Supreme Allure

Chapter 271: No Desire, No Desire

Chapter 271: No Desire, No Desire (1)
"They are all hundreds of years old, and they are not called old guys? If they were you humans, they would have passed away a long time ago." After Nalan Muye said this, he suddenly felt that Qingcheng's human self-esteem was hurt a little. Yes, he quickly added, "Of course, if you are in Qingcheng's realm, if you persist in practicing hard, you will definitely live longer than our mermaids."

Qingcheng raised her eyes and smiled softly: "Master, let's talk about what we are going to do next."

Nalan Muye nodded, looked around his courtyard and said, "The main thing we have to do next is to refine weapons. We don't have time to teach you the basics. Let's start directly with the refining of advanced magic weapons. When it comes to some basic common sense of refining, I will add some explanation. Of course, the daily practice cannot be neglected. The competition of top refining masters, the flame is the most important part, you have the rare dragon fire in the world , and it has been tempered, so it is almost impossible for other people to beat you from the flames. What you have to do now is to temper your spiritual power. Only people with strong mental power can match Strange flames can be used to refine an unrivaled phantom weapon."

It turns out that she has dragon fire on her body, Qingcheng thought to herself, it seems that Master is not as cynical as everyone imagined, Master is actually very organized and knows how to do things, she really thought that Master only accepted it for roasting wild boars. She made herself an apprentice, but now she understands everything.No matter how greedy the master is, he still knows the priorities. Right now, the most important thing is to learn how to forge weapons well, so from the meeting until now, the master has not mentioned anything about food.

"Qingcheng, we are about to enter the state of closed-door weapon refining and cultivation, why don't we pay homage to our five internal organs temple first." Nalan Muye winked at Qingcheng, with a charming and flattering expression on his face.

Qingcheng wailed in her heart: God, I was wrong!

So, Qingcheng followed Nalan Muye to the kitchen, where there was a barbecue rack with an antelope on it, even the firewood had been set aside, and Qingcheng had to light the fire and add seasoning.

Seeing Nalan Muye looking at her expectantly, Qingcheng stepped forward resignedly, and started the first day of retreat... Roast antelope!

In the next few days, Qingcheng followed Nalan Muye. Apart from practicing, he made great progress every day, and his food was basically elixir refined by Qingcheng. Pick it up and eat it.There is also a river in the courtyard, which is directly connected to the outside world. Therefore, this small courtyard provides all the daily needs of Qingcheng and Nalan Muye. In addition, both of them are people who like to do their own research freely, so , The days in this small courtyard are really nourishing to the extreme.What Qingcheng has always longed for most is this kind of day where no one will disturb her practice all day long, and it has finally been realized here.Except for teaching her how to forge weapons, Nalan Muye basically doesn't bother her the rest of the time. Therefore, besides practicing, she is just refining weapons. She lives a comfortable and comfortable life. If she can continue to live like this, she will be truly happy Woolen cloth.Qingcheng fantasized greedily.

There are two flowers blooming, one on each branch. It is said that when Sima Jingfeng handed over Qingcheng's two bags of treasures to Yun Luoying, Yun Luoying was so moved that her face was full of tears.Feng Jingyang looked at it with a sour heart, and said: "I guess it's not a good thing. If it's really a treasure, it's all packed in exquisite vessels, so it's not like putting it in such a big bag. It feels like a treasure. It's tattered, how can anyone give gifts like this?" Feng Jingyang was full of disdain, so he used two very ordinary big bags to pack a lot of things here, did he think that having more things is better?The key is to see if things are expensive!
Hua Hanfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Jingyang, it's too arbitrary for you to say it's not a good thing without even looking at it."

"Luo Ying, take it out and see what gift it is." Yun Luoyan suggested with a smile. When the news came when the war in the North Frame Kingdom broke out, they packed their bags and rushed to the front line to support, but when they arrived At that time, the war was over, and I heard that Qingcheng had gone to find some master.The whole group was confused, when did Qingcheng have a new master?Full of doubts, they had to hurry back.

Who knew Sima Jingfeng met Sima Jingfeng after returning to the academy, saying that Qingcheng had a gift for Luoying, everyone was envious and jealous, but when they got it, they turned out to be two sundry bags.

Yun Luoying didn't hide her secrets, she reached out and grabbed something in the bag, once she grabbed it, she was shocked, magic weapon!It's still a high-level illusion device!Quickly put the things back into the bag, and then took it out from the other bag. Once I took it out, I saw it was a high-level elixir!Hastily stuffing it back into the bag as quickly as possible, watching the people coming and going around, Yun Luoying grabbed the two bags tightly, and put the bags into her interspatial ring with lightning speed.

Yun Luoyan, Dongfang Hen and the others were almost tearing their eyes out of their sockets. What did they see just now?Then a bag of things, if you just take out one of them, it turns out to be a high-level magic weapon and a high-level pill, what's wrong?Could it be that Qingcheng made some windfall?

Just when everyone was dumbfounded and felt that there was a windfall from the sky, Yun Luoying and Yun Luoyan's messenger jade cards flashed one after another. It turned out that it was the Yun family who urgently called them back.

Yun Luoyan and Yun Luoying looked at each other, not knowing what had happened, a sense of uneasiness surged in their hearts.

Dongfang Hen, Hua Hanfeng, and Feng Jingyang happened to be with them at this time, and seeing their uneasy faces, they decided to go home with them and have a look.

A group of five people immediately went back to the dormitory to pack their bags, and greeted the teachers of the college by the way.Then, hurriedly embarked on the road back to Yun's house.

As soon as he entered the gate of Yun's house, he saw Master Yun sitting on the teacher's chair with a frown, and Mrs. Yun was sitting on the edge wiping her tears. When she saw Luo Ying came back, she hurriedly pulled her over and began to chatter: " Luo Ying, I'm sorry for your mother, your father, who killed a thousand swords, could do such a thing."

"Mother, what happened, can you tell me clearly?" Seeing the situation at home, Yun Luoying's heart trembled. Could it be that the so-called emergency at home had something to do with her?
(End of this chapter)

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