Supreme Allure

Chapter 272: No Desire, No Desire

Chapter 272: No Desire, No Desire (2)
Master Yun nodded, looking into the distance with his eyes, his thoughts lost in memories.

It turned out that more than ten years ago, Master Yun was so pleased with his daughter that he was supposed to go home for a reunion. He almost died because he was chasing and killing a big evil dragon while crossing the Wohai Sea. The shark is Nalan Yi, the father of Nalan Muxing.The so-called hero saves the beauty and promises with his body, but what if both the rescuer and the rescued are men?
At that time, Master Yun was delighted to love his daughter, and there was a son in Nalanyi's family who perfectly matched the birth date of Master Yun's beloved daughter. Got baby girl.

Originally, after so many years, Yuren never came to propose marriage. He thought that Yuren had forgotten about it, but who knew he would send someone to deliver this letter.

Yun Luoying took a letter from Master Yun and quickly read it.The letter was written by Nalan Nuo, the head of Patriarch Nalan. It basically said that Nalan Yi and his wife had passed away. He didn't know about it at first. Later, when he was sorting out Nalan Yi's belongings, he saw him and the Yun family. letter of promise, signed by both parties, and apologized for coming so late to propose marriage.

"Father, how can you marry Luoying to a shark? The Nalan family has always been mysterious. If there is anything wrong with Luoying, we can't help at all." Yun Luoyan grabbed the letterhead in Luoying's hand, browsed After a while, I became anxious.

"At that time, it was purely to repay the kindness of saving my life! My relatives were first proposed by others. How could I be ungrateful and refuse? Originally, I hadn't contacted him for more than ten years, and I couldn't contact him. I thought he had forgotten this matter. Something happened, I planned to find a good husband's family for Luo Ying in a few years, but who knows... I don't know what to do now!" Master Yun agreed to the marriage at the time because of his passion and impulse, and now it's so long For many years, the two families have never been in touch, and they don't know whether the other party is round or flat, so they just married their daughter in hastily, and they feel really uneasy.

"You just want to save face, so what if you refuse? Intermarriage between humans and sharks is a huge mistake. How can I let my precious daughter marry sharks?" Mrs. Yun cried out, sobbing.

"Father, mother, stop arguing, I'll marry you!" Yun Luoying's beautiful eyes contained determination.

"How is this possible!" Feng Jingyang and Hua Hanfeng's expressions changed simultaneously. They were anxious after hearing this, but now, when they heard that Luo Ying actually agreed, they couldn't care less about the situation, and quickly objected in unison .

Master Yun and Mrs. Yun glanced at the two of them in surprise, but said nothing. Now, they don't have the energy to pay attention to other things. The most important thing is to solve this baby kiss incident.

Yun Luoying smiled and approached them, and said softly: "It's just a marriage, not to die, why are you all so nervous? It was my father who agreed to this marriage before, and if I don't marry, I will regret it. What's more Nalan Yi is still his father's savior, so we can't let the Yuren people think that we humans are all treacherous. If I marry him, I will naturally have a way to get Nalan Muye to retire obediently." Yun Luoying looked confident.

"Luoying, after getting married and being abandoned by her husband's family, how can you remarry in the future?" Yun Luoyan immediately retorted.

"Brother, don't worry, Qingcheng promised me that no matter what I become, 'he' will marry me!" Yun Luoying looked at her elder brother's anxious expression, and was moved in her heart.The eldest brother in my memory has always paid little attention to things other than Mo Wei Dao, but seeing him so anxious now, I couldn't help but feel like teasing him.

"Luoying, Qingcheng is too ostentatious. Men and women take it all. In the academy, men and women who are obsessed with 'him' can line up to Lanyue Forest. Following 'him' is insecure. Waiting for you to let Nalan Mu After Xingxiu abandoned, why don't I marry you." Feng Jingyang had a joking look on his face, but he was actually very nervous in his heart, and he was worried that Luoying would refuse if he was worried about that.

Before Yun Luoying could refuse, Hua Hanfeng couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly said: "Luo Ying, this person is so fickle, marrying him is better than marrying me. I am very pure and flawless, and I never provoke women "Hua Hanfeng doesn't play reserved anymore, it's at this time, whoever is reserved will only have a dead end.

"Let's talk about it after I'm successfully divorced." Yun Luoying didn't want to cause trouble for herself at this time, anyway, with such a useful shield as Qingcheng, is she afraid that she won't be able to drive away those flowers and plants?
It has been such a long period of time, she has seen the kindness of Feng Jingyang and Hua Hanfeng to her, but she never remembers it in her heart. Let's live a peaceful life. If you bear a lot of emotional debts and you are unable to repay them in the end, you don't know how you will be abused in your next life!

"Master, how can Luo Ying's body be able to afford to marry far away, why don't we find someone to marry on his behalf?" Mrs. Yun still didn't give up.

"The time horoscope of falling cherry blossoms is very strange, it belongs to the cloudy year and the moon and the moon. I don't know if there is such a woman in the world. The mermaid can know the other party's birth date just by looking at a person. How can I replace it? What's more, who doesn't have parents, do you have the heart to let other people's daughters suffer this suffering because of our daughter?" Master Yun directly shook his head in objection.

"Father, mother, don't argue, it's settled. When will they come to marry?" Yun Luoying asked the most crucial point.

"The third day of March in the coming spring, there is plenty of time." Now that Luo Ying agreed, Master Yun began to plan for the dowry. With such ample time, it is enough to prepare the dowry.

When Yun Luoying heard the words, her beautiful eyes froze for a moment, and she couldn't help giggling coquettishly: "Obviously, that rumored Nalan Shepherd is very resistant to this marriage."

"Oh, how did you know?" Master Yun also became energetic after hearing the words.

Everyone's spirits were suspended, and they stretched their necks to listen to what was going on.

"According to common sense, it would take so long to prepare for marriage, if it wasn't for Nalan Shepherd to obstruct it..." Yun Luoying pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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