Supreme Allure

Chapter 257 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk

Chapter 257 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk (3)
Rosemary Kaja suddenly felt the cold eyes from Tengtangmo, and asked if His Royal Highness is a little more jealous?He quickly straightened his back, cleared his throat, and said, "Every autumn, the Chiqiong flowers in my starfish city will bloom, and the Fulai Mountain will be full of Chiqiong flowers everywhere, and the people of the whole city will set up a tree on Fulai Mountain. A ring of Chi Qionghua, hang the Chi Qionghua high on the highest point of the ring, and let the people of the whole city compete to snatch it!"

"Competing to rob? Isn't that very chaotic? There are so many people, isn't that a mess?" When Qingcheng heard about robbing and robbing, she felt that there were too many people, and it would definitely be chaotic, and it might cause casualties Woolen cloth!No way, I have been a doctor for a long time, and occupational diseases always pop up everywhere.

"Don't worry, Qingcheng, it can't be messed up. There is an enchantment around the Chi Qionghua. Only people with certain strength can approach it. Moreover, even if you can get close, you may not be able to get the Chi Qionghua. The Chiqiong Flower There are many chances, and it is not easy to take it off." Rosemary Kaja patiently explained.

"But didn't you just say that the red viburnum flowers are all over the mountains and plains? Then let's just go to the mountains and pick some. Why are you trying so hard to get such ordinary flowers that are so difficult?" Rosemary It was fine if Kajia didn't explain, but when he explained, Qingcheng became even more confused.

"The key is not the flower, but the medal on the flower. It is a four-color lucky flower-shaped medal made of pure purple gold. It is a symbol of the warriors of Starfish City. The young men in Starfish City all hope that they can win it." Get that medal, and put it on for the person you like.” Rosemary Kaka explained softly, while sneaking glances at Tengtangmo from time to time, and sure enough, she found that there was a group of people who were bound to win in Tengtangmo’s star pupils. Rosemary Kaja took a deep breath and reminded with a light cough, "Over the years, the royal family has not participated in such competitions."

Tengtangmo's star eyes darkened when he heard the words, but there was nothing he could do. This kind of competition was the same in all countries, and the royal family would naturally withdraw from the competition, otherwise, this competition would become meaningless!The royal family, no ordinary person will have a stroke to compete with the royal family.

Qingcheng nodded in understanding when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes fixed on the disappointed Tengtangmo and said: "Brother, let's go and have a look! Let's see who will get the Warrior Medal this year?"

Tengtangmo stared at Qingcheng's smiling face infatuatedly, and said softly: "As long as Qingcheng likes it, elder brother will accompany Qingcheng to take a look." After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes to look at Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfengdao, " Actually, I'm curious, if you two fight for the medal of the warrior together, who will get it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were colorful and colorful.

"By the way, Kajia, do you still have this kind of riding clothes? Get us two to wear one each! It's so beautiful!" Qingcheng looked at the crisp and neat clothes, thinking that she was riding a horse in it Yamano, what a joyful thing it should be!

"There are more, it's just because when ordering this batch of riding outfits, I didn't expect so many people to participate this year, so the only ones that fit the size of His Royal Highness and Qingcheng are these two sets of rose red riding outfits. " Rosedikaga took out two sets of rose red riding clothes, one large and one small, from the interspatial ring as she spoke. She was indeed a meticulous person, and she even prepared the clothes with her.

When Qingcheng saw the rose red color, she immediately frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Is there no other color?"

Rosemary Kaja shook her head, and also replied in a low voice: "Qingcheng, this is the only riding outfit that fits your size."

"You know the size of Qingcheng very well!" Tengtang Mo said with a look of wariness, coldly casting his eyes at Rosemary Kaja.

Rosedikajia only felt the cold air coming from the collar, and quickly put the two sets of rose-red riding clothes on the pear wood chair, and rushed out the door dragging Bo Linfeng who was watching the show with great interest.

Seeing that the idlers had finally cleared up, Tengtangmo walked slowly to the pear wood chair where the two sets of riding clothes were placed, shook it away gently, picked up the small set, and walked towards Qingcheng.

"What are you doing?" Qingcheng was taken aback, what would she do with the small one instead of trading her big one?
"Of course it's because the princess has been updated!" Tengtangmo smiled, his hands were ready to peel off Qingcheng's robe.

Qingcheng's little heart almost burst, snatched the rose-red riding outfit from Tengtangmo's hand, jumped into his bed, raised his plain hand, the bed curtain hung down in an instant, and gently floated in mid-air. He drew an arc, and all the movements were done in one go, which made Tengtangmo dumbfounded.I sighed again and again in my heart: Is it not possible?Changing clothes turned out to be bed curtains and barriers, did he really treat him like the number one pervert in the universe to guard against?
Shaking his head helplessly, Tengtangmo had no choice but to resign himself to picking up the big red riding suit, and reluctantly changed into it slowly.Hearing the rustling sound of changing clothes from inside the bed curtain, Tengtang Moxing's eyes were tightly focused and he swallowed his saliva.I secretly comforted myself in my heart: One day, one day, everything will be as I wish!

Under Tengtangmo's fiery gaze, Qingcheng finally walked out of the bed curtain slowly.

The rose-red riding outfit tightly wrapped Qingcheng's jade-like skin, her waterfall-like black hair was pulled up high by Qingcheng, and a bunch of rose-red hairbands were fluttering in the wind, making the already charming Her beautiful eyes could no longer hide her enchanting demeanor.The red and swollen rhomboid lips like rose petals have not disappeared, adding a variety of styles.

"Qingcheng..." Tengtangmo couldn't help swallowing hard and said, "Qingcheng, it's too dangerous for you to go out like this, you should change into another set of robes!"

"Brother, it makes you nervous! Do you think everyone is just like you, just staring at me for nothing? Now we are going to participate in the flower competition, and everyone's thoughts are on the competition, who will pay attention to me? Besides, this dress fits pretty well, and Rosemary Kaka's visual inspection ability is really extraordinary." Qingcheng pulled on her lapel with all her strength, trying to pull it up a bit, so as to block the blush that was created yesterday .

"Looks like it's not enough just to pull up the collar." Qingcheng said while gently stroking her red and swollen lips. She said that the lips are still burning hot and sore. It's hard not to pay attention. I don't know yesterday How did big brother rape her at night.Glaring at Tengtangmo viciously, Qingcheng suddenly found that Tengtangmo's lips were also red and swollen. He sighed in his heart, and he no longer wanted to be angry. He raised his plain hand and took out a green glass bottle from the space ring , poured out some green elixir, walked to Tengtangmo's side, and handed it with plain hands.

(End of this chapter)

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