Supreme Allure

Chapter 433 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied

Chapter 433 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied (4)
"Qingcheng, you finally admit that you are my wife." Zi Li and Gu Hongshu said in unison when they heard the words.

"Even if Qingcheng once knew you, it doesn't prove that she is your wife." Wu Jinqiong explained patiently, asking whether these two people have logical reasoning ability, there is a huge difference between knowing them and being their wife Thousands of miles away, okay?

"Ying, be careful!" Zhan Jingyun flew to Wu Jinqiong's side, cut off a giant ghost flying over with its mouth wide open for Wu Jinqiong, and said loudly, "It's not a way to fight like this, there are too many ghosts , our physical strength will be exhausted."

"Lian, there is nothing we can do even if we use up our energy. We have to delay the time. After a while, the coldness of the earth will drop extremely. Then we will find a way to attack." Wu Jinqiong resolutely said.

"Although we can't kill all these ghosts, it doesn't matter. The time of ugliness is getting closer and closer. We must survive. When the time of ugliness comes, the yang energy of the earth will rise and the yin energy will decline. We will definitely think of a good way to deal with these ghosts. It’s a ghost.” Gripping the Dragon Control Sword tightly, he stabbed sharply, just in time to hit a giant ghost in the eye, causing the opponent to scream.Qingcheng immediately pulled out the Dragon Control Sword, and the giant ghost rolled to the ground in response.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded with determination. When there was no other way, persistence became the only choice.

In the bloody storm, swords, lights, and swords, bloody arms can be seen everywhere, and bloody heads are flying around wantonly. Everyone shuttles among the ghosts, and there is only one thought in their hearts, that is, delaying time!hold on!
As time passed, the attack power of those ghosts became weaker and weaker. Qingcheng took out a timer from the space ring and saw that it was already ugly time.

"Li, the attack power of these ghosts is getting weaker and weaker now, why don't we activate the Sleeping Curse together." Gu Hongshu jumped to Zili's side and suggested loudly.

"Okay!" Zi Li agreed without hesitation.

"Wait!" Qingcheng hurriedly stopped.

Zi Li and Gu Hongshu stopped what they were doing when they heard the words.

"Qingcheng, that's a spell that Li and I realized in our deep sleep. After waking up, we worked hard to study it, and finally we realized the subtlety of it. The sleeping spell is the best for dealing with multiplayer battles, especially in front of us. In this case, we need to cast a Sleeping Curse on these ghosts, so that we can find a way to break the curse." Gu Hongshu explained in a loud voice.

Everyone nodded in understanding. Indeed, although these ghosts are no longer their opponents, they are always yelling at them, which seriously affects their thinking. Only when they are dealt with, can they concentrate on dealing with them. curse.

"Li, Hongshu, if you use the Sleeping Curse, will you fall into a deep sleep again?" Qingcheng asked worriedly. It's not that Qingcheng likes to think wildly, but because once bitten by a snake for ten years, he is afraid of well ropes, so he should ask first. Ask clearly, if it will cause them to fall asleep again, then we should find another way.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, we won't fall asleep again, but it may consume a lot of phantom power, but that's no big deal, you'll be fine after a while of retreat." Looking at the worry in Qingcheng's beautiful eyes, Zi There was a surge in Li's heart.Although he doesn't know why Qingcheng refuses to tell them the truth, but he knows that Qingcheng must have her own difficulties. Qingcheng is definitely not as ruthless as she appears on the surface. Her feelings are deeply buried in her heart, and it is not so easy. I can feel it.

"Qingcheng, of course Li and I will not sleep again. If you run away, where can we find you? Even if we want to sleep, we have to get married. After you give birth to a lot of babies for me, use the children Tie you up completely before you fall into a deep sleep." Seeing the tension in Qingcheng's eyes, Gu Hongshu was in a good mood, and he teleported to Qingcheng's side, and before Qingcheng could react, he quickly kissed and stole the fragrance After success, he quickly ran away with a satisfied face, and said to Zi Li who was a little dazed, "Li, let's start."

Although Zi Li's heart was sour, it was not the time to be emotional. Moreover, he could see that Hongshu's feelings for Qingcheng were no less than his. Therefore, the most urgent task was not to fight internally, but to unanimously .

"Hongshu, wait a minute." Suddenly, another voice planned to cast a curse from Zi Li and Gu Hongshu.It was none other than Wu Jinqiong who spoke.

"Jin Qiong, is there anything you don't understand?" Gu Hongshu raised his silver eyes and asked loudly.

"Hongshu, if you cast a spell, will we all fall asleep together?" Wu Jinqiong asked worriedly.

"Jin Qiong, fortunately you reminded me. I was so excited just now that I almost forgot. Take these pills quickly. This spell is very powerful. Although we can avoid you when we cast the spell, just in case One, it’s safer for you to swallow the antidote.” Gu Hongshu said while taking out an emerald green porcelain bottle from the interspatial ring, took out a handful of emerald green pills from the bottle, and distributed them one by one.These are the pills that he usually took the time to refine, and they were specially used to undo the Sleeping Curse.

Everyone took the pill that Gu Hongshu handed over, and swallowed it with their necks up.

Only then did Zi Li and Gu Hongshu start to cast the spell with confidence, Qing Cheng and others helped protect the spell, and as the spell was slowly opened, the energy slowly gushed out, and finally, the eyelids of those ghosts became heavier and heavier, In the end, they all fell to the ground one by one.

Along with the sound of the ghosts falling to the ground, Zi Li and Gu Hongshu also sat heavily on the ground.

The Sleeping Curse is a great curse, and it must not be activated easily, because it consumes too much energy. Although it is cast by two people, but because there are too many ghosts, the distance between the two of them falling asleep after casting the spell is within [-] minutes. It's one step away.

"Li, Hongshu, are you all right?" Qingcheng knew that asking this question at this time was tantamount to an idiot, but she still couldn't help asking.While asking, he took out several porcelain bottles from his space ring, and took out pills of different colors from various porcelain bottles, and handed them to them.

Zi Li and Gu Hongshu raised their necks and swallowed the elixir handed over by Qingcheng, sitting cross-legged on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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