Supreme Allure

Chapter 432 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied

Chapter 432 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied (3)
"36 The plan is to go, I will summon Chipeng right now, let's escape first, as long as this hour passes, the strength of these ghosts will be greatly reduced, and when they are dragged to the underworld officer to take them away Just go." Qingcheng said with her beautiful eyes drooping slightly while thinking.

"Okay! Let's do it like this!" Everyone nodded in agreement. It is the wisest choice to temporarily avoid the enemy when they are the most aggressive.

Qingcheng summoned Chipeng without hesitation, because of the limited space in the room, Chipeng's huge body could not be fully unfolded, so he could only barely spread out one wing, but it was enough for Qingcheng and several people to sit down .

"With Chipeng's body, no matter whether it is through the window or the skylight, we can't get out. We use phantom power to destroy the roof. After an hour, we will be able to defeat them with ten levels of confidence." Wu Jinqiong embraced Qingcheng's shoulders, wishing to wrap Qingcheng in his robes, there was no danger, he could also use his body to defend Qingcheng Block that heavy ghost.

"Oops! Our enchantment has been broken, everyone use phantom power to break through the roof, let's leave first." Zhan Jingyun yelled loudly.

When everyone heard the words, they clapped their palms together and blasted towards the roof, only to hear a loud noise, the roof collapsed in response, Chi Peng spread its wings and flew away from the room with a bang.

The Chipeng, which spread its wings and flew high, was flying with all its strength. Suddenly, with a bang, Chipeng hit an invisible wall. No matter how hard it tried, it could not take another step forward.

"Pengpeng, fly back and have a look." Seeing this, Qingcheng's beautiful eyes narrowed, her heart skipped a beat, and she said in a deep voice.

"There are all those ghosts behind, and, very likely, there is such an invisible wall behind. So, let's land on the spot. The only way now is to prepare for the battle." Wu Jinqiong whispered road.

Qingcheng nodded when she heard the words, in fact, she almost understood what was going on in her heart, but, really, really hoped that everything would not be as she imagined.

"Qingcheng, I suspect that the person behind this is Yan Sibing!" Gu Hongyu said worriedly.

"Who is Yan Sibing?" Seeing Gu Hongyu's worried face, the rest of the people asked in unison.

"That is a very powerful enemy of ours. He is best at using spells. We have been hit by his ice spell before, and we almost couldn't get out. Fortunately, at that time, Qingcheng advanced and broke through with the energy brought by the law of advancement between heaven and earth. That ice spell. This time, what he cast was not an ice spell, but the power was not much worse than the ice spell. If I guessed correctly, it should be a sealing spell." It was freezing cold.Yan Sibing, if I risked my life today, I will definitely drag you to be buried with me.

"Then why hasn't he appeared yet?" Zhan Jingyun asked puzzled.

"I guess he's wasting our energy, and he's planning to come out to reap the benefits when we fight these evil spirits with both sides hurt." Qingcheng said condensedly.

"The only thing we can do now is to deal with these ghosts first." Gu Hongshu looked at the ghosts flying around, and the flames of war in his heart were completely ignited.

All the people had already been ignited by the ghosts circling around to ignite the raging flames of war in their chests. Everyone jumped off Chi Peng's wings and flew into the battlefield.

On this vast battlefield, there are all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. There are ghosts with long tongues, whose tongues are stretched out to death, and there are beautiful faces on their tongues, which are used to seduce men, and then draw men into their tongues devoured in it.There is also the hair ghost that Qingcheng met before, with a beautiful face, no body under the face, all the long hair.There are also headless ghosts, no head, just a bare body, waving limbs and dancing around.There are also giant ghosts, with no limbs, only a big head, flying in the air, occasionally opening their bloody mouths, trying to swallow other people's heads in one gulp.There are also ax ghosts, sickle ghosts, scissor ghosts, broom ghosts... there are all kinds of strange ghosts, which make people dazzled and dizzy.

"Qingcheng, be careful!" Gu Hongshu yelled, and flew to Qingcheng's side in a teleportation, and swung his long sword, blocking a bloody arm for Qingcheng.

In fact, this kind of blood-armed ghost is not dangerous, and it can be dealt with with Qingcheng's ability, but Gu Hongshu couldn't calm down seeing such a disgusting ghost hovering around Qingcheng.

"Hongshu, be careful yourself. Don't focus on me all the time. It's easy to be taken advantage of by ghosts." Hongshu's deep concern.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, I can handle it." Gu Hongshu's lips lightly lifted, revealing a charming smile.

Just as the two of you were talking about each other, long scrolls flying all over the sky, Qingcheng and Gu Hongshu quickly jumped away, raised the knife in their hands, and pointed the blade at the long hair of Butian, like cutting cloth, and cut the long hair from the middle. Cut it neatly.

Immediately, the screams of the ghosts filled the entire space, and countless ghosts wrapped their heads with the remaining hair and evacuated frantically.I was shocked in my heart, what kind of knife is this, it is so sharp, it can neatly cut off all the threads woven by the combined efforts of ghosts.

"Hongshu, what kind of knife is this? It's so powerful!" Wu Jinqiong asked the doubts in his heart for all the ghosts.

"This is Lieyang Dao, which is famous for its strong masculinity. Many years ago, I rescued a wandering swordsman, and he gave it to me." Gu Hongshu said lightly.

"Genius doctors have more treasures than ordinary people." Zi Li chuckled softly, "I'm so jealous that I want to change my career to study medicine." Zi Li said while easily splitting the tongue of a long-tongued ghost into two halves.

"Li, Hongshu, your kung fu is improving so fast, I can't even catch up." Qingcheng watched the two people's strikes in shock, her beautiful eyes widened, could it be that after waking up from a deep sleep, the magic power will improve a lot?Then she really wants to sleep and try.

In fact, Qingcheng didn't know that Li and Hongshu had made such great progress, and she contributed the most to it, because when they were in a coma, she tried every means to find all kinds of magic medicine for them, which enabled them to make rapid progress today. .

(End of this chapter)

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