Supreme Allure

Chapter 265

Chapter 265
"Let's go together." Seeing that Qingcheng had left, Tengtangmo didn't bother to study where the Luoshui Qingchuan was, and hurriedly chased in the direction where Qingcheng left.Seeing this, everyone was very worried and followed out one by one.

Sure enough, at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, I saw Qingcheng sitting on the nine-winged red roc bird. The huge nine wings filled the entire courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion. It was about to spread its wings and fly high. You are not polite, but one by one jumped up, grabbing a wing each, as if you will not go if you don't take me.

Qingcheng shook his head, sighed helplessly, stroked Chipengniao's head lightly, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Chi Peng shook his head in the same way, spread his nine wings and slid towards the sky without saying a word.

After flying for several days, they set up tents to rest when they were tired, and ate some dry food when they were hungry and drank.Rescuing people is like putting out a fire. After flying day and night like this, I finally arrived at the destination after a few days of hard work.

The nine-winged red roc slowly landed on the endless sea.

People came down from the Chipeng bird one after another, and looking far away, they saw that there was endless water in front of them, and the blue sea water was swept up by the wind, stirring up countless waves.

"The positioning coordinates show that it is near here, why is there a vast ocean here? I don't think anyone has been here at all!" Qingcheng looked around anxiously.

"Qingcheng, you actually neglected being a teacher so much, you are so heartbroken to call him a teacher!" Suddenly a blond and blue-eyed enchanting handsome man appeared in everyone's field of vision in an instant, and hugged Qingcheng tightly as soon as he appeared, "Qingcheng, you are finally here, hurry up and save me as your teacher."

Qingcheng was a little suffocated by his embrace, struggling to get away, but was hugged even tighter by Nalan Muye.

Tengtangmo was so angry that he went straight up and wanted to break the two of them apart. What kind of master is this?At first, I thought Qingcheng's master would definitely be a bad old man, but in the end, he looks so monstrous, even if he looks monstrous, but he hugs him as soon as he comes up, how decent is he?
By the way, what dragon and phoenix jade certificate did he give away?It really makes no sense!
Perhaps because he sensed the strange atmosphere around him, Nalan Muye let go of Qingcheng before Tengtangmo had time to break away from this obtrusive guy.

"Master, aren't you good-looking? What do you need me to save?" Qingcheng blinked her watery eyes and asked in confusion.

"Qingcheng, don't think that only life needs to be saved, and freedom is the same. I am here to ask you to save my freedom." Nalan Muye looked anxious, it seemed that he was really in trouble, "Qingcheng, you can come here alone, why did you bring so many people here? It's unnecessary."

"Senior Nalan, after receiving your signal, Qingcheng was very anxious. We happened to be together, and we also said that Senior Nalan was kidnapped by some monster or something. I thought maybe we could help. So we all followed Here we come." Sima Jingfeng and Nalan Muye were already acquainted, and knew a little about Nalan Muye's temper.He hurriedly stepped forward to explain that he didn't want Nalan Muye to misunderstand that they had ulterior motives. The members of Nalan's family were all freaks and geniuses, so they couldn't afford to offend them.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads mechanically, Nalan Muye also nodded and said, "So that's what happened. Then you all go back, Qingcheng alone is enough, there is no danger, just do me a small favor." Nalan Muye Lan Muye gave up and motioned for everyone to go back.

"What the hell is it? I hope the seniors can advise! Otherwise, we all don't feel at ease that Qingcheng will go alone." Although Tengtangmo dislikes Nalan Muye, he is Qingcheng's master after all, and he is not good either. offend.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng agreed immediately, not because they want to flatter their own prince, but because this is also their inner voice, everyone followed, originally they were worried about what happened here, Telling them to leave now before things are cleared up, they really can't do it.

Seeing that everyone was so persistent, Nalan Muye had no choice but to briefly explain the ins and outs of the matter.

The general course of the matter is as follows: Although the Nalan family is a hermit family, they usually don't get involved in the affairs of the world. Except for Nalan Muchen who has a huge Caixuan to manage, few members of the Nalan family are in the world. Walking around, however, this does not mean that the Nalan family did not work hard and did not pursue.It's just that the Nalan Muye in front of him really doesn't know what hard work is. For so many years, he doesn't even have a decent successor, so he has the nerve to wander around.Therefore, many people in the clan had a lot of opinions on his unrestrained and unrestrained style, and they even challenged him. The person who challenged him was not him, but his apprentice!Maybe everyone is convinced that he has no apprentices, and betting is the freedom he cares most about!In other words, if he loses, he will lose his freedom and work hard to refine weapons for his family. As for how many years, it depends on the specific performance.

"This is really scary. It's scarier than killing me. I like to travel around the world to search for delicious food. Now you actually say that you want me to stay in the clan and refine weapons. It will kill me! There is no freedom. Life is definitely worse than death. Qingcheng, you must save me!" Nalan Muye was filled with righteous indignation, he was happy, he was free, he was happy, who did he provoke?Is the pursuit of happiness also sinful?

"Master, how do you want me to help you? The competition between apprentices, what is it? It can't be refining, right?" Qingcheng finally heard some clues, and asked worriedly, if she had other competitions, she would be more confident One point, whether it's medical skills, phantom power, or even animal taming, she is more or less accomplished, but she really has no confidence in refining weapons.

"What? Competing in weapon refining?" Everyone was petrified. Qingcheng is a famous doctor of a generation. Instead of competing in medical skills, he competed in refining weapons. , one of the most direct reactions of everyone was that they must have heard it wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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