Supreme Allure

Chapter 420 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 420 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous (3)
A group of people headed by Murong Xingjun rushed to the new house in a hurry.

As soon as everyone walked into the new house, they saw Qingcheng sitting on the ground with a face full of helplessness, and there were actually two handsome men lying on the ground, one with red hair and red eyes, was their honorable His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the other was With blond hair and golden eyes, it is unexpectedly the prince of Xixuan, Luoshui Qingchuan.

"Qingcheng, what's going on here?" Murong Xingjun hurriedly rushed to his precious son as he asked, and checked his breath. Fortunately, he was breathing, which proved that it was not a corpse.By the way, I went to Luoshui Qingchuan's nose, and there was also snorting. Fortunately, it was good that no one was killed.

"Father, when we were preparing for that..., Qing Chuan suddenly appeared, and the two of them started fighting, and then, it became like this." Qing Cheng briefly explained the key points, her pretty face flushed as she spoke.Careful people can tell that Qingcheng and Murong Zuixue's clothes are newly changed at this time, and the original wedding robes have long been replaced.As for why it was changed, the reason is obvious...

"Qingcheng, don't be nervous, it's okay. They just fainted, and they will be alive and kicking again after a while." Murong Xingjun comforted Qingcheng, then turned his eyes to Luoshui Qingchuan and said, "It's just, why did Prince Qingchuan appear? here?"

The guests who followed Murong Xingjun also looked at Qingcheng with doubts on their faces.

"Presumably everyone knows that I am a high-level craftsman, and I naturally have many high-level magic weapons on me, such as this space ring that can store living things." Qingcheng said, pointing to a very Humble ring.

"Wow!" Everyone screamed and cast envious and hateful eyes at Qingcheng.A senior craftsman is different, any ordinary jewelry may be a treasure that the world is rushing to snatch.

"Before Qing Chuan fell into a coma because of using the phantom spirit stunt, I put him into this ring, but tonight he suddenly woke up, flew out, and fought Murong Zuixue to the death. At the same time, the people performed their phantom skills, and fell into a coma together." Qingcheng briefly described the ins and outs.

Of course, she concealed what should be concealed in these words. For example, Luoshui Qingchuan was clearly in the purple jade bracelet, but she said that she was in the space ring.Living in this different world, one must never reveal one's true self, otherwise, one will not be able to better protect oneself. (Few people know the secret of the purple jade bracelet. Everyone just regards it as a beautiful ornament. Anyway, Qingcheng has a lot of high-level illusion weapons, and she can fool people with just one. Who would have thought that it turned out , the biggest treasure was so arrogantly worn by her.)
"So that's it." Murong Xingjun nodded, thought for a while, then turned to look at Qingcheng Road, "Luoshui Qingchuan was originally in your space ring, and now that he is like this, why don't you continue to include him?" Put it in your space ring. As for Zui'er, he is infatuated with you, and the first person he longs to see after waking up must be you. Otherwise, you should put him in your space ring too. "

"Father, the two of them are deadly enemies. If they are put together, the one who wakes up first may secretly solve the other one. That's too dangerous." Putting the rivals together, she would sleep in a panic at night, don't do anything, just thinking about the two of them every day is enough to upset her.

"Then what if Zui'er wakes up and can't see you?" Wu Xueyin asked gently.A sentence that seems light and fluffy, but asked the core part of the question.

"I will stay in Tianyu City for a while, even if I go out occasionally, I will come back soon. So, if Murong Zuixue wakes up, I can go and see him." Qingcheng replied softly.She still wants to stay in Nanling Country to look for the Jasper Axis, and will not leave Nanling for the time being.

"That's good. Then we won't bother you." As soon as Murong Xingjun finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Father, I have made an agreement with Murong Zuixue before. After we get married, I can go back to live with my natal family at any time." Qingcheng mustered up the courage to fight for her own rights, "I am really not used to living in the Prince's Mansion, I think Go back to my mother's house..."

"Okay. Qingcheng, if you want to go back to your natal home, you can go back to your natal home. You can come back anytime you want to live in the Prince's Mansion." Murong Xingjun said with a straightforward face, "Father is old, but you young people yearn for freedom. Thought, I can also understand it very well, don't you see that I often take girls out for sightseeing?"

"Thank you, Father!" Qingcheng was overjoyed, she didn't expect Murong Xingjun to be so reasonable, and immediately said to Chi Peng who was standing beside her, "Pengpeng, Murong Zuixue, please take care of me."

"Ah? I'll take care of it? Then who will take care of Prince Qingchuan?" Chi Peng asked with a confused face.

"Of course you took care of it." Qingcheng said with a natural expression.

"Oh, my God, my life is miserable!" Chi Peng raised his head to the sky and screamed.

Seeing this, everyone burst into laughter and left the Prince's Mansion one after another.

June eighteen.

Xueyue Mountain.

It was midsummer, and there were hot winds blowing in the sky. Xueyue Mountain did not become cooler because of its name. The scorching sun shone on the trails in the mountains, and bursts of hot air rose up and poured directly into the soles of everyone's feet.

The mountain road was rugged, and the speed of the climbers dropped again and again. After a long and arduous effort, the group finally came to the small bamboo house built by Qingcheng.

"Father, mother, please quench your thirst with a sip of snow water first." As soon as she arrived at the small bamboo house, Qingcheng picked up a few sealed bottles from a well, and the bottles were filled with the snow water she stored last winter.

"Qingcheng, this snow water is refreshing and sweet, even better than Qiong Yao Yu Niang." After drinking the snow water, Murong Qingxi felt her body and mind cool down.

"What a capable child, if Xiang'er is half as smart as you, it won't be..." Hua Qixuan looked at the yard sadly, his Xiang'er had already been buried in the ground.

"Father, the dead has passed away. No matter how sad we are, she will not be resurrected. No matter how difficult it is, you must force yourself to look forward. Hanxiang has a spirit in the sky, and she doesn't want to see you like this Sad." For life and death, Qingcheng has been deeply aware of life and death since she was a child, so she tried her best to cultivate to become a fairy, because human life is too fragile, even if Hua Hanxiang does not die now, she will still become a human being in a hundred years. Bones.

(End of this chapter)

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