Supreme Allure

Chapter 270: It's a Mermaid

Chapter 270: It's a Mermaid (5)
Qingcheng smiled awkwardly, she couldn't tell Nalan Muye that she was showing off with other people's poems.

While the two were walking and chatting, a sharp soprano voice came from not far away.

"Nalan Muxing, didn't you always say that I would not marry you? Now you want to marry a human woman as your first wife. If you do this, where will I be placed?" On the bridge, a stunning woman was holding a man's hand, speaking unwillingly.

"Yaoyao, stop making trouble. Whether you marry or not is my business. What are you so excited about?" The man turned around, and it turned out to be the Nalan Muxing that Qingcheng had just met.

"How can I not be excited! You clearly promised me to marry me as your wife! No matter what, you can't let humans take the position of your wife! Humans are so weak and short-lived, how can they be worthy of being your Nalan herd star?" Your real wife!" That stunning beauty had tears in her eyes, she was so charming, she looked so pitiful to me.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen. If we have time to drink this dry vinegar, why don't we create an heir earlier and make those old guys shut up." In broad daylight, Nalan Muxing unexpectedly With an unscrupulous face, to marry such a man, Qingcheng really feels sad for those women.

However, some women who were sympathized by Qingcheng never tire of it and enjoyed this set of flirting.

"I hate it." I saw that beautiful woman giggling, and immediately laughed through tears, which was more effective than those panacea refined by Qingcheng.

So, Nalan Muxing and Tao Yaoyao held hands, put their arms around their waists, and left with satisfaction on their faces.

Seeing Qingcheng looking at Nalan Muxing's leaving back with contempt, Nalan Muye felt that he had to clarify for this cousin, cleared his throat immediately, and said in a low voice: "In fact, Muxing is not like you. He just has a little more women, and his nature is not bad."

"Who is that woman? She seems pretty good looking." It was said that Qingcheng had no idea about Nalan Shepherd at all, but was full of curiosity about the stunning woman beside him.

Nalan Muye smiled and said, "Qingcheng, you've been pretending to be a man for a long time, have you become masculine? Are you only interested in beautiful women?" Nalan Muye shook his head and teased Qingcheng jokingly. .

"No." Qingcheng said seriously, "I smell a strong evil spirit on her body."

"What? Monster spirit?" Nalan Muye exclaimed curiously, lowered his eyes and pondered for a while and said, "However, strictly speaking, our mermaid clan should also be regarded as monsters. Do you have a demonic aura?"

While Nalan Muye said, he really put his body close to Qingcheng, wanting him to smell whether there is any evil spirit on his body.

After all, Qingcheng is a woman. Seeing Nalan Muye so close, she quickly sideways and said softly: "Master, I am not joking with you! That woman really has a demonic aura, which is different from yours. The killing aura that belongs to the demon is strong. What is her background?"

Hearing this, Nalan Muye put away the joke and said seriously, "Her name is Tao Yaoyao, and she is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world." After Nalan Muye finished speaking, he took a sneak look at Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, say To be honest, if you can change back into women's clothing, the title of the most beautiful woman in the world will never be her turn."

Qingcheng cast a sideways glance at Nalan Muye, and Nalan Muye quickly fell silent, saying that the master and apprentice seemed to have reversed their roles.

"It turns out that she is Tao Yaoyao! But as far as I know, Tao Yaoyao should be a ghost cultivated by peach blossoms. What she carries on her body should be the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, not this strong monster energy. " Qingcheng squinted her eyes slightly, her lips curled up slightly, she looked at Tao Yaoyao who was going away from a distance, and fell into deep thought, what went wrong?

Because Qingcheng has taken Huofengjingguo, her physique is different from that of ordinary people, so her body sensitivity is very high. Usually, she absolutely doesn't like to meddle in other people's business. However, on Tao Yaoyao's body, she felt a strong smell of blood. what is the reason behind the scene?That sense of danger always flashed by, and when Qingcheng wanted to catch it, she couldn't catch it anyway.

Forget it, let's settle the matter in front of her first, Tao Yaoyao will always be exposed if she really wants to have any problems, now, just relying on imagination and thinking, she can't think of anything at all.

"Master, let's go to the place where you live to study the refining first." Qingcheng saw Nalan Muye looked at her worriedly, and changed the subject with a chuckle.

Nalan Muye nodded, and led Qingcheng to his yard.

Nalan Muye has his own courtyard in Qiyue City, Qingcheng followed Nalan Muye to the courtyard.I was fascinated by the utensils in the courtyard.All I saw was a huge black iron gossip hanging high in the center of the courtyard, colorful flags were fluttering around the courtyard, and some rare magic weapons were hung here and there with flags of various colors.Like the butterfly wing mask that she had been very rare before, here, it is as common as the cabbage grown at home.Even the window sills on the door sills are full of high-level illusion devices.If all these phantoms were sold, he would definitely become the richest man in the world!
As soon as Nalan Muye walked into the courtyard, his hands fluttered like butterflies, but seeing that all the phantoms in the courtyard were activated at the sound, it was impossible for a fly to fly into the courtyard at this moment .

"Do you know why I set up so many phantom devices and not use enchantment?" Nalan Muye asked proudly, seeing Qingcheng's eyes widen curiously, looking at him brightly.He became more and more complacent.

"Using the enchantment, those old guys can come in and out at will, and my enchantment can't stop them at all. But if they want to break these illusions, it will be more difficult." Nalan Muye looked proud typical.

Qingcheng looked at the phantoms that were running in unison, especially the gossip in the center of the courtyard, which was undergoing slight changes in position all the time. It was really impossible to crack it, at least for a while. It would be absolutely impossible to crack it. .

"You guys always say they are old guys, none of those people are old." Qingcheng laughed, just now I heard Nalan Muxing talking about those old guys, I thought it was funny, and now Nalan Muye is the same Addressing them, I feel the need to clarify for the old guys.

(End of this chapter)

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