Supreme Allure

Chapter 298 Shocking the Merman Race

Chapter 298 Shocking the Merman Race (4)
"Yes, yes! Show it to us!"

Everyone strongly demanded that Qingcheng give everyone a live performance right away. Qingcheng nodded with a smile. Originally, she made this doll toy just because she suddenly thought of Transformers and wanted to try to make it. In the end, she really succeeded in refining it. up.Now that she saw so many people looking at her with excitement, her emotions were also aroused.Immediately said to everyone: "Who among you wants to come up and compete?"

As soon as Qingcheng's words came out, there was a crowd of people in the hall, and everyone was eager to try with excitement.

"It's just you, the young man in the yellow robe on the left." Qingcheng said while pointing to the man on the left with the most expressive expression and the most excited man in the yellow robe.

The man was so excited when he heard that he was selected to duel with the doll toy.Immediately, without saying a word, he rushed to the refining platform.

Qingcheng pressed lightly on the stall of the doll toy, and the toy doll instantly turned into a phantom weapon warrior about the size of the man in yellow. Qingcheng activated his mind slightly, and the toy doll flew towards the man in yellow pounce.

"Wow! Hit as you say, it's really unambiguous." The man in yellow quickly turned sideways to avoid the attack of the doll toy, concentrated his palms, and a purple phantom force quickly attacked the doll toy.It turned out that the man in yellow was already in the realm of Purple Fantasy, no wonder he was so excited just now, he must also be a fighting lunatic.

However, just when everyone thought that the doll toy would be instantly reduced to dust under the attack of the purple phantom power, the toy doll disappeared in an instant, and before the man in yellow could react, a line of extremely black The phantom power had already struck the man in yellow, and by the time the man in yellow reacted, it was too late to avoid it.

"What? Teleportation? This puppet toy can teleport! This world doesn't have such crazy people!" Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the man in yellow closed his eyes and waited for the fatal blow. However, after waiting for a long time, the imaginary pain did not come, so he slowly opened his eyes, only to find that the doll toy had been shrunk by Qingcheng and taken back to the refining platform.

"Ye Qingcheng, it's good to sell this doll toy to me, I want it to accompany me to practice." The man in yellow looked at Qingcheng eagerly, "I'm willing to pay any price!"

"Sell it to me, sell it to me, I'll pay double his price!"

"I pay three times!"

"I pay five times!"

"No matter how much other people pay, I will double it!"

The crowd in the hall was completely crazy, the momentum was even more lively than the auction, people kept quoting new prices, and people kept increasing the prices, the whole refining hall was already like a vegetable market, I can't be quiet anymore.

"Bang bang bang!" Nalannuo held the hammer and slammed hard on the crafting platform. At this time, it was not the timer hanging high that started, but a phantom pressure.

With the release of the potential pressure in the hall, the noise like a vegetable market finally completely disappeared.

Seeing that the chaos was finally under control, Nalannuo turned his eyes to Qingcheng, and said sincerely: "Qingcheng, I lost this round. And I lost with conviction."

Qingcheng didn't expect him to admit defeat so readily, and said with a smile: "Qingcheng is just a trick. In terms of real weapon refining strength, Qingcheng thinks that he is absolutely inferior to the Patriarch. Thanks to the humility of the Patriarch, let Qingcheng get away with it." I won this round. Qingcheng is very grateful. Then my master's freedom..." Qingcheng looked at Nalannuo hesitantly, since he won this round, does it mean that Nalan Muye can get freedom because of this? What?
"My husband promises everything. From now on, your master is free. Unless something important happens, the family will never force him to contribute to the family's freedom." Nalannuo promised very readily, making Qingcheng and Nalan Muye breathed a long sigh of relief, but before he could fully breathe out, Nalannuo said again, "Qingcheng, your skill in refining weapons is so superb, and you are the apprentice of our mermaid race." , we should give full play to our strengths and refine more phantom weapons for the family."

"Old fox!" Nalan Muye couldn't help muttering.

Nalannuo smiled lightly and pretended not to hear, looking at Qingcheng expectantly.

Without further ado, Qingcheng reached out to take something out of the space ring, and then took out one big bag after another from the space ring like taking out trash.In the astonishment of everyone, he quickly fell down on the crafting platform, looked up at Nalannuo and said, "My lord, these are all high-level illusion weapons, I think they should be able to redeem my freedom." "Qingcheng casually took those high-level magic weapons out of the big bags one by one, and asked innocently.

"Of course!" Nalannuo desperately grabbed those phantom weapons in front of him like he was grabbing money, and said, "Qingcheng, it's not that I'm stingy, it's because there are fewer and fewer masters in the family. But come here. The huge family has a very high demand for phantom weapons. Due to the extreme scarcity of refiners in this continent, many phantom weapons are priceless. You young people like freedom. It’s also understandable. See if you can do this, no matter where you are, remember to refine some magic weapons when you have time, and I will buy them back at a high price.” Nalannuo was shocked by Qingcheng’s large pile of high-level magic weapons Stopped, and started doing business with Qingcheng, "This is the price of these phantom weapons, you take them first, and if you don't have enough, I'll give you more." Nalannuo said while handing a purple gold card into Qingcheng's hands .

Qingcheng picked up the Zijin Card and took a look, oh my god!There are one hundred trillion!

"Master Patriarch, this, this is too much." Qingcheng really couldn't handle it.One hundred trillion!
"Take it, Qingcheng. This is your reward for your hard work day and night. There is nothing embarrassing about it. Now that the competition is over, let's go back and roast the hare first." Nalan Muye is thinking about delicious food now, so he has no time They are poor mushrooms here.He grabbed the purple gold card in Qingcheng's hand and threw it into Qingcheng's space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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