Supreme Allure

Chapter 434 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied

Chapter 434 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied (5)
"Hongyu, you guard Li and Hongshu, and I will go around with Jinqiong and Jingyun to see if we can find a way to break the curse." Qingcheng looked at the dark ghosts lying in disorder, thinking nonstop. with.

There are suddenly a group of lost ghosts in the underworld, and they will definitely come to look for them. At that time, even if the official of the underworld cannot break the curse, they will use the power of the entire underworld to find these lost ghosts.It's just that this ghost is released for seven days, that is to say, they have to wait here for seven days!

Seven days, if they waited without wind or waves, they would be completely patient. However, that monster Yan Sibing must be nearby and would attack them at any time. They haven't acted yet, so they should be waiting for an opportunity.

"Hahahahahaha! Qingcheng, so you miss me so much? If I don't come out again, I will let down your deep love for me." Just as Qingcheng was thinking about how to find a way to break the curse, a gust of wind swirled, tightly Then, an evil and charming man with white hair, white eyes and white clothes descended from the sky.But seeing that his long and narrow white eyes were full of evil spirits, the corners of his dark red lips were raised high, and his white paper-like skin did not have the slightest trace of blood that a human should have.The bay leaf fan flapped lightly one after another, like a handsome nobleman with an elegant and harmless face, but Qingcheng knew that a bloody storm was inevitable.

"Why, Yan Sibing, you want to recognize your apprentices again?" Not far away, when Gu Hongyu saw Yan Sibing, new hatred and old hatred instantly rushed into his heart. How many innocent lives of Caixuan Academy were ruined by the Yan brothers? In his hands, today, risking his life, he also wants to die with this Yan Sibing.

"Brother, don't do stupid things unless you have to." Xu Shi sensed Gu Hongyu's excitement, and Gu Hongshu, who had been sitting cross-legged in meditation, opened his silver eyes and said solemnly, "Although I can't remember why I will fall asleep, but I believe that the situation at that time should be a last resort. I don’t regret it. It’s just that after waking up, God took away all my memories, and the feeling of being blank in my mind is so uncomfortable. Leaving aside for the time being, it is obviously a feeling that is fused into the blood, but because of amnesia, it can no longer be taken for granted, that kind of taste... So, big brother, don't rashly do that kind of thing that will die together."

When Gu Hongyu heard this, he nodded with a straight face. He must not be impulsive, and he must not be blinded by hatred. He must win the greatest victory at the least cost.

"Huh!" The evil man raised his eyebrows in disdain, turned his eyes to look at Qingcheng, put on a smile that he thought he was kind, and said with surprise, "It's true that Buddha needs gold clothes, and people need clothes. Once you wear this clothes , can definitely be called the most beautiful woman in the world, I have decided not to ask you to be my apprentice. Hahahahaha!"

Qingcheng heard the words, curled her lips and said with a sneer: "Anyway, I never thought of worshiping you as a teacher. Whether you want to accept me as an apprentice or not, it has nothing to do with me. I don't know you well."

"Qingcheng, you are right in not wanting to ask me to be your teacher, I have decided, I will marry you!" Yan Sibing said surprisingly.

"Are you insane?" Qingcheng cursed without hesitation. Last year, she kept saying that she was going to take her as a disciple, but now she wants to marry her as his wife. So next year, do you want to be her son?This guy is completely out of his mind.

"You're dreaming!" All the beauties shouted loudly in unison.

Yan Sibing was not angry when he heard the words, narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and moved his feet nimbly and strangely, after a while, dry and flat paper figurines slowly poured out of the leaf fan, One by one, they moved towards Gu Hongyu and the others strangely.

"Hongyu, the devil's paper figurines have started to make trouble again. You protect Li and Hongshu, and I, Jin Qiong and Jingyun, will deal with the devil." When Qingcheng saw the paper figurines, he felt that the first two were the same. Da, this damned Yan Sibing, relying on her own soul to be immortal, is so arrogant and domineering. The real bull drove her into a hurry, so she just did what Hong Shu did back then, and used the way of burning her soul to deal with this big devil.

Zi Li and Gu Hongshu, who were originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, stood up with a determined face, holding a sword, and joined the battlefield swiftly.Although their energy consumption is severe, they can still last for a while in a short period of time.Seeing that Qingcheng and the others are in danger, they can't adjust their breath with peace of mind, so they might as well fight together vigorously, even if they fail in the end, they have no regrets.

Li and Hongshu's goal is very clear, that is, the other party, Yan Sibing, because paper figurines can't be killed, and if they want to solve the current situation, they can only kill Yan Sibing.

When Gu Hongyu saw Li and Hongshu rushing towards Yan Sibing, he was startled, but he didn't try to stop him. In front of him, it is the most effective way to deal with Yan Sibing with everyone's strength.Immediately, he also killed Yan Sibing without hesitation.

Qingcheng and the others fought very hard, because what they had to deal with was not Yan Sibing alone, but also the paper dolls who rushed forward from time to time, trying to suck their blood at every turn, which made them always distracted from dealing with them. Between them, the fight was inextricable, and no one could get any benefit.

"Qingcheng, if you agree to be my wife, I will let them go." Yan Sibing's long and narrow eyes raised lightly, bewitching her face bewitchingly.

"For your spring and autumn dream, Qingcheng is something you can insult!" Gu Hongshu yelled loudly, as he spoke, he held the blood coagulation sword and slashed at Yan Sibing with all his might.

Zi Li moved with both palms, and countless magic balls hit Yan Sibing's head and face.

Wu Jinqiong, Zhan Jingyun and Gu Hongyu also directly greeted them with magic power without mercy.He didn't even think about threatening Qingcheng with their lives, would they agree?

"Yan Sibing, don't think that you can do whatever you want because your soul is immortal. Today, I will die with you!" Just as Qingcheng was thinking about how to kill Yan Sibing, a cold voice sounded, Qingcheng looked up, and it was Gu Hongshu.

Both Qingcheng and Gu Hongyu were horrified. Although Hongshu lost his memory, some things in his bones were so deep in his blood. At this moment, he actually wanted to use the method of burning his soul to deal with a powerful enemy!

Hongshu, I'm not worth your life to protect me every time, it's not worth it!
Qingcheng's tears are like broken pearls, and they hang all over their cheeks in an instant. If you want to die, let her die. As long as she dies, Li and Hongshu don't have to spend their lives to protect her. Only in this way can they have real freedom Otherwise, even if they don't tell them the past, they will still be implicated by her. If so, then she will die directly in front of them, so that they can truly give up.

(End of this chapter)

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