Supreme Allure

Chapter 405: Fighting with Ghosts, Revealing Your True Face

Chapter 405: Fighting with Ghosts, Revealing Your True Face (7)
"I said miss, you can just satisfy my vanity, I like to see everyone is fascinated by you, whether he can be eaten as a roast suckling pig, I am happy to see it." Miaozheng stood He straightened his body and said to Qingcheng coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I'm all fascinated, okay?" Qingcheng walked out the door, the wind blew up the skirt on her body, and it rolled up like waves.

"Miss, you are really..." Miaozheng was completely speechless, many women yearn for a stunning appearance, but Miss, she completely disdains this.

"Miaozheng." Seeing that Miaozheng stopped talking, Qingcheng immediately looked back with a straight face and said, "The most beautiful face is exuded from the inside out, and self-confidence is its soul. If today, because I dress a little better, everyone Praise me, and then I feel that I am beautiful, that is not really beautiful. The real beauty is even if you are wrapped in common clothes, even if no one praises yourself, you can still feel confident that you are the most beautiful. Do you understand?"

Miaozheng stared blankly at Qingcheng, and nodded emphatically, what the lady said made sense, she liked her more and more, what should I do?Huh, Miss, don't leave.

In the largest flower hall of the Jade Building, there are ten pear wood tables. In fact, eighteen dishes are placed on the core table, and ten dishes are placed on each of the other nine tables.

One hundred and eight dishes, one flower hall, ten tables, all relatives and friends are enjoying the full feast of Manchu and Han, when suddenly they are attracted by a faint fragrance, which is different from the fragrance of the dishes on the dining table, but a natural body exuded from the human body. fragrant.Immediately afterwards, there was a jingle of rings, and everyone looked along the line of sight, but saw a peerless beauty walking slowly on the stairs of the flower hall.

The emerald green snow satin dress wraps the charming body, and is covered with a white tulle made of silk.The tulle made the emerald green dress hazy, like a lotus leaf under the moon, shrouded in a layer of moonlight.The tulle is embellished with delicate and small golden crescents, adding infinite luxury to the elegance.Her black eyebrows are as green as willows, her watery eyes are like jade, her pretty nose is straight like Qiong Yao, and her lips are slightly raised like cherries.There was a slight blush on the fair skin.The seven-color rainbow petals cling to the white skin like jade, faintly glowing with bursts of brilliance.On the white wrist, the purple jade bracelet was shining brightly.

Although Qingcheng wore a lot of accessories all over her body, everyone could immediately notice the two most iconic things on Qingcheng: the seven-color rainbow petals and the purple jade bracelet.

Dressed up, Qingcheng appeared in front of the world with all the aura of heaven, earth and everything, like a nine-day goddess descending to earth.

Everyone, when they looked up inadvertently, their souls were deeply sucked away by the alluring city going down the stairs, leaving only a shell in a daze.

It wasn't until Qingcheng sat down at the core main table that everyone gradually came to their senses one by one, and discussions filled the entire Jade Flower Hall one after another.

"How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world? Why did you let me see it? It's over, it's over, after seeing such a beautiful woman, how can I marry a wife and have children in the future? Everyone will think it's ugly."

"I don't care if I don't marry a wife. What I'm struggling with is, what should I do if I can't see her in the future?"

"Now the princes of the four countries are vying to snatch Ye Qingcheng, who will win in the end?"

"If you want me to say, what is there to fight for? I want all four."

"What what? Do you want to be more ridiculous? I want all four? Thank you for being able to say it. You think you can ask for vegetables and radishes if you want them? Those four are all princes, princes. .”

"Stop arguing, all of you, according to my observation of Qingye that night, she is very likely to want none of the four."

"Ah? No way? You can't even be a princess, is there something wrong with your brain?"

"You're just out of your mind. How dare you say that about the goddess in my heart? I'll beat you to death."

"Yes, beat him, how can you make random judgments about Ye Qingcheng?"

"That's right, let's beat him together."

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, Qingcheng sat beside Nalan Muye calmly as if she hadn't heard anything.

"Qingcheng, you are getting more and more fragrant." Nalan Muye took a deep breath and said intoxicated.

"Master, do you want your nose to be so sharp?" Qingcheng said with a light smile, "If you like fragrance, wouldn't I make you a sachet to carry with you?"

"That's different. Sachets can't smell like this. It's the scent of the human body." Nalan Muye continued intoxicated.

"Master, please, please don't imagine me as your roast suckling pig. I'm really afraid that one day I will wake up and be tied to the stove to roast myself." Qingcheng joked to herself.

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Being with Qingcheng is relaxing and happy. Qingcheng will never be like those so-called four beauties, who obviously don't have much beauty, but have to dress up for hours, pretending to pose, thinking that she is so charming, and others will be surprised when they see her. To be dumped by oneself.They will never know that the real beauty comes from nature, and the nobility and elegance piled up by pretending are always soulless.

"Qingcheng, you are shockingly beautiful today." Wu Jinqiong's starry eyes were filled with infatuation, and he murmured.

"Jin Qiong, when did you become so goosebumps in talking?" Qingcheng chuckled, "Fortunately, you just said that I was shockingly beautiful, if you said that I was bloody beautiful, then I guess tonight I will Insomnia."

"Hahahahahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.

"Qingcheng, now that the truth about your identity has been revealed, the engagement between you and my eldest brother can also be cancelled." Murong Tuoxue said with a face of course, "Is it our turn to get engaged?" Murong Tuoxue's face was full of anticipation and earnestness, everyone was spraying tea, rice, and soup, all of a sudden, the whole flower hall seemed to have entered the Songkran Festival.

"I said Qingcheng, who are the people around you, why are they more ridiculous than the other?" Bo Linfeng teased, taking a sip of tea casually, laughing maniacally.

(End of this chapter)

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