Supreme Allure

Chapter 273: No Desire, No Desire

Chapter 273: No Desire, No Desire (3)
"That's great, as long as Nalan Muxing is dissatisfied with this marriage, then your innocence will be preserved." Mrs. Yun said thankfully.

Yun Luoying smiled and said: "Mother, innocence doesn't matter, the key is freedom."

The few men present were all scorched and tender from the thunder. It seems that they have been with Qingcheng for a long time, so why do they feel that the tone is so charming!
Because there are still several months before the third day of March, Yun Luoying doesn't feel like a newlywed at all, and only thinks about cultivation.After taking the Warm Blood Pill that Qingcheng gave her, Yun Luoying was able to condense a little magic power.When she was in the academy, although she was studying in Guigu Academy, she spent almost all of her spare time on cultivation.Although Dongfang Hen, Hua Hanfeng, and Feng Jingyang, since they came with them, they temporarily lived in Yunfu together. They practiced hard every day, and went out for experience from time to time, but they were all short-distance experiences. Most of the time basically settled in Yunfu.Let's wait for Yunluoying's marriage together.

On this side, Yun Luoying was working hard to cultivate calmly, while Nalan Muxing's life on the other side was upside down.

"Mu Xing, what's the matter with you these days? You don't come to me!" Tao Yaoyao was wearing a long white dress with a few peach-red petals embroidered on the skirt. The petals of the peach blossoms fell to the ground.I feel pity for the lamentation in those words.

But this Nalan Shepherd obviously doesn't like this kind of thing, maybe it's because he's been around women for a long time, and he hasn't seen any kind of woman before, this kind of thing can't stimulate his male hormones at all.

"I've been very busy recently." Nalan Shepherd said the most standard and unified answer for a man at the moment. Originally, after making an oath with Nalannuo, what he needs to do most is to find a different woman to sow seeds every day. In this way, a few months Time, more or less, will always be rewarding, but people are so contradictory. It is a kind of enjoyment and happiness when you spend a lot of time looking for all kinds of women every day, but when you are forced to do this kind of thing, it is absolutely Kind of a chore too.For a while, he had no interest in finding a woman.Because there is a feeling that I am a stallion, I am not happy no matter what.

Tao Yaoyao's winking eyes were like silk, and she said enchantingly: "But, it seems that you haven't impregnated any women yet. It's been so long, we have to hurry up. Are you really going to let that human sit on your Nalan Mu? Is it the position of Xing's main wife?"

If Tao Yaoyao had some brains, she shouldn't say such things at this moment. Nalan Muxing is most worried about this matter. Being broken by others makes her even more impatient, and she has no interest in finding women, so she immediately said: "Even if I marry a human being as my wife, that's my business, so don't worry about it."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Tao Yaoyao and left quickly.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Nalan Muxing's back, feeling infinitely resentful in her heart, but women are often like this, no matter how resentful she is, she will not vent her anger on the man she loves, and if she wants to vent her hatred, of course it is to find the so-called Tao Yaoyao's number one rival in love is now the human being who will become his wife.

Time passed quietly in the busyness of everyone, and the new year came in a blink of an eye.

Goose feathers and heavy snow drifted with the wind. In the biting cold wind, the night of the New Year's Eve was ushered in. Looking at the snow in the yard, Qingcheng couldn't help but practice her snow-melting method in the yard again. Now, anytime With the deepening of the magic power of Qingcheng, her snow-melting method has long been perfected. As long as she stands in the snow, she doesn't need to pose any poses, and she doesn't need to activate the magic power. Snowflakes will naturally not fall on her body. body.

"Qingcheng, why are you secretly practicing your snow-dissolving method again? I know that you can't help but want to practice snow-dissolving method when you see the snow, but as a teacher, my freedom is completely in your hands. Let's refine the weapons with your teacher!" Nalan Muye quickly ran over and grabbed Qingcheng who was standing on the snow, and hurried to the refining room.

Qingcheng stumbled and was forcibly pulled back to the refining room by Nalan Muye, still thinking about the flying snow in the sky, and her snow-melting Dafa was about to rise to another level, but Nalan Muye forcibly pulled her back , I'm really not reconciled.

At the age of 13, Qingcheng spent the Chinese New Year learning how to refine weapons from a lunatic refiner.

In a blink of an eye, Qingcheng is 14 years old.

In the blink of an eye, the third day of March has arrived.

In the past few months, Nalan Muxing hadn't hatched any heirs, so he could only reluctantly marry the human woman Yun Luoying as his wife according to the oath.

Ten miles of red makeup, flowers and brocade spread the floor, blowing and beating, beaming with joy.

Sitting on a tall horse, Nalan Muxing was forced to marry Yun Luoying helplessly.From welcoming the relatives to saluting to sending them into the bridal chamber, they all smiled and held back their anger, and the longer they were suppressed, the more they needed to vent, and the object of venting was naturally none other than the newlyweds.

Nalan Muxing originally wanted to go directly to the other women after entering the bridal chamber, but thinking about how unhappy he has been all day today, no matter what, he had to get out of his heart before leaving.So, he strode forward and very roughly lifted the red hijab on Yun Luoying's head.

As soon as the red hijab was lifted, the four eyes were immediately unobstructed.

Yun Luoying looked at Nalan Muxing calmly, only to see his long golden hair bundled up high and tied tightly by a red groom's hair crown, his blue eyes were like twinkling stars, but , what flashed in those eyes was not love, but Chiguoguo's hatred.The corners of the plump and bright red lips were slightly raised, as if mocking her.A red dress set off his jade-like fair skin.Stunning and enchanting, extraordinary and refined!Even with ridicule and boredom on his face, that amazing face still couldn't make people feel disgusted.

Yun Luoying looked at the person in front of her, and she could sum it up in three words: handsome, tall, rich!
Handsome and tall, you can tell at a glance. As for this rich man, you can get a glimpse of it from the new house in front of you.

Although there are tall red candles burning, they are just to show that tonight is a symbol of the wedding night in the bridal chamber. What really play the role of lighting are the ten huge night pearls in the new house, and any one is the price. Liancheng.The two cups of wine were refined from black gold, and the table and chairs were made of thousand-year-old agarwood, making the whole new house fragrant.There are all kinds of rare treasures on the table, everything from pearls, agates, jadeites and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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