Supreme Allure

Chapter 437 I Never Touch Women

Chapter 437 I Never Touch Women (1)
Looking at the sweat dripping down from Yin Jiyou's forehead, everyone became even more nervous. Qingcheng took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off Yin Jiyou's face, and her beautiful eyes stared at Yin Jiyou's facial expression at this moment without blinking. Suddenly, Yin Jiyou's body trembled violently, a few drops of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and then, Yin Jiyou's tall and strong body suddenly fell to the ground.

"Yin Jiyou, what's wrong with you?" Qingcheng hurriedly lifted Yin Jiyou up, let him lean on her body, and whispered with a worried face.

"Qingcheng, I'm fine, don't worry." The gloomy icy eyes stared at Qingcheng's beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. Although the smile was still not warm, Qingcheng still felt like sunshine in her heart. like warmth.But at the same time, there was a sense of uneasiness.

"Why would you bleed if you're nothing, how could you fall down when you're nothing? Yin Jiyou, will you still say it's okay until the moment your life dies?" Qingcheng said while feeling Yin Jiyou's pulse. He quickly turned his eyes to look at Gu Hongyu and said, "Hongyu, are you watching? How could this pulse be so disordered?"

Hearing this, Gu Hongyu hurried forward to feel Yinjiyou's pulse, and was taken aback. At this moment of life and death, he did not dare to hide anything, and said worriedly: "Yan Sibing's soul is too powerful. Yin Jiyou's strength is not much different from Yan Sibing's. Although it will not be devoured by the same level of soul power, it is very difficult to digest it. The reason why Yin Jiyou's pulse is so disordered is because the soul does not For digestion."

"It's not that serious, it will be digested naturally after a while." Yin Ji Youhun said indifferently.

"Yin Jiyou, please stop holding on. If something really happens to you, can we feel at ease? You are a body of ice, and Yan Sibing is also a body of ice, although the soul that devours him will not happen The conflict, however, also exacerbated the coldness in your body, thus causing your blood to stagnate and your pulse to become disordered." Although I knew that Yin Jiyou was hiding the truth to reassure everyone, how could it be possible that there are so many genius doctors here? Can't you see his abnormality?The truth will be discovered sooner or later, and it is better to try to avoid tragedy now than to regret it afterwards.

"Then what should I do? Is there a way to resolve it?" Although Qingcheng has an extraordinary talent in refining medicine, but for some legendary heaven and earth elixir, it is definitely not as good as the brothers of the Gu family. He is a thousand-year-old fox at any rate. That broad knowledge is naturally not comparable to Qingcheng.

"I heard that Manzhushahua can help digest devoured souls." Gu Hongshu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

Seeing Qingcheng being so tense, Yin Jiyou felt pain in his heart, but Yin Jiyou did this for Qingcheng's sake, and he didn't want to see Qingcheng feel guilty and sad, so he spoke out to remind him.

"Manzhushahua? I read it in an ancient book. It is said that it can only be picked by the Wangchuan River in the Underworld." Qingcheng murmured, "The Underworld, how can mortals get there?
"Qingcheng, the underworld, with your current cultivation base, you can't wander around at will." Yin Jiyou leaned on Qingcheng's body and said softly. He only feels cold all over his body now, and only when he is close to Qingcheng can he feel the blood flow. flow.

"If you can't break through, you have to break through. If I want to watch your life disappear, I would rather fight. Yin Jiyou, tell me quickly, how to get out of the underworld?" How did the underworld go.

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you." Yin Jiyou refused without even thinking about it. With Qingcheng's current cultivation base, trespassing into the underworld without authorization is only a dead end. He would rather die than tell her to go to the underworld. method.

"Yin Jiyou, if you don't tell me, I'll show you my death right now." Qingcheng was really driven into a hurry, and even used the most disdainful trick of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

Seeing this, Gu Hongshu felt a pain in his heart again. He suppressed the sharp pain in his heart, patted Qingcheng's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Qingcheng, although that manzhushahua is a flower of hell, it is also a flower of hell. You don't have to go to the underworld to find it, there are also manjushahua in the world."

"What?" Qingcheng burst into ecstasy when she heard the words, "Is there such a thing in the world?"

Gu Hongshu nodded and said: "There is a Da Palace in the Wandu Forest. It is said that there is a ten thousand-year-old python living in it, and there is Manzhushahua in the Na Da Palace."

"Then I'm going to go to the Da Palace in the Ten Thousand Poison Forest!" Qingcheng's beautiful eyes rekindled the light of hope.

"We'll go with you." Everyone said in unison.

"It's fine for me to go alone. In order to avoid delays on the road, you can live in my purple jade bracelet temporarily." Qingcheng said firmly.

There are mixed feelings in Yinjiyou's heart. Tonight is the night of ghosts walking around in the cloudy year. He was restless in the Nether Palace. Because of the rainbow and neon clothes, he intuitively felt that Qingcheng's life was in danger. After tracking Dafa, he finally found Qingcheng. Almost, almost Qingcheng was about to die. After thousands of years, he almost forgot what it was like to be afraid, but Qingcheng made him understand that it doesn't matter what he does, as long as Qingcheng is safe and sound. .But right now, Qingcheng has to take such a huge risk because of him.

He had seen that ten-thousand-year-old python before. Not only did he have a bewitching appearance, but his ability was even worse than him. Otherwise, Manzhushahua of Dagong would have been taken care of long ago.As far as he knew, for tens of thousands of years, no one had dared to take Yelu Sada's idea, let alone steal his manzhushahua.

But right now, if he stops Qingcheng from picking Manzhu Shahua, based on what he knows about Qingcheng, maybe she will really splatter blood on the spot. Therefore, since she can't be stopped, the only thing she can do is to gamble.

He and Yelu Sada are not very friendly, and Yelu Sada is not a simple python, he is also a vampire.There are countless blood slaves in his python palace, and he will draw fresh blood from different blood slaves every day, because the amount he draws every day is not much, so it will not kill people.

As a vampire python, Yelu Sada's blood is very cold, so what he wants most is the warm blood pill!
(End of this chapter)

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