Supreme Allure

Chapter 406 Li and Hongshu wake up

Chapter 406 Li and Hongshu wake up (1)
"Eat your chicken leg." Qingcheng gave Bo Linfeng a hard look, and Bo Linfeng immediately shut up obediently, obediently and obediently gnawed on the chicken leg.

"Qingcheng, you are so beautiful, what should I do if I want to marry you back home?" Rosemary Kaja gloated at Bo Linfeng's collapse, straightened her clothes and recommended herself, how could she look like a jade tree? Linfeng is suave, tall and handsome, he should be able to catch Qingcheng's eyes, right?
"You're dreaming." Before Qingcheng could speak, Zhan Jingyun's eyes widened, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and cold water was poured on him immediately.

"I said kill the general, how did I offend you? You want to pour cold water on me like this?" Rosedika retorted unconvinced.Puzzled in the black jade-like pupils.

"If you want to marry Qingcheng, you are offending me." Zhan Jingyun said with righteous indignation.

"I said Qingcheng, when did you get on good terms with General Zhan?" Rosedikaga stared at Qingcheng suspiciously, demanding an answer.

Everyone also looked at Qingcheng curiously, saying, when did the dancer and General Zhan become so close to Ye Qingcheng?
"Cough, cough, cough..." Qingcheng was choking on the soup and coughed several times.

"It's like this." Wu Jinqiong quickly got up to wipe off the water stains on the corner of Qingcheng's clothes, and explained while wiping, "One day, Jinqiong and I asked her to compete in martial arts, and then we fell in love with each other .”

"Is that so?" After listening to Wu Jinqiong's explanation, everyone looked suspiciously at Qingcheng again, demanding confirmation.

Qingcheng's face was full of black lines, saying such an idiotic reason, Wu Jinqiong actually said it without changing his face or panting, he really deserved to be a prime minister, calm enough.

Nodding very cooperatively, Qingcheng has given up any unnecessary struggle, everyone can think whatever they want, these evildoers can say whatever they want, anyway, she always listens to rumors with one ear and out the other.

Chattering and chattering voices filled the entire flower hall, and it was very lively when everyone said something to me, because the participants of the Man-Han Banquet were basically Qingcheng's friends, so naturally there were no inexplicable people who came out to make trouble, and occasionally a few people got drunk and messed up. Those who speak, don't need Qingcheng to do anything, they have already been beaten so hard by Qingcheng's die-hard fans that they can't speak.

As time passed slowly, the bustling flower hall ended the day's hustle and bustle, and the staff of the Jade Building naturally took care of the mess.You must know that all the people participating in this Manchu Banquet are either rich or noble. Everyone participates in it by themselves, it is purely for fun. After eating and drinking, it is natural that the bowls and chopsticks are thrown away, and they don’t even know how to wash them.

Because of her embarrassing status at this time, Qingcheng did not rush back to Hua's house after dinner, but practiced cross-legged in the guest room of the Jade Building until dawn.

After entering the magical level, it is common to replace sleep with cultivation.At the Linghuan level, although Qingcheng often practiced desperately during sleep time, it was a very exhausting chore after all.However, since entering the realm of fantasy, replacing sleep with cultivation has become a very pleasant thing.

Nalan Muye planned to repeat the old trick and stayed in Qingcheng's room, but he was forcibly dragged out by a group of beautiful men.For the sake of fairness, everyone has a room, and no one is allowed to stay overnight in Qingcheng's room.The person who benefited the most is naturally Qingcheng.It is not a bad thing to say that there are too many beautiful men around.Everyone was busy making internal conflicts, and she was redeemed, which is really good.

Time passed by, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Qingcheng locked herself in her room and devoted herself to practicing. Those beautiful men also came to Qingcheng's door, skylight, roof and other places many times, and found that Qingcheng was practicing hard. , I didn’t dare to interrupt rashly, and each of them went to their own business.

Three days later in the early morning, Qingcheng drank some honey and prepared to concentrate on cultivation just like in the past. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Qingcheng got up and opened the door to see that it was Hua Qixuan and Murong Qingxi.

The moment Qingcheng opened the door, Hua Qixuan and Murong Qingxi were stunned in shock. Although they had already received news that the woman posing as their Xianger was a peerless person, they never imagined that she would be so beautiful. situation.After living for so many years, they dare to say with 100% certainty that they have never seen anyone more beautiful than the woman in front of them.

"Master Hua, Mrs. Hua, you are..." This was Qingcheng's first meeting with the Hua family couple as this face, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Qingcheng, don't Mrs. Hua and Mrs. Hua see others like this, we are used to you calling us father and mother." Murong Qingxi came back to her senses, with a touch of sadness in her eyes and said, "We want to take you in as a job." What do you think, daughter?"

"This..." Qingcheng didn't expect Murong Qingxi to say that, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Miss, Mrs. Madam's knees are empty now, I hope Miss will not refuse. They like you from the bottom of their hearts." Seeing Qingcheng hesitate, Miaozheng quickly knelt down and begged.

"My child, we all know that there are many things waiting for you to do. We will not restrain you, let alone force you to stay with us. We only hope that you can remember this home when you are free. Remember to come and see us, so that our hearts will not be empty." Although Hua Qixuan's voice was very soft, every word and every word touched Qingcheng.

These days, the Hua family couple's kindness to themselves is vividly remembered. At first, they thought it was just a selfless love of the Hua family couple for their daughter, but now they realize that the person they have sincerely paid for has always been her. .

"I heard from Miaozheng that you are still looking for the whereabouts of the Jasper Axis. You continue to move back to Huafu, and we will help you find it together. How about you?" Murong Qingxi said sincerely.

When Qingcheng heard the words, she thought to herself, she had to say that Murong Qingxi's last words deeply attracted Qingcheng.

That's okay, anyway, I still have to stay here to search for the Jasper Axis, so I might as well go back to Huafu to look for it, the chances of finding it are higher.Thinking of this, Qingcheng looked at the Hua family couple with raised eyes, and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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