with his elbow, which meant to tell him to recover quickly.

Only then did Fu Xi blink and come back to his senses, his face was flushed, he was a big man, and he was stunned by a young man.What a shame.

"It's true!" Qingcheng smiled faintly, and casually took out the blood jade that Tengtangmo gave her from the interspatial ring, and handed it to Fu Qiong.

"That's right, this is the blood jade of His Highness the Crown Prince. Back then, when the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince reunited with their father and son, the Emperor personally gave it to His Highness the Crown Prince." Old General Fu thought about others when he saw things, thinking that the Emperor had given this blood jade to His Highness the Crown Prince. When she was young, she was so lively, but now, she fell on the bed and couldn't get sick.

"I don't know that Qingcheng came to the General's Mansion late at night. What's the matter?" Fu Xi asked softly when he saw his father staring at a piece of blood jade in a daze.I thought secretly in my heart that the name Qingcheng seemed to have been heard somewhere.

"I want to see the emperor." Qingcheng said in a low voice. Although the general's mansion is heavily guarded, there are many people like her. Now is an extraordinary time, so it's better to be careful.

"Why?" Fu Xi asked curiously.

"Cure." Qingcheng answered concisely.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Fu Qiong came back from the thoughts of the blood jade, and said with joy, "I almost forgot, Qingcheng, you are a peerless doctor. In this world, if your Ye Qingcheng's medical skills are second to none... Second, absolutely no one dares to rank first.”

"Oh...Ye Qingcheng, I remembered, isn't that the concubine that the prince wants to make?" Fu Xi finally thought of who Qingcheng is.

"I made the major general laugh. The elder brother likes to make trouble. Don't worry about it. How can this princess be a man? I will persuade the elder brother." Qingcheng knows that in this matter, the elder brother's prince has always been the right one. It's a bit precarious, a crown prince who vowed to make a man the crown prince is naturally unacceptable to the officials.

"In the past, I have always opposed His Highness the Crown Prince's appointment of you as the Crown Prince's concubine, but now it seems that it is quite understandable." Fu Qiong looked Qingcheng up and down, and finally understood the prince in her heart. The talent is so great, just being able to suddenly appear in front of them quietly, is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.Coupled with such intelligence and courage, and that unparalleled medical skills, a fool would give up such a character.However, no matter how good he is, he is always a man.Man, how to spread the branches and leaves of the North Frame Empire?Isn't it a joke for other countries to regard a man as the future queen?
In fact, Fu Qiong was overthinking. Several years later, he finally understood that the foreign country was not a joke, but came to snatch it.Naturally, this was many years later.

"Father, since Qingcheng has peerless medical skills, why not take Qingcheng to the palace to see the emperor tonight." Fu Xi looked at Qingcheng adoringly and said, "Qingcheng, after this matter is resolved, you can accept me as your apprentice. I appreciate the doctor, every time on the battlefield, looking at those injured brothers, I wish I had unrivaled medical skills." Fu Xi said with a serious face.

"The doctor is not a god, and there are many people who cannot be saved. Many soldiers on the battlefield are too seriously injured, and no matter how high their medical skills are, they cannot bring them back to life. What a doctor can do is to bring people who have not died back to life. Qingcheng said with a chuckle.

Seeing that Fu Xi was a little frustrated, he said again: "Actually, the most effective way is to subjugate the enemy without fighting. Without war, there will naturally be no bloodshed. I am here this time to cure the emperor, and then I will take him to sea together." Star City stops this war."

(End of this chapter)

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