Supreme Allure

Chapter 268: It's a Mermaid

Chapter 268: It's a Mermaid (3)
Two big men actually gossip about other people at the gate of the city, and black lines appear on Qingcheng's forehead. This master is really younger than himself. No wonder the master punished him to ground him. A little too comfortable.

"Master, the Patriarch must be anxiously waiting for us to go back. Let's go to the city first." It's hard for apprentices these days, who is the master and who is the apprentice?Qingcheng looked up to the sky and sighed!

Nalan Muye finally came back to his senses, nodded obediently and said, "Okay, okay, let's go into the city."

So, the two finally entered Qiyue City.

As soon as she entered Qiyue City, Qingcheng was shocked by everything in front of her eyes.

Other big cities are either prosperous or surrounded by green trees, but in Qiyue City, water plants are entangled and floating everywhere like blue silk. What's even more strange is that those water plants floating in the air can't move. It fell down, just swaying like this, as if there was an invisible hand supporting the aquatic plants, except for the aquatic plants, those stones were all precious treasures such as coral agate pearls.

All these can still allow Qingcheng to barely support her body that was so shaken that it was about to collapse. The most unbelievable thing is: there are many ordinary people who have no legs, but wag fishtails and walk in the air.From time to time, he greeted the people below.And those ordinary people were not afraid, and nodded with a smile.

Looking at the shocked Qingcheng, Nalan Muye touched his nose and said innocently: "Qingcheng, I forgot to tell you, in fact, our Nalan family is a mermaid family."

"Aren't all mermen blue-haired and blue-eyed? But Master, you and Dean Mu Chen both have blond hair." Qingcheng asked suspiciously. As for mermen, she had seen many of them in her previous life. Aspect books.

Human head and fish tail, beautiful and good at singing, weaving water into gauze, and falling tears into beads.Dark blue hair, dark blue eyes.The lifespan is about ten times that of humans.

Mermaids are born without gender, but when they become adults, their sexual consciousness awakens, their bodies mutate and split into male and female, and they are also neutral for a lifetime.As for the gender transition, it depends on their own will.Transformation takes about a few months to a year or two, and a mermaid can only choose a gender once in a lifetime.

Mermaids and humans can intermarry.

Merman men have beast-like sexual abilities.

Qingcheng thought of the things about the mermaids mentioned in those books, especially the sexual ability. I don’t know how the women of the mermaids live. It’s creepy to think about it. alive?Especially human women, they must die!

Apart from practicing, Qingcheng usually studies medical skills, and never wastes time on random thoughts, but this time, Qingcheng really had to think, and took a peek at Nalan Muye, no matter how you look at him, he is a naive and lovely Elegant and handsome man.

"The hair color of our merman clan is indeed mainly blue, but as the heirs of the direct line, the hair color is golden. The head of the merman family is also our king. Just like my father, our merman clan prefers It feels kinder to call us princes young masters." Nalan Muye looked at Qingcheng and peeked at him from time to time, touched his face in puzzlement and said, "Is there something on my face? Why do you keep peeking at me? Woolen cloth?"

It was just that Nalan Muye could ask a woman why she was peeping at him so bluntly, without thinking about Qing Cheng. As a girl, it would be embarrassing to be caught peeping like this.

Qingcheng was like a child caught by his mother after doing something wrong, looking at Nalan Muye with round eyes like a deer, not knowing how to answer in his heart.

Qingcheng didn't speak any more, just smirked and pretended to be innocent. Fortunately, Nalan Muye was also a rough person, so he didn't ask any more questions.The two continued to walk forward talking and laughing.

Along the way, Qingcheng kept her beautiful eyes wide open, looking around curiously, especially when she saw those sharks floating everywhere, Qingcheng couldn't help raising her opinion: "Master, why is there no water? I always feel that such an environment , it is perfect with sea water!"

"That's because the people living here are mermaids who have cultivated to a certain level, and many of them have transformed into human forms. If there is sea water everywhere here, it will be so wet. What's more, we mermaids Humans can intermarry with humans, and there are many humans living here, how can there be sea water?" Nalan Muye said with a light smile, "If this place is filled with sea water at this time, how will you walk in Qingcheng?"

Qingcheng opened her eyes wide and thought to herself: There really are intermarriages, I don't know if those people are alive or not.

The two turned around and finally came to the meeting hall of the Nalan family.

In the meeting hall, Patriarch Nalan sat upright on the central seat, with the same blond hair and blue eyes, unlike the image of a middle-aged human, he seemed to be about the same age as Nalan Muye. I can't believe that the two are actually father and son.On both sides of the meeting hall, sat the elders of the Nalan family. Generally, when one thinks of elders, they always have wrinkled faces and white hair. However, the elders here also completely broke Qingcheng's concept of elders. A group of handsome men.Could this be because the lifespan of sharks is about ten times longer than that of humans?
The hair color is colorful, and the eyes are dark blue. Seeing Qingcheng and the others come in, they all looked sideways and talked.

Nalannuo looked at the two people who walked in, and said in surprise: "You really brought your apprentice here?"

Qingcheng walked in and took a look, and found that there was a beautiful man kneeling in the lobby. His long blond hair, which only reached his waist, was scattered all over the floor because of kneeling, but he stared stubbornly at him. Patriarch Nalan, I don't know what he is insisting on.

"Muye, stand aside with your apprentice for a while, and then talk about your affairs after I finish dealing with your cousin." Nalan Nuo waved his hand, signaling Nalan Muye to wait on the side for a while .Nalan Muye agreed, and pulled Qingcheng to stand in the corner of the hall, looking straight at his cousin kneeling on the ground with an expression of watching the show.

"Mu Xing, you usually marry so many women and go home, I don't care for you, but your first wife was arranged by your father very early. I have studied her birth date, and I will definitely give birth to you. Heirs come out. Do you know? You are destined to have no heirs, so what is the point of marrying more women? However, since you like women so much, you can marry me as you please, but your regular wife can only be It's this woman, and I've picked the day." Nalannuo's tone was full of toughness, and he wouldn't allow even the slightest resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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