Supreme Allure

Chapter 422 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 422 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous (5)
"Father, how can I take out the jasper shaft?" Qingcheng said with a trembling voice.

"This..." Hua Qixuan fell into deep thought.

"Let me try it." The mage suddenly said, "There are many people like Miss Hua who put some family heirlooms in their bodies. When I help people do things, I have helped many people Taking out a family heirloom from the body of the deceased can be regarded as a bit of experience."

"Master, thank you." Murong Qingxi said with raised eyes.

"You're welcome." As soon as the mage finished speaking, he took out a lot of spells from his body, burned them in the air, and began to chant spells under the bursts of firelight.

With the sound of the incantation, Hua Hanxiang's corpse rose into the sky, and in the flames, the jasper shaft slowly overflowed from Hua Hanxiang's left eye.

The jasper shaft was actually an emerald green bead.

Accompanied by the sound of incantations, Hua Hanxiang's corpse slowly returned to the coffin.The mage covered the corpse's eyes with the two removed charms, and found that at this moment, the left eye was as dark as the right eye.

Taking the jasper scroll from mid-air, Hua Qixuan came to Qingcheng with a loving expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "Qingcheng, the jasper scroll is the family heirloom of the Hua family. Now, you are the only descendant of the Hua family, the only one." I will be the heir of the jasper scroll. I will give it to you. I hope you can keep it properly and pass it on from generation to generation.”

"Father, how is this possible? Qingcheng is just your goddaughter. How can Qingcheng occupy such a precious treasure as the jasper scroll?" To possess.

"Son, take it." Murong Qingxi gently held Qingcheng's catkin and said, "In our hearts, you are our biological daughter. If you don't give the jasper scroll to who?"

"Father, mother, you are still young, you can have younger brothers and sisters." Qingcheng really couldn't handle it.She was already very guilty of deceiving them by pretending to be their daughter. Now, how dare she take the family heirloom.

"Even if we have another child in the future, this jasper scroll will also be passed on to you. Qingcheng, don't you understand? We really like you." Murong Qingxi squeezed Qingcheng's hand tightly, and said with a determined face .

"This..." Qingcheng declined for a long time, but couldn't hold back the Hua family couple, so he nodded and said, "Then I will accept it first, and return it to them when I have younger brothers and sisters."

After Qingcheng said these words, he took out the messenger jade card from the space ring, and quickly sent a message to Gu Hongyu: Hongyu, come to Nanling Tianyu City to find me, let's find Li and Hongshu together !
On this day, Hua Hanxiang's corpse was successfully moved from the small bamboo house in Xueyue Mountain to Hua's ancestral grave.

On this day, Qingcheng finally found the Jasper Axis.

On this day, Gu Hongyu, the dean of Caixuan College's medical school, was overjoyed by a piece of news, and crazily headed towards Tianyu City like an arrow off the string.

Gu Hongyu sat on his flying beast impatiently, and let the strong wind blow his long silver hair, like surging waves in the air, blowing waves one after another.The wind blew his green shirt, and the sleeves of his clothes fluttered, making a sound of hunting. Like a cheetah, he galloped towards Tianyu City at the speed of lightning.

I have worked hard for so long, I have been looking forward to it for so long, I have been sad for so long, I have been helpless for so long, I have persisted for so long... Li, brother, are we really about to meet?
While Gu Hongyu was heading towards Tianyu City like crazy, Qingcheng was studying the Jasper Axis in the hall of the Hua family.

"Father, how could the jasper scroll be such a small bead? I thought it would be a painting scroll?" Qingcheng looked at the jasper scroll on her palm, tilting her head and said.

"Qingcheng, let you misunderstand, this is our purpose. From ancient times to the present, treasures have always been missed by countless people in the world. If you choose a name worthy of the name, then maybe the Jasper Axis has been snatched from Xiang'er." Hua Hua Qi Xuan explained with a sense of accomplishment.

Qingcheng blushed when she heard the words, isn't this just talking about her...

"Qingcheng, don't worry too much, your father is not talking about you. We are willing to pass on the jasper scroll to you." After all, Murong Qingxi is a woman with a delicate mind, and she immediately explained Qingcheng's embarrassment.

"Hmm..." Qingcheng nodded and continued, "How did Hanxiang put the jasper shaft into her eyes?"

"Xiang'er once found a mage. At that time, I thought she was having nightmares at night, so she asked the mage to calm down. Khan, this child, she doesn't discuss such a big matter with us." Speaking of Hua Hanxiang, Murong Qingxi had a look of remembrance, the deceased was gone, however, those things that happened in the past were still as fresh as if they just happened yesterday.

"She was afraid that the jasper scroll would be lost, so she would not be able to find out the whereabouts of Prince Zuixue, so she secretly put the jasper scroll into her eyes, and even we were kept in the dark." Hua Qixuan also had a look on her face. Remember authentic.

"By the way, Qingcheng, who exactly are you looking for? Is it very important to you?" Murong Qingxi asked curiously. According to her understanding of Qingcheng, this person Qingcheng has very weak feelings. It hardly felt like she was a human being.However, she is very nervous about life, maybe it is the nature of a doctor, there is always a heart of compassion in her bones.She was really curious about what kind of person could make Qingcheng exude such strong emotions.

Qingcheng nodded when she heard the words, but did not speak, her beautiful eyes were full of sadness.

Hua Qixuan quickly winked at his wife to stop her from asking another question. Looking at Qingcheng like this, you can tell that the person she is looking for must be extremely important.If he guessed correctly, it is very likely that he is Qingcheng's favorite person.Poor prince Zuixue, the road of love is getting more and more bumpy.

"Qingcheng, why don't you give me the date of birth of the friend you want to check, and I will teach you how to use the jasper scroll." Hua Qixuan kindly suggested that he would rather see Qingcheng's heartless and expressionless face than I don't want to see Qingcheng so sad.

"I don't know their time and horoscope." Qingcheng sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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