Supreme Allure

Chapter 266: It's a Mermaid

Chapter 266: It's a Mermaid (1)
Nalan Muye nodded with peace of mind, fearing that the world would not be chaotic and said: "My apprentice, Nalan Muye, is not better than refining weapons, but better than medical skills? Isn't this making the world laugh?"

"So you are Nalan Muye!" Tengtangmo was startled when he heard the words, he never expected that the rumored Nalan Muye would appear in front of him and become Qingcheng's master, and he would look so upside down sentient beings.

Today's Nalan Muye is wearing a white brocade robe, the collar and cuffs are embroidered with bright red and enchanting manjusawa, the long golden hair is vertical to the waist, and the blue eyes are shining in the vast sky. Against the backdrop of the sea, it was shining brightly, as if it could suck people in. Under the cover of the colorful colors, the fair skin seemed to be condensed with a layer of halo, making it appear more crystal clear.

This person's temperament is very similar to Qingcheng's, with a faint innocence in the enchanting, and infinite charm in the purity.There is only one reason why these two completely opposite temperaments can be integrated into one, which is natural. This person, like Qingcheng, is a naive master in his bones, but; when God made them, he accidentally put their The appearance design is too enchanting.Therefore, at first glance, they will be mistaken for how sophisticated they are, and they are people who know the world's emotions.Only after getting along with them for a long time, will you understand that they are completely unintentional people at all. The unintentional enchantment of raising hands and feet is actually more attractive and bewitching than intentional actions, which makes people feel overwhelmed. Love it and hate it.

Two people who are so similar have become masters and apprentices, which makes some people feel uneasy.In fact, there is no need to be uneasy at all. In the eyes of everyone, the two of them look affectionate. In fact, the two parties did not put any personal relationship between their children into it.

"Qingcheng, the time for this competition is urgent. I have set a period of one year. That is to say, after one year, you have to compete with the person they choose for the test device. If you lose, your master and I will not Do you know how many years of youth you will be imprisoned by them!" Nalan Muye almost had tears and snot in his nose.

The Nalan family is full of masters. Although Nalan Muye's magical power is superb, if the family wants to imprison him, it is really easy.What's more, my father is the head of the family, so I can't embarrass my father!Now, those in the family who are jealous of him wish to see him bound in the family, sacrificed for the family, and never come and go freely like the wind!
Especially that Nalan Shepherd, who has taken so many concubines, but has not given birth to a single child. He has been forced to marry a regular wife these days. Although he likes women very much and has so many wives, he is forced to marry. No one is happy, he has been fighting to no avail, and he is very active in this competition in line with the good wish that the pain alone is worse than the pain of others, and it has played a great role in fueling the flames in the family.I can't wait for everyone to be driven crazy by the family.

He is really very sad for his future wife. It's okay to have so many concubines, but such a rift has already been planted before they get married. How could he treat her kindly?

"Master, the sea and the sky are the same color ahead, and there is no way, so are we going to cross the sea?" Qingcheng looked up at the surging sea, rolling waves, thinking in his heart, there is still a year to go, what should he do to win, Can you really win?
She has never been so eager to hope that she can win. Every time she succeeds, although she has put in countless efforts and spent a lot of effort, it seems that the depths of her soul have never been so loud as it is now. Maybe it is Because the previous successes were all due to her confidence, but this time is different. She has never learned much about weapon refining. Although the master gave her books on weapon refining, it is definitely not enough. How about it? Can you let yourself win?

"There is an enchantment here. You outsiders may see the waves here, but in fact, this is the headquarters of the Nalan family. Without the pass order of our family, no matter how high the skill is, outsiders will never be able to enter." Nalan Makino said proudly, this person is childish in his bones, what he thinks in his heart is shown on his face, which really failed his alluring face.

"Then I don't have a pass, how can I get in?" Qingcheng pouted in distress, looking very cute.Qing Cheng was originally an innocent and lovely person, but she had to pretend to be mature before, so she had no choice but to put on a face to deal with it. Now that she sees a master who has a temper similar to hers, her true nature is naturally revealed.

Seeing Qingcheng's cute appearance, Tengtangmo felt extremely reluctant, but then he thought about it, Qingcheng went to learn how to forge weapons with Nalan Muye. The Nalan family has always been mysterious. Where does Qingcheng go? Is there any danger?

"Fool, there is a teacher here, and you still worry about not being able to get in! Nuo, here is a pass for you, let's go!" Nalan Muye took Qingcheng's hand, and was about to fly into the sea.

Tengtangmo's heart was full of conflicts, and he didn't know whether he should encourage her to go or stop her from going.Seeing that Qingcheng turned to leave, he hurriedly grabbed Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, we have been separated for so long, do you really have the heart to just leave elder brother alone like this?" There seemed to be a flame burning in Tengtangmo's clear eyes , eyes full of reluctance.

"So you are Qingcheng's big brother! As a master, you take your apprentice to study. Why are you such a mother-in-law? I didn't arrest her and go to jail. You are too much to worry about as a big brother." Lan Muye really can't stand it anymore, he also has a big brother, although he will occasionally visit his mother-in-law, but most of the memories about his big brother, his great big brother whom everyone admires, is robbing him of delicious food, even so, Much stronger than the elder brother's mother-in-law.

"Brother, you have just quelled the rebellion, and there are still many government affairs that need to be dealt with. You need to be proficient in industry and diligent in play. In a peaceful and prosperous age, you need to be vigilant and careful everywhere. That is the blessing of the people, the luck of the people!" Qingcheng turned around and held Tengtangmo's hands, his words became a little passionate, "Brother, I don't overwhelm myself with too many skills, I'm going to learn how to refine weapons, maybe I can help my brother in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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