Supreme Allure

Chapter 295 Shocking the Merman Race

Chapter 295 Shocking the Merman Race (1)
"Qingcheng, do you really want to compete with the Patriarch? This time it is obvious that the Patriarch is irrational. Although we did not strictly state that the Patriarch cannot participate, I think everyone present can strongly understand how unfair this competition is." Do you feel it? I don’t need to say anything more, right? We can ask for a replacement.” Nalan Muye pulled Qingcheng’s cuff, and said loudly to Qingcheng on purpose, a pair of blue eyes looked at Nalan provocatively No, he just wants to let him know how shameless he is.Don't just pretend I'm innocent.

"Master, don't be aggrieved. This world is inherently unfair, and there is nothing wrong with my master's competition with me." Qingcheng grabbed Nalan Muye who was full of excitement, and blinked mischievously. He was completely fearless, and said with a light smile, "If in the wilderness, an unarmed woman and child encounters a strong bandit, and the bandit wants to rob the woman of her money and life, what will the woman do? Do people also say: 'This is not fair, you are a man, you are so strong, I can't beat you for granted, how can you rob me and take my life because of this? You should go to the elder to a duel with a man as strong as you.'”

As soon as Qingcheng said this, everyone immediately laughed wildly, and Nalan Muye laughed so hard that it was extremely exaggerated.

"Qingcheng, your comparison is really good, so-and-so is no different from a bandit." Nalan Muye smiled and squinted at Nalano meaningfully while talking.

Only then did Qingcheng realize that she was a little embarrassed to face Nalannuo.She made such a metaphor entirely to explain that there has never been a word of fairness in this world. For example, some people are born into an official family, and they are born with endless glory and wealth, while some people are born into a poor family, and they are doomed from birth. To run for survival.

"Lord Patriarch, Qingcheng didn't mean that. Don't worry too much, let's start quickly." Qingcheng looked at Nalannuo shyly, and found that his ears were a little red. It seemed that his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. , Qingcheng suddenly felt that it was necessary for him to add an explanation, "Master Patriarch, Qingcheng really never thought about being fair. , will not care about fairness and unfairness. Those who shout for fairness can only say that it is the weak. Unfairness is a powerful stimulant for the strong; It is the catalyst for the birth of a real strong man."

There was no sound in the hall, and everyone looked at Qingcheng in shock. They did not expect that "he" at such a young age could see the world so clearly. Even the wind and rain must climb to the highest point.At this moment, the crowd no longer sneered like before, but some people began to expect that Qingcheng would win, even though they knew very well that it was absolutely impossible.

"Master Patriarch, let's start." The most sober and calmest person in the hall was Qingcheng, seeing that everyone was dumbfounded by her words, she had no choice but to remind them again.

"Well, let's start." Nalannuo smiled awkwardly. He was actually shocked by the words of a junior. Don't underestimate this little hammer, it's also a magic weapon.

As soon as the hammer struck, the timer hung high on the main wall of the refining hall started.

"Qingcheng, our competition is officially starting now. After three hours, no matter whether the phantom weapon has been refined or not, we must end the refining, show the work, and let the elders and all the friends present to comment on which one is better. " Nalannuo held a hammer in his hand, pointed to the timer on the wall, and said to Qingcheng with a serious face, and at the same time announced the official start of the refining competition.

Qingcheng nodded, calmly took out some minerals from the interspatial ring, and matched them one by one according to the proportion. This is her weakness, because Nalan Muye never gave her time to practice the basic skills.

When Qingcheng was still working hard on matching those minerals, Nalannuo had already finished configuring them.

But seeing him throw the prepared mineral materials into the Golden Profound Cauldron, lightly swipe a semicircle with his hands, a bright flame burst out in response, and only heard a puff, and the base of the Golden Profound Cauldron ignited a raging fire, reflecting the Golden Profound Cauldron even more Bright and gorgeous.

"Wow! Divine fire! Look quickly, that is the divine fire of the Patriarch!"

"For a high-level craftsman, it is necessary to have the fire element in his body! My lord is a high-level craftsman, this kind of flame, we usually can't see it, wow, today we have to take the opportunity to see more Long experience! Go out to hang out in the future and have more right to speak."

"Yes, yes, yes! You have to take a good look! I haven't even seen many ordinary flames!"

"So today I turned down all the business and came here to gain knowledge. I didn't expect the Patriarch to take part in the competition in person! Although winning or losing is doomed, there is no suspense, but it is still worthwhile for us to come Ah, because there is a wonderful refining performance by the Patriarch!"

"Hmm! Look, look! Focus!"

In the midst of Nalannuo's wonderful refining performance and the discussion among the crowd, Qingcheng finally arranged all the mineral materials, threw the mineral materials into Daiqing's tripod chamber, and drew a circle in the air with both hands casually, I saw a pinch of pure and transparent red flame appearing on Qingcheng's fingertips with a creaking sound, and Qingcheng pointed his fingertips at Daiqing's base, only heard a pop, and the flames jumped happily on Daiqing's base Wearing it, as if possessing spirituality.

Immediately, all the people in the refining master's hall were petrified, and all of them opened their eyes wide and looked at the transparent red flames under the Daiqing pedestal. Some people even kept rubbing their eyes in disbelief. Ken believed that the boy in front of him had such a bright flame.

I must have read it wrong, for sure!
So, those people could only keep rubbing their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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