Supreme Allure

Chapter 267: It's a Mermaid

Chapter 267: It's a Mermaid (2)
"Qingcheng, you have already helped Eldest Brother a lot. Eldest Brother is really ignorant. It is a good thing to be able to learn how to refine weapons from Master Nalan. As for us, we will always meet again." Qingcheng's words also brought Tengtang Mo great ambition.Although he didn't care about the country in the north, but thinking about it, Qingcheng fought bloody battles with him. This country is like the children of the two of them, and he has the responsibility to govern the country in the north. , He wants to make the North Frame Kingdom more prosperous, prosperous and prosperous under his leadership.

"By the way, Master, do you have any top-grade magic weapon?" Qingcheng turned around and looked at Nalan Muye with sparkling eyes.

"You greedy ghost." Although Nalan Muye said so, with a wave of his hand, a big bag appeared, and he handed it to Qingchengdao, "There are many high-level illusion weapons here, I will give them to you."

Qingcheng grabbed the big bag without hesitation, and didn't look carefully at what it was, knowing that it must be a treasure, and Nalan Muye was absolutely extraordinary when he made a move.In other words, he is too embarrassed to take out Fanpin!

Qingcheng held a large bag of magic weapons handed over by Nalan Muye in her left hand, lightly raised her right hand, and a large bag appeared in her hand. There was no suspense, it must be a large bag of high-level pills, and the low-level Ye Qingcheng also It's impossible to get it out, and there will be no low-level pills in Ye Qingcheng's space ring.

Allure shot, but also absolutely extraordinary!

"Jingfeng, please take these two bags of treasures to Luoying. Among all my friends, I am most worried about Luoying. Her skill is not high, and her health is not good. I hope these things can help her solve the problem." Some questions." Recently, Qingcheng has always felt inexplicably uneasy, and Luo Ying's figure often appears in her mind, and Luo Ying doesn't know what will happen.

It was later proved that Qingcheng's intuition was really extraordinary.Yun Luoying, there really is a great test in her life waiting for her.

Sima Jingfeng nodded, took the two bags of things and said with a smile: "Qingcheng, do you trust me that much? These are peerless treasures, are you not afraid that I will hide them for myself?"

"Jingfeng, I believe in you." Qingcheng shook his head and smiled, "Your mother is the head of the North Frame Artifact Refining Family, you should have seen a lot of Magic Artifacts, and the ability to resist temptation is absolutely sturdy, as for the pills? , Later, I will find time to make a big bag for you, wouldn’t it be great? By the way, tell me those friends, it’s not that I’m partial, it’s because Luoying is the most worrying thing for me. If everyone wants it too, wait for me to come back to help you. Everyone refining."

"Haha, Qingcheng, in this way, being your friend is really a little bit of happiness." Bo Linfeng, who had been silent until now, said with a smile, "When the time comes, don't forget my role."

"That's right, that's right, and don't forget about my role." Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng had become good friends because of their like-mindedness, and they sang together at this time, not to be outdone.

"I won't forget you, then I'm leaving, take care!" Qingcheng walked to Nalan Muye and said softly, "Master, let's go."

Nalan Muye nodded, took Qingcheng's hand, and flew into the air in the sea, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They left everyone staring at the vast ocean in front of them reluctantly, unable to bear to leave for a long time.

Qingcheng, if we say goodbye today, we won't be able to see each other for at least another year!

It will take Qingcheng and Nalan Muye a year to learn how to refine weapons, and then there will be a competition, so it will take at least more than a year before they can see each other. The Nalan family is so secretive, and it is basically impossible to meet Qingcheng things.

Qingcheng was held by Nalan Muye, and his whole body was suspended in the air, turning left and right in a deep blue ocean. Apart from being surrounded by the dark blue sea, he could only hear the sound of the wind hunting in his ears. It didn't take long , I felt that my feet had stepped on the ground, and in an instant, I felt that the whole space was constantly twisting and reorganizing. After a long time, a tall city gate carved with white marble appeared in front of Qingcheng's eyes. .

Two teams of soldiers stood in rows on both sides of the city gate, and many soldiers were stationed on the city wall.

I saw Nalan Muye took out the customs clearance order, and Qingcheng followed the example of his master and took out the customs clearance order.A guard came forward and bowed to Nalan Muye: "Master Muye, you are back, if you don't come back, the master will take the elders out to find you."

"Hehe!" Qingcheng couldn't help chuckling when she heard the words.

Nalan Muye and the soldier looked at Qingcheng suspiciously, did they say anything that made her feel funny?
Seeing them turning their heads to stare at her, Qingcheng pursed her lips in embarrassment, and said with a light smile: "I just think the name Muye boy can be improved! If you remove the word Mu in front and directly call it Young Master Ye, then Isn't it more kind?" After Qingcheng finished speaking, she covered her mouth and continued to laugh.

The two were stunned for a moment, and then realized that Nalan Muye lightly knocked on Qingcheng's head and said, "When did you become so naughty?"

Qingcheng continued to laugh at herself, she knew very well in her heart that only when she was with Nalan Muye could she relax and show this innocence, because the two had similar beliefs and both longed for free life.

"Master Muye, this must be a high-achieving student? It's really rare in the world to look so beautiful." The guard looked Qingcheng up and down, while nodding his head in amazement.

"Haha, she is Qingcheng." Nalan Muye explained patiently seeing that the guard was stunned and did not respond, "Her name is Qingcheng."

"Ah! Understood. This name is so good, it is definitely worthy of the name. If 'he' is a woman, then Tao Yaoyao, the number one beauty in the world in our clan, will also be compared to 'he'." The guard He looks handsome, tall and burly, if it weren't for that figure, Qingcheng would have regarded him as a woman, and this gossip talent is even better than that of a woman.

Hearing this, Nalan Muye touched his smooth chin, approached the guard's ear, and said softly, "Is she still pestering Mu Xing?"

"That's right. When I heard that Master Mu Xing was going to marry his first wife, I was tossing about there every day. She always thought that the number of the first wife of Master Mu Xing was hers, and that people were not as good as God. Who would have thought that Master Mu Xing would have a wife?" My fiancée who has been engaged since childhood." The guard sighed softly, "Now Qiyue City is full of excitement."

(End of this chapter)

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