Supreme Allure

Chapter 294

Chapter 294
"Get up." Nalannuo smiled and waved his hand, signaling for everyone to get up.

"Thank you Patriarch!" Everyone heard the words and got up slowly.

"You mermaids are so strange. You have both patriarchs and masters. Didn't you say that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers? What kind of rule is this? Besides, your master Yin still has a Nether Palace to take care of, so he won't be too busy Already?" Qingcheng lowered her voice and began to gossip with Nalan Muye, Nalan Muye's ability to gossip was known from the moment she entered Qiyue City.

"Master is a rule that has been followed thousands of years ago. He has the most honorable status in Qiyue City and is completely above the head of the family. However, except for some extremely important things, the general affairs of the family are handled by the family. The head of the family and the elders decided, so there is no conflict between the two." Nalan Muye was most interested in gossip, and immediately lowered his voice and whispered to Qingcheng.

Qingcheng nodded repeatedly.

While the two were chatting, Nalannuo and the other elders had already stood majestically on the refining platform.

"My lord, may I ask who is going to compete with Qingcheng for the test tool today?" Nalan Muye saw that there was no one else beside Nalannuo except the elder, who is this Qingcheng's opponent?It's so mysterious that it hasn't shown its face yet.

"Anyone of you who wants to challenge Qingcheng can stand up. If I think he is qualified, he can become Qingcheng's opponent." Nalannuo said loudly with his dark blue eyes fixed on the hall.

The originally quiet hall suddenly became bustling with people. Among them, some young and vigorous teenagers stretched their necks one by one and wanted to stand up, but they were pushed back by the older ones beside them, and whispered: "Every one of you! Do you think life is too long? That night is Qingcheng, but the master's good friend, although the master is not present today, but if anyone gets ahead today and offends the master's good friend, the consequences... will be secretly hinted at that time. Possibly." As soon as the man finished speaking, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Those who were ready to move were so frightened by the elders around them that they didn't dare to move, and no one in the entire venue came out to fight.

"Since there is no one to fight, it seems that I have no choice but to fight myself." Nalannuo said helplessly.

Although the voice was small, it shocked everyone in the hall to drop their jaws.

Did they hear correctly, Patriarch Nalan actually wants to fight in person?To deal with this little human being who has just learned to refine weapons for about a year?This is simply a duel between elephants and ants. Is there a need to compare?

Nalan Muye and Qingcheng were also shocked.

"Master Patriarch, remember that when we made the bet, we indicated that it was a competition between apprentices. If Master Patriarch participates, it is against the rules." How come he didn't realize that his father was a super thick-skinned before, so he was ashamed to say the four words of going out in person?

"That's right, is it a competition between apprentices? Don't I have a master? It's not that I don't have a master, so I'm also someone else's apprentice. This competition is still a competition between apprentices." . " Nalannuo looked like I was qualified, and when he said these words, he didn't blush or breathe, he really was a master.

Nalan Muye was so blocked that he couldn't get up and down, and coughed desperately.Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, feeling really embarrassed.

On the contrary, the person concerned looked at ease with a clear conscience.

Qingcheng secretly slandered in her heart. Before, it was normal to think that there was at least one Nalannuo in the Nalan family. Now it seems that this Nalannuo is also a freak.To declare war on her so brazenly.

As if he didn't see the shock of the crowd, Nalannuo took out a huge golden cauldron from the space ring on his own, and when everyone saw it, they burst into bursts of roaring exclamation: "Oh my god! That's a legend! The Golden Profound Cauldron in the middle! Do you want to be so exciting! My lord, is it necessary for you to take out this kind of artifact-level refining cauldron for such a delicious little bird that hasn’t even grown its feathers yet? As the saying goes: How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, is it necessary to do it so grandly?"

When Nalan Muye saw the Golden Profound Cauldron, his heart trembled. This is the treasure of the Nalan family's refinery. It has been passed down to the family owner for generations. Nalan Nuo even sacrificed this treasure. Isn't it too much for Qingcheng?

Qingcheng looked at this posture, and her heart became more and more emboldened. She didn't expect that her opponent today would be Nalannuo, and the refining cauldron in front of her was exuding bursts of strong aura, and she knew it was not ordinary. .However, no matter how uncertain she is, Ye Qingcheng will never run away, she will do her best to make the most of what she has learned, and even if she loses, she will lose with a clear conscience.

Concentrating, Qingcheng carefully took out Daiqing from the space ring, a black, old and broken refining tripod, the whole body was so dark that not even a trace of luster could shine out.

The sound of scoffing suddenly filled the hall one after another.

"This is too funny. Since you want to participate in the refining competition, you have to go to the chamber of commerce to buy a decent refining cauldron. How can you show such rubbish to others?"

"Yes, yes, such a dilapidated and old refining cauldron must have been picked up somewhere?"

"It's really strange to say that a first-class craftsman like Nalan Muye doesn't even have a decent crafting cauldron. How can he let his apprentice use such a crafting cauldron to participate in the competition?"

"You, a layman, don't understand this? Artifact refining is a matter of matching. What kind of artifact master uses what kind of artifact tripod. It is estimated that Ye Qingcheng's artifact refining technology is really bad. Only such a rubbish refining cauldron can match 'him'."

Qingcheng calmly watched the increasingly excited crowd, and listened to the increasingly contemptuous comments, her mind was as calm as a thousand-year-old well, without waves or waves.The only thing she thinks about now is how to play to her best level, and how to win this competition.

"Master Patriarch, can we start?" Qingcheng reminded Daiqing, who was staring at Nalannuo in amazement.

(End of this chapter)

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