Supreme Allure

Chapter 431 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied

Chapter 431 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied (2)
As soon as Qingcheng's safety was mentioned, everyone stopped bickering and hurriedly chased after Qingcheng.

No one would have expected that a joke that everyone used to scare Qingcheng now would become a vivid portrayal of reality after a few years!

In the end, with the concerted efforts of everyone, they finally found Qingcheng after a lot of effort. After finding Qingcheng, everyone didn't dare to make such jokes anymore, and everyone lived in peace and order according to the rules.

Time flies by, and it is July [-]th. On this night of the full moon in July, it is known as the most cloudy day of the year, especially at midnight, when the earth is in the transition of yin and yang. It is most conducive to the walking of ghosts and ghosts. The well-known Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts started from this day.For the underworld, this is like a labor camp prisoner's release. After a week, he returns from the world to the underworld.

When the ghosts walk at night, they are bound by heavy shackles, and on the chains, there are spells that belong to the Yin Division. Therefore, this safely separates the ghosts from humans, and even allows these ghosts to come to the world to relax. , without endangering the normal order of the world.

Tonight's moon is particularly round and bright, as if it has a strong smell of blood, shining enchantingly on all corners of the world.At this moment, Qingcheng was refining the elixir in her own room, when suddenly, the surrounding air gave off a strong vibration, as if something broke free from the air.

From the looks of it, something must be happening.

Qingcheng looked out the window, no longer thinking about refining the elixir, got up hastily, and walked towards the door.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard footsteps, followed by an urgent knock on the door.

"Qingcheng, are you okay?" Anxious and concerned voices came from the door, it was them!Qingcheng quickly stood up and opened the door for them.

"Why are you here?" Qingcheng asked curiously.

"Qingcheng, do you feel something is wrong?" Gu Hongshu's silver eyes narrowed slightly, his long arms were tightly resting on Qingcheng's fragrant shoulders, and he asked worriedly.

Qingcheng nodded slowly.

"Today is the fifteenth day of July. I think we should not be separated. Let's all rest in Qingcheng's room tonight." Zi Li said with a serious face.If this remark was said on weekdays, everyone would definitely take it as a joke, but today, no one laughed at this remark, and everyone nodded solemnly.

"It's cloudy tonight. I suspect that someone has solved the spell on the chain of ghosts." Gu Hongyu said in a low voice, staring out the window with silver eyes.

"Ah! Once the spell on the chain was released, so many ghosts dangling from the underworld lost control, wouldn't this world be in chaos?" Wu Jinqiong said in surprise.

"Ying, I don't know if there will be chaos in the world, but we must be in chaos. Look out the window, so many ghost shadows are coming towards us, and we have nowhere to hide." Zhan Jingyun pointed out the window and shouted loudly.

Outside the window, one after another ghost shadows were rushing towards Qingcheng's door, one after another, in a dense mass of darkness, as if they were going to squeeze through Qingcheng's door.

Qingcheng looked at all this and wondered, these are all ghosts, not zombies, why can't they even know how to penetrate walls?
"Just now we have set up an enchantment around your room, so these ghosts cannot penetrate this door." Gu Hongshu explained in a low voice.

"I said Qingcheng, in addition to provoking men, you have even provoked ghosts now, and the ghosts you provoke are not ordinary." Zi Li teased while clutching Qingcheng's catkin, her clear eyes filled with Resolute and fearless, "It doesn't matter if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of you, or fierce ghosts and demons, they want to take you away, unless they step over my dead body."

Hearing the words, Qingcheng felt a burst of heart palpitations, as if time was flowing backwards, and it was frozen at the moment before Zi Li fell asleep. At that time, he suddenly descended into the illusion like a god, and said these words resolutely and coldly. After that, for her, Fall into soul slumber.Although now he has lost all the memories of that time, but the memories fused deep in his blood cannot be erased. He, without even thinking about it, said the words that broke her heart to this day.

Seeing Qingcheng staring at him obsessively, Zi Li was a little flattered, and squeezed Qingcheng's palm tightly, feeling a surge of excitement in her heart.Speaking of this man, at the critical moment, you must say some sweet words, so that girls like it. Look, even a girl as innocent as Qingcheng has emotions because of listening to his sweet words. I will continue to work hard in the future. More and more beautiful sweet words are.

Gu Hongshu did not speak, and stared at Qingcheng closely with a pair of silver eyes. Although he was a bit unwilling, since Li said the nice words first, he would have lost the opportunity to say more now, so it is better to use actions to tell Qingcheng Prove her weight in his heart.

Although his memory has been blank, the deep love deep in his soul is definitely not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun didn't speak either. I believe that Qingcheng has already experienced their feelings for Qingcheng.Now she is just escaping blindly, refusing to think about anything, and only hopes that they will get tired of retreating and leave automatically.From Qingcheng's standpoint, they can more or less understand her difficulties.Being chased by so many affectionate and handsome men, no matter what she chooses, she will eventually hurt a lot of people, so she would rather not choose anyone, and just resolutely suppress her heart that has moved. heart soul.In fact, it was not them who had the hardest time, but Qingcheng.

"Oops, the enchantment is about to fail." Suddenly, Gu Hongyu, who had been silent all this time, shouted, "In addition to the ghosts outside the door, there is a more powerful force manipulating behind, the ghost chain That person probably solved the curse on the lock. Now, that person has broken our enchantment again, who the hell is this? Even the enchantment we put together can be broken."

"No, on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, it's the time of the moon and the sun, and this year, it happens to be a rare cloudy year in a hundred years. These ghosts from the underworld have a very strong yin energy, and they really want to be killed. If they break through this barrier, I'm worried that we will be outnumbered." Gu Hongyu's silver eyes flashed a flash of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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