Supreme Allure

Chapter 299 Shocking the Merman Race

Chapter 299 Shocking the Merman Race (5)
Qingcheng looked at her empty hands, shook her head, and thought to herself, these people took her interspatial ring as their own, and they randomly picked and placed it in her interspatial ring.However, thinking about Nalan Muye's hard work day and night teaching him these days, Qingcheng already wanted to reward him with a hearty meal.

"Luoying, come have dinner with us!" Qingcheng beckoned me to Yunluoying who was looking at her excitedly.

Yun Luoying immediately left Nalan Shepherd and ran towards Qingcheng, Nalan Shepherd stood there, gnashing his teeth in anger but helpless.Gritting his teeth unwillingly, he cheekily followed.

"I just asked Luo Ying to go with me, but I didn't call you. What are you doing here?" First impressions are very important. Qingcheng's first impression of Nalan Shepherd was very bad, so when she saw Nalan Shepherd Unexpectedly appearing with Yun Luoying, she felt extremely unhappy, and Qingcheng, who never took the initiative to provoke trouble, was the first to launch a verbal attack.

"Qingcheng, it's normal for their young couples to sing together, how can you beat the mandarin ducks so well?" Nalannuo jumped out immediately, "Mu Xing, where is Luo Ying going? You, a husband, naturally want to be with you, how can you?" Just worry about yourself?" Nalannuo kept your wife's expression on his face, and the words that Qingcheng wanted to refuse were so choked in his mouth that he couldn't say it.

"Let's go!" Qingcheng said no more, put away the toy doll and put it in the space ring, and strode out the door.

Nalan Muye, Yun Luoying and Nalan Muxing also followed.

"Ye Qingcheng, sell your doll toy to us! No matter how high the price is, you can refine it anyway! Why don't you do business if you have business!"

Seeing that Qingcheng actually left like this, everyone followed behind excitedly and roared. Qingcheng had one head and two big ones, so they had no choice but to speed up and speed up.

"Bring me back one by one!" Nalannuo stood beside the refining table and yelled loudly. This group of people really embarrassed him. Didn't they look down on the little humans with arrogance before?How long has it been since they frantically chased after each human being and ran away, are they all shameless?

"Calm down!" Nalannuo yelled loudly, and after seeing the crowd finally stopped in his yelling, his complexion improved a little, and he said loudly, "Many of the people present are also practitioners. Artifact masters, you should understand a truth, the more advanced illusion artifacts with multiple functions, the more people’s spiritual power and illusion power will be consumed. Qingcheng just refined such a perfect advanced illusion artifact, and you will know that it is impossible to sell it to others. It’s yours. You have no brains to ask such questions over and over again that you know the result. Everyone has become an idiot! If you want this kind of phantom, don’t you go home and work hard to refine it? ? The Qingcheng was invented by himself, why 'he' can do it but you can't? Let me go home and review them all!" Nalannuo finished his roar, and strode out the door with a group of elders, leaving Everyone in the lower hall stared wide-eyed.

Qingcheng and his party of four came to Nalan Muye's small courtyard. As soon as Qingcheng entered the door, he went straight to the kitchen with a resigned face to prepare food, and even helped Yunluoying as a helper.

"I'll help too." Nalan Muxing actually offered to ask for help.

Qingcheng nodded unceremoniously. If there is free labor delivered to the door, it must be squeezed out, so the poor Nalan Muxing let Qingcheng do it with a sad face.

Finally, with the hard work of everyone, a sumptuous dinner was freshly baked.

Yangdong Lake hairy crabs, small roasted hares, spicy chicken, boiled fish, deep-fried prawns, lotus leaf steaks, baby dishes in soup, etc. Makino couldn't bear it long ago, and began to feast on whatever happened.

Nalan Shepherd also ate and drank voraciously. He had never eaten such delicious food since he was a child!Forgive him!Qingcheng and Yunluoying looked at him sympathetically, seeing that Nalan Muxingjun's face flushed, and he pretended to have nothing to do and tried his best to fight against the delicious food.

"Luoying, this doll toy is for you!" Qingcheng said while taking out the doll toy from the space ring and handing it to Yun Luoying.

"Wow! Qingcheng, I'm so touched that you gave me such a precious thing!" Yun Luoying excitedly stood up from the pear wood chair, and quickly came to the edge of Qingcheng, wanting to give Qingcheng a big hug.

Who knew that before she hugged Qingcheng, she was pulled away by Nalan Muye, Yun Luoying raised her eyes and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"I should ask you what to do! Men and women are different, are you planning to openly cuckold me?" Nalan Muye was already suffocating, but at this moment, Yun Luoying provoked him. The fire quickly started a prairie fire.

"Luo Ying, don't waste your time playing tricks with this kind of person!" Qingcheng grabbed Yun Luoying, who was about to comment with Nalan Muxing, "This puppet toy, you should bleed and recognize the owner! In case If someone bullies you, use your thoughts to order the puppet toy to deal with the villain who bullied you." Qingcheng said while squinting at Nalan Shepherd Pointingly.

"What are you doing squinting at me? Since when did I bully Luoying? She is my wife, how could I bully her? Can you, an outsider, stop meddling in the affairs between our husband and wife? "Nalan Shepherd roared.

However, his roar was completely ignored.Nalan Muye was eating the little roasted hare by himself, while Qingcheng and Yunluoying were studying the doll toy attentively.

A drop of blood slipped out from Yunluoying's fingertips and landed on the Baihui of the puppet toys. Immediately, the brilliance shone brightly, piercing the darkness of the night and illuminating the entire courtyard as if it were daytime.

After a long time, the brilliance gradually disappeared, and the earth returned to the embrace of darkness.

"Luoying, congratulations! You succeeded in recognizing the Lord with a drop of blood!" Qingcheng said happily.

Yun Luoying was so happy that she didn't know what to say.Looking at Qingcheng excitedly, he said: "Qingcheng, thank you! Let's go back to Caixuan Academy tomorrow. I miss my brother and them so much. I don't know how everyone is doing after such a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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