Supreme Allure

Chapter 423 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 423 The Love Rival Meets, Extremely Jealous (6)
"Ah?" Hua Qixuan and Murong Qingxi looked at each other in blank dismay. Could it be that the situation is different from what they thought?And, they?Not alone?

"They?" Murong Qingxi asked tentatively.

"My two best friends." Qingcheng replied concisely.

"En." Hua Qixuan looked at Qingchengdao in embarrassment, "It's just that there is no horoscope, even if there is a jasper axis, it is useless."

"Father, don't worry, although I don't know their time horoscopes, but I have a friend who knows, he is on his way now." Actually, Qingcheng could ask for Li and Hongshu's time horoscopes first, but, she She wanted to face that exciting moment with Hongyu, so she waited for Hongyu to come and test again.

"Okay, okay!" Hua Qixuan finally felt relieved when he heard the words. If he didn't know the time and date of the other party, no matter how good the jasper axis was, it would be a waste. He didn't want to see Qingcheng sad, so when he heard that someone knew the time Bazi, I was so excited that I said three good things in a row.

Time flies, and a few days have passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Qingcheng was practicing swordsmanship in the back garden. Recently, she invented a new set of swordsmanship. She felt that there were still many things to improve, so she worked hard to practice herself in the back garden.

Suddenly, a powerful sword energy struck, and Qingcheng flew up, picked up the Dragon Control Sword and let it fly in the air. The sword light shone brightly under the scorching sun.

"Why are you here?" Qingcheng looked at Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun who suddenly appeared.

"I know you're practicing swordsmanship, so I'll come here to practice with you." Zhan Jingyun looked at Qingcheng's dry dress and said, "It's such a hot day, you've been practicing swordsmanship for so long, how come your clothes are still so dry? ? Don't you sweat?"

"It's cool to be calm." Qingcheng smiled mischievously, "Aren't you also very dry all over?"

"Qingcheng, ignore him, he has bad intentions, he just wants to see how you are sweating profusely." Wu Jinqiong glanced at Zhan Jingyun angrily and said, "The sun is so strong, let's talk in your room."

"Okay." Qingcheng put away his sword moves, and brought Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun to his room.

After brewing a pot of high-quality Tianshan snow lotus tea with the snow water stored last year, the three of them leisurely sipped a cup of tea in each hand.

"Qingcheng, I heard that you married Prince Zuixue on the sixth day of June?" Wu Jinqiong asked sadly.

That day, he and Zhan Jingyun were not in Tianyu City because of something, and they were busy until today before returning.As soon as he returned to Tianyu City, he heard about this matter, and without taking a rest, he ran to Qingcheng to confirm without stopping.

"Yes, we're married." Qingcheng took a sip of snow lotus tea and said innocently.

Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun heard the words with black lines all over their faces, Qingcheng, can you stop being so careless?It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.No, no, how can you say that you are a eunuch!

"I heard that Prince Qingchuan appeared that day? The two fought until the sky was dark, and in the end, both of them fell down." Zhan Jingyun continued to ask.

Qingcheng nodded indifferently, what they said was the truth.

"Then are you okay?" Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun asked with concern.

"What's the matter, the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit!" Qingcheng laughed at himself.

"You!" Wu Jinqiong fondled Qingcheng's head.

"Qingcheng, these rose grapes are so delicious, how did you cultivate them?" Wu Jinqiong casually threw a few bright red grapes into his mouth, ate them with relish, staring at Qingcheng while eating.

Just when Qingcheng was about to answer, the door creaked and was pushed open, and a cyan figure descended suddenly with a gust of hurricane.Qingcheng turned around and looked up, turned over excitedly and jumped off the stool, and rushed towards the sudden blue shadow.

At this moment, both Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun came to their senses, and intercepted Qingcheng with lightning speed in the middle, so an exciting and warm hug was successfully destroyed like that.

"Qingcheng, this is..." Wu Jinqiong looked warily at Gu Hongyu who suddenly appeared, cursing in his heart, what kind of world is this?Prince Zuixue and Prince Qingchuan fell into a coma just because of jealousy, and they have been quiet for a few days. Why did such a pure and elegant man appear out of nowhere?No, why does this man look so familiar?Where did you seem to see it?

"This is the dean of Caixuan Medical College, Gu Hongyu, who is also my mentor." Qingcheng briefly introduced Gu Hongyu's identity.

When Wu Jinqiong heard the words, he suddenly understood and said: "I said, why do you look so familiar? It turns out that it is Dean Gu Hongyu. You and your brother really look alike."

Zhan Jingyun also echoed on the side: "It really seems that I can't tell the difference at first glance, Qingcheng, would you misidentify it?"

When Qingcheng heard the words, her butterfly-like long eyelashes trembled slightly, could she be mistaken?Of course, she remembered that when Hongshu had just fallen into a deep sleep, she mistook Hongyu for Hongshu, but that was just a kind of psychological hypnosis, and she would never mistake her again after she woke up.

Originally, what Zhan Jingyun said was just a joke, but seeing Qingcheng like this, he suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed the subject: "Hongyu, why are you rushing here?"

Hearing this, Gu Hongyu's clear silver eyes sparkled again, and he grabbed Qingcheng's hand and said, "Qingcheng, you said you found the Jasper Axis, where is it? Let's find out the exact location of Li and Shudi."

Qingcheng, who was immersed in remembrance, came back to her senses when she heard the words, took out a small round bead from the space ring, handed it to Gu Hongyu and said, "Hongyu, you know the birthday horoscopes of Li and Hongshu best. My adoptive father taught me how to use the Jasper Axis, I will teach you how to use it, let's start now."

"Okay!" Gu Hongyu nodded excitedly, and together with Qingcheng, started to activate the Jasper Axis to detect the whereabouts of Li and Hongshu.

The room suddenly fell into silence. Although Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun had thousands of words to ask, they could only suppress all their doubts and quietly wait for the test results.

As time passed slowly, green light shone around the jasper shaft, and suddenly, the bursts of bright green light merged into a series of numbers, and there were specific addresses and directions beside the numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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