Supreme Allure

Chapter 419 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 419 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous (2)
"You won't have that chance." Murong Zuixue's bloody eyes were condensed, and the phantom force in her hands rushed towards Luoshui Qingchuan.

Luoshui Qingchuan condensed his palms, fighting back and forth with Murong Zuixue.

Qingcheng sat on the bed, looking at the mess on the ground with black lines all over her face, what's the matter!Want to help but don't know how to help, it's a fight between seniors, how can she get involved, besides, even if she helps, who should she help?

Murong Zuixue and Luoshui Qingchuan used all eighteen kinds of martial arts and fought for several hours, but there was still no winner.

Finally, the enraged Murong Zuixue couldn't stand this kind of mother-in-law fighting anymore, her palms fluttered like butterflies, and when Luoshui Qingchuan saw her, she quickly followed her palms and danced like mountains and seas.

When Qingcheng saw it, she secretly yelled that it was not good, these two guys, are they going to die?He hurriedly rushed to stop him, but before he got close, he was bounced back onto the bed by two aftermath waves of the venerable level.

"The Venerable is Boundless!" Luoshui Qingchuan roared, and a wave of energy surged towards Murong Zuixue.

"Dragon swims in the world!" Murong Zuixue also roared at the same time, a continuous stream of energy surged towards Luoshui Qingchuan like a swimming dragon.

"Energy absorber, break it!" Qingcheng hurriedly took out a shield like a football from the space ring.That shield is different from ordinary shields, it is double-sided, and it is specially used to deal with this kind of persuasion occasion.This energy absorber is the most perfect absorber refined by Qingcheng.It is said that efforts should be done in normal times. This is even more important for Qingcheng, because there will always be many inexplicable troubles around Qingcheng, so Qingcheng will always prepare some strange treasures in normal times, so be prepared, isn't it? Is it used?

With the addition of the energy absorber, the two terrifying energies were absorbed a lot, only a bang was heard, and the energy absorber died heroically, but fortunately Qingcheng was prepared, and the second energy absorber was thrown out in a hurry , in the same way, when the energy was almost absorbed, there was another heroic sacrifice with a bang. Fortunately, Qingcheng usually prepared enough to throw out the new energy absorbers one by one in an orderly manner until the hundredth energy absorber was absorbed. After the heroic sacrifice of Qi Qi, the two forces slowly disappeared.At the same time, Murong Zuixue and Luoshui Qingchuan, who were still alive just now, slowly fell down. (Energy absorbers are difficult to control, because Qingcheng did not participate in the battle at this time, so he can spare no effort to control a hundred energy absorbers. In normal battles, there are generally few opportunities to use energy absorbers.)
"Hey, you two, are you okay?" Qingcheng hurried to the two of them and asked loudly.

"How can it be all right? We have used phantom skills just now, and we have been in a coma for a while." Murong Zuixue said with regret, eyes full of guilt, "Lady, on the wedding night, I caused you to sleep alone. I feel deeply guilty, and when my husband wakes up, I will definitely make it up to you." After speaking, he tilted his head and fell into a deep sleep.

No way……

"Qingcheng, I just woke up, and I'm going to sleep again, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you. Don't put me in other places, I just want to be in your purple jade bracelet, and when I wake up, I can see you as soon as possible. It's up to you." Luoshui Qingchuan's golden eyes focused on Qingcheng, "I don't regret what I did today, it's worth it in exchange for Qingcheng's innocence for my deep sleep again." After finishing speaking, he tilted his head , fell into a deep sleep.

"You guys have relieved all your worries by sleeping and leaving me a mess. If this kind of oolong thing is spread, won't you laugh at people's big teeth? The dignified princes of the two countries are like three-year-old urchins..." Qingcheng sat Beside the two people, whispered softly.

Speaking of the guests attending the wedding, because they drank too much wine last night, and it was already midnight, they all drank tea in the flower hall all night, continued to enjoy the food by the way, chatted about some homely things, and some old people who couldn't stand it were all dismissed. Arranged in the box.Therefore, all the guests did not leave.

When they heard the sound of fighting coming from the bridal chamber, they all laughed loudly, and some of them were bold enough to run to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the prince is really powerful. It seems that your majesty will be able to hug the fat man soon." Grandson. Hahahahaha!"

"This kid, really, no matter how excited you are, you have to hold back. In case Qingcheng is frightened, he will be the one who suffers in the future." Murong Xingjun smiled lightly and shook his head. Zuixue is really a kid. How could it be so wild that it made the whole Prince's Mansion ping-pong-pong chaotic.Tonight is the night of the bridal chamber, not the night of house demolition.

"I can't help it. Since I was a child, Zui'er has never approached women. How can I not be excited at this bridal night? The louder the voice, the louder it is, there is nothing shameful, a man." Wu Xueyin said with a light smile.

"The empress is right. If there is no big movement, how can it show that the prince is different?" Hua Qixuan laughed and said.

"Are we also waiting to hold our grandson? The more you think about it, the better your voice, and the louder your movements, the better." Murong Qingxi also echoed.

At this moment, there was joy in the flower hall, because those who might be sad were not invited to the wedding.

There are quite a few people who were not invited, such as Wu Jinqiong, Zhan Jingyun, rosedikajia, Bo Linfeng, Murong Tuoxue, and Murong Piaoxue.Actually, this Murong Piaoxue was allowed to attend the wedding banquet, but considering that she and Murong Tuoxue were relatively close, she also became a person who refused to associate.

"Father, please come to the new house quickly." Murong Xingjun, who was laughing loudly, was shocked when he received the message from Qingcheng suddenly. Could it be that they were wrong, the movement just now was not what they thought of that.

"There is an accident in the new house, let's go and have a look." As soon as Murong Xingjun received the message, he immediately got up and rushed towards the new house. When everyone saw this, they all looked at each other and couldn't react. After a while, they finally came to their senses. , One after another rushed towards the new house.

It turned out that the sound just now was really the sound of fighting. They were all too self-righteous. His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess must not have any accidents, otherwise, how embarrassing they are.

(End of this chapter)

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