Supreme Allure

Chapter 258 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk

Chapter 258 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk (4)
Tengtangmo gently caressed Qingcheng's catkin with his palm, and said with a light smile, "I think this looks pretty, it's a testimony of our love, Qingcheng, are you so impatient to destroy these evidences?"

Qingcheng's face was covered with black lines, and he turned the pill over Tengtangmo's hand, pulled out his catkin, and took out some green pills from the green glass bottle, poured them into his mouth, and then raised Staring at Tengtangmo, he signaled Tengtangmo to take those pills quickly.

Tengtangmo glanced at the elixir in his palm, and sighed helplessly. In other words, he was really reluctant to get rid of these marks.But no matter how reluctant, what can I do, Qingcheng absolutely has to listen to her words.So, he solemnly raised his neck and swallowed all the green pills, raised his eyes and gave Qingcheng a bright smile, as if to say, look, I swallowed them all, isn't it very good?Should there be some kind of reward?

Seeing that Tengtangmo had swallowed the pill, Qingcheng turned around with confidence and walked out the door.

When Tengtangmo saw Qingcheng leave the room, he immediately followed closely.

The two arrived at the hall, and together with Rosedikajia and Bo Linfeng who were waiting there, they set off for Mount Fulai.

A group of four people, riding a flying beast, landed at the venue of the flower competition in Fulai Mountain like a god.

At the moment when the four of them fell from the sky, screams like nympho resounded through the valley. Tengtangmo held Qingcheng's hand tightly, fearing that Qingcheng would be eaten alive by those nympho, Qingcheng smiled lightly and shook his head, big brother It's really a cosmic invincible super big vinegar bucket.Facing all kinds of men who appeared beside her, they would always give her a sea of ​​jealousy. Now, facing these nympho girls, they are actually holding her hand tightly with a look of displeasure, for fear that she will be given by these women. have eaten.Khan, brother, are you tired like this?
Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng followed closely behind. Facing the screams of the nymphomaniac, the two completely ignored them as if they were in the middle of nowhere, and walked forward lazily and calmly.This caused the nymphomaniacs to scream even more uncontrollably, as if only screaming could express their excitement at the moment.

Amidst bursts of screams, the four of them came to their own positions, which was the row closest to the Duohua ring, and the position in the middle of the first row had always belonged to the city lord, Rosedika Kaga. The seat, now, because the emperor and the crown prince are both here, the middle seat is naturally given to the emperor Tengtanghui. On the side of Tengtanghui are the princes Tengtangmo and Qingcheng, and on the other side is Rosemary Kaja And Bo Linfeng, the row behind them are all outstanding people who have made great contributions in this war, and behind them are some children of aristocratic families in Starfish City.These positions are the ones closest to Duohua Arena, that is, the positions with the best viewing effect.

As for ordinary people, they naturally have to keep a little distance from these people with status and status. On the other side of an open space, many people in Haixing City gathered, and they all talked loudly with great interest. , I don’t know what topics are being discussed, everyone is blushing and has thick necks, and they almost got into a fight with each other.

Amidst the noise, a strong old man with all white beard and hair jumped onto the Huachuang arena, making a quiet movement with his hands, and the whole valley immediately fell into silence.

"Our Starfish City holds the flower competition every autumn. It has been so many years, and this year is definitely the grandest one in history. We have just experienced the baptism of blood. In this flower competition, we are honored to be able to compete with His Majesty the Emperor." , Your Highness the Crown Prince and so many heroes here, we in Starfish City are truly proud! Next, let the wonderful Flower Contest express all our excitement at the moment!" The strong old man said as soon as he finished speaking , and set up an enchantment towards the high platform where the Chiqiong garland hangs high.

The audience applauded thunderously.

"Is setting up such an enchantment effective? If there are too many people who can break this enchantment, then there will be chaos in the enchantment; if there are too few people who can break this enchantment, then this flower competition will lose its meaning Already." Qingcheng looked suspiciously at the enchantment set up by the old man, was puzzled, and asked Tengtangmo softly with his head down.

"This enchantment is not an ordinary enchantment. In addition to the level setting, it also sets up an exquisite formation." Tengtang Moxing narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his lips, and lowered his head like Qingcheng, Answering softly, the heads of the two almost touched each other.Typical whispering.

"What formation?" Qingcheng continued to act as a curious baby.

"The subtlety of this formation is that there is a limit of ten people! That is to say, although anyone who has reached the level can enter, there is a limit on the speed at the same time. If the speed of entry is slow, then wait for the barrier to enter. After the number of people inside reaches ten, no matter how powerful the skills are, they can't get in, and each person can only get in once. Once they are beaten out, they will completely lose the chance to compete for Chi Qionghua." Teng Tangmo It's rare to be able to show a hand in front of Qingcheng, and immediately start talking endlessly.

"This formation is really subtle! It's so creative! This formation makes the people who enter the formation basically controlled within ten people in each round, and the shots must be fast, otherwise others will win the opportunity , if you can quickly capture the Chiqionghua with lightning speed, so what if someone else is better than you? This is quite in line with the style of a warrior." Hearing this, Qingcheng's eyes twinkled like stars, shining brightly, He nodded desperately with a face suddenly enlightened.

"You!" Tengtangmo pampered Qingcheng's head, and put the tip of his nose against Qingcheng's forehead affectionately, touching the tip of his nose lightly, with an obsessed and happy look on his face.

"Ahem..." Teng Tanghui finally couldn't bear it anymore, so his son is a bit too much, isn't he?

Qingcheng gently pushed Tengtangmo's head away, her beautiful eyes flickered, pretending that nothing happened, she looked up at the arena solemnly.

Tengtangmo originally wanted to do something shocking and shocking, but seeing Qingcheng like this, he was really embarrassed to harass her, so he also looked at the ring with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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