Supreme Allure

Chapter 436 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied

Chapter 436 Ghosts Walking at Night, Silent and Frenzied (7)
"Hmph! These ghosts are all under my control, plus these paper man corps, and this seamless seal, today, it's hard for you to fly with your wings. Even if it's you, Yin Jiyou, if you want to leave here It's easy as pie, but if you want to take this little girl away, let me tell you, in my spell sealing domain, your little trick of teleporting people can't be used at all." Yan Sibing looked at the ghosts who stood up again , looking at Yin Jiyou proudly.

Yin Jiyou laughed loudly when he heard the words, looked at the ghosts who stood up again, and snorted coldly: "Yan Sibing, we have known each other for tens of thousands of years, you really have lived longer and come back, mentioning ghosts in front of me, Don't you think it's a little naive to mention the ghost sea tactics?"

Hearing this, Yan Sibing's heart suddenly trembled. He was proud just now, but he forgot that in front of Yin Jiyou, whether it is a human or a ghost, numbers are never an advantage.

Sure enough, seeing Yin Jiyou's palms flying, grabbing out of thin air towards those standing ghosts, green souls rushed towards Yin Jiyou one after another, and Yin Jiyou took out a green ghost The bottle, the mouth of the bottle was facing those souls, and all the souls flew towards the gloomy bottle immediately, and after a while, the ghosts disappeared completely.

Many of the shapes of those ghosts are created by the illusion of the soul. They have no entity and belong to the state of the soul. Therefore, when Yin Jiyou collected their souls, they disappeared collectively.

"How about it? Do you want to take away all the resentful spirits on your paper man corps?" Yin Jiyou gently dangled the bottle full of souls, lowering her eyes and asking indifferently.

Zi Li, Gu Hongshu, Gu Hongyu, Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun have long been completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of them. What is the origin of this friend Qingcheng knows? This strength is also really sturdy Are you ready?

Of course, Qingcheng and Gu Hongyu were the most enjoyable to watch. As early as during the college celebration, everyone almost died in the hands of this Yan Sibing. He was devastated, his heart felt so relieved, and he finally triumphed once with a proud face.

"Yin Jiyou, even if you destroy my paper man army, so what, my sealing spell is cast with my soul power. In terms of strength, you and I are evenly matched. If you want to break my sealing spell, that is Wishful thinking, the last ice curse was broken because of Ye Qingcheng's promotion and touched the rules of the world. I don't believe it. It would be such a coincidence. Who among you will be promoted? If it is such a coincidence, then I will admit it. "Yan Sibing continued with a proud face, "You guys just stay under this curse for the rest of your life."

"There are so many ghosts missing in the underworld, the underworld official will investigate thoroughly, and the whole underworld will come to capture you, and we will naturally be rescued." Qingcheng analyzed calmly.

"You girl, why are you so smart? I really like you more and more, no, just follow my bridal chamber tonight." Yan Sibing wanted to make a move on Qingcheng while talking, and was caught Ji You stopped her with a step, and said in her heart, "Actually, it's very easy to take people's souls. I will use the same number of souls to deceive the Yin Secretary. Anyway, there are not many ghosts missing here, very good." fixed."

For the murderer, such a little soul is really nothing, he can solve it with a flick of a finger.

"Capture the thief first, capture the king first, Yan Sibing, as long as we kill you, all our problems will be solved, why wait for the yin officer to come to rescue such trouble, seven days, I don't have that patience." Yin Jiyou curled his lips sneered.

"I have cultivated to the point where my soul is immortal. You can't kill me by any means. Do you want to follow that little girl and burn my soul?" Yan Sibing said mockingly.

"To deal with you scum, why spend my life with you?" Yin Jiyou said disdainfully, "If I swallow your soul, then nothing will happen?"

As soon as Yin Jiyou finished speaking, he began to mutter words.

The moment his spell was activated, Yan Sibing's feet were completely frozen, and he couldn't move an inch. (Once the soul-absorbing spell is activated, the opponent's hands and feet will be instantly frozen and unable to move.)
Yan Sibing was shocked when he saw this, and said sharply: "You are crazy, Yin Jiyou, with your strength, even if you swallow my soul, you can't digest it. What is the difference between you doing this and burning your soul? You are simply Crazy, you want to die and I don't want to die! Ye Qingcheng, stop him quickly, do you have the heart to see him die?"

"Shut up!" Qingcheng yelled at Yan Sibing who was yelling loudly, and said sarcastically, "Don't sow discord here, I will support the decision made by Yinjiyou, whether it is right or wrong, even if it is really like you It is said that if he can't digest your soul, then I will help him digest it together, and if that doesn't work, then I will accompany him to report to the underworld, so don't worry about it."

No matter what, Yin Dabing has always done things properly. Even if the sky is really pierced, she will help to mend the sky.

Fighting, in many cases, requires the courage to fight with your life. The so-called brave man wins when he meets a narrow road, and a cowardly person will never be a winner.

"Qingcheng, we support you! If something happens, we will share it together." Gu Hongshu quietly came to Qingcheng's side, tightly holding Qingcheng's catkin and said.

Zi Li didn't speak, but silently expressed her support for Qingcheng with firm eyes.

Wu Jinqiong and Zhan Jingyun also stood resolutely beside Qingcheng, expressing their absolute support.

Gu Hongyu watched all this silently, although his heart was full of worries, but at this moment, except for this method, there was no other way to deal with this immortal Yan Sibing.It is dangerous to devour the soul directly, but it is better than burning the soul anyway. At least, as long as you can save your life, there are so many genius doctors here, there is always a way to solve it.

As time passed slowly, all of Yan Sibing's souls entered Yin Jiyou's body, Yin Jiyou sat down slowly, made a handprint with his palms on his chest, meditated cross-legged, and slowly digested Yan Sibing's body. The soul of ice comes.

Everyone stared nervously at Yin Jiyou. Such a powerful demon's soul could not be swallowed. If the mind is not strong enough, it may eventually be swallowed by the demon's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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