Supreme Allure

Chapter 439 I Never Touch Women

Chapter 439 I Never Touch Women (3)
Qingcheng was walking, and suddenly a majestic palace appeared in front of him, which was no less tall and magnificent than the imperial palace.

Why didn't I find it before?Qingcheng lowered her eyes and thought deeply.

correct!Enchantment!This palace must have set up a barrier, so when I checked with Hongyu before, I didn't break in. This giant python is said to have tens of thousands of years of skill, so the barrier it set up is not Hongyu I can break in at will, no wonder I haven't found it before.

Because Qingcheng's blood is different from ordinary people, basically any enchantment can enter and exit at will.

The enchantment is different from the spell. Being able to enter and exit the enchantment at will does not mean that the spell can be broken at will. Qingcheng still knows almost nothing about the spell.

Perhaps it was because no one had entered this majestic python palace by mistake for thousands of years, so there were almost no one guarding the gate, and the whole palace was as quiet as a sleeping lion.

Qingcheng wore an invisible hairpin and walked around casually. She was not interested in knowing what the interior of the palace looked like. The only thing she cared about was the Manjusawa. Since Manjusawa is known as the flower of the other side, it is The flowers of hell on the banks of the Wangchuan River, then, in the garden of the Python Palace, along the endless stream, you will definitely find the flowers on the other side.

Although it was midsummer, perhaps because giant pythons are naturally cold-blooded animals, the entire Python Palace, including the back garden, was cool for a while, although it was not as cold as the gloomy Nether Palace, However, that cold air still reminded Qingcheng all the time that the object of her theft was a ten thousand year old vampire python whose skill was no less than that of the quiet and quiet.

I don't know whether the invisible hairpin on the head will work or not, but no matter what, I have to try it. Even if the invisible hairpin can't deceive the giant python, at least it is more than enough to deceive the servants.

Some servants walked by one after another in the garden, they were all male servants, from Yin Jiyou's words, it seems that this giant python is male, why is it full of male servants walking around?Isn't there a maid or something?For the giant python with a cold physique, it is better to warm the bed or something in winter, so as not to be too cold.

She has the same quirk as Yin Jiyou, maybe she is born to be at odds with women, her intuition tells Qingcheng that this kind of person needs to be dealt with more carefully, who knows what special quirk it is.

At this time, the giant python shouldn't be enjoying the flowers in the garden, right?Hope you don't run into it!

If it happens to me, I also hope that the large number of blood-warming pills in my space ring will work!
Amitabha, I hope this vampire python is a reasonable master!

Qingcheng was praying and looking for the flowers of the other shore along the stream. Suddenly, a strong fragrance of flowers hit Qingcheng, and Qingcheng felt a surge of excitement. Hearing from Hongyu, it was recorded in ancient books that the flowers of the other shore had a pleasant fragrance and was the first of all flowers. , She has never smelled such a strong floral fragrance before. Could it be that this is the floral fragrance of the flowers from the other shore?
With the wind blowing from the soles of the feet, Qingcheng's combat power exploded all of a sudden, Manzhushahua, I'm coming!

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Suddenly, an evil and lazy voice came from behind Qingcheng.

Qingcheng shivered all over his body. Although the cold air on the visitor's body was not very strong, Qingcheng still felt the chill flowing from the depths of his blood. It was not as cold as Yin Jiyou's, but slightly glowing A puff of cold air, a kind of... a relatively deep cold air, you can't feel it out of thin air if you don't taste it carefully.

This deep cold seemed to have been encountered somewhere before, and I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now that I encountered it again, I immediately remembered it.

It was by the Luoyue Lake on Yuli Island, the man who gave her roses all over the sky!

But at that time, wasn't that man already tied up with five flowers by the seven-color silk thread transformed by her seven-star formation?Even her seven-star silk thread can bind him, so she shouldn't be a powerful master.

wrong!She is now invisible, maybe the other party is not talking to her, if you answer the conversation without pretending, then you are the biggest idiot in the universe.

Go, keep going, act like nothing happened.

No one can see her, no one can see her!

"Let's go!" The evil voice sounded again, "Since you refuse to stop, I have no choice but to walk with you."

As the man said, he followed Qingcheng's footsteps and walked up.

Qingcheng didn't dare to turn her head back, and desperately quickened her pace.Can't see, can't see, everything is a coincidence, he is talking to himself...

"You walk really fast, girls have to be gentle." The voice came again leisurely.

Now Qingcheng can't even deceive herself and others. Looking up the whole garden, there is no other woman except her. The sound of "girl" has already explained everything.

Even so, Qingcheng did not dare to stop, no matter what, Manjushahua is bound to win, keep going, don't look back!

The man didn't make things difficult for her, he just followed Qingcheng leisurely, Qingcheng quickened his pace, and he also quickened his pace.Qingcheng slowed down, and he also slowed down.

At a corner, Qingcheng froze in shock.

God, what a beautiful flower!

Really worthy of being the flower of the other shore, really worthy of being the flower of hell!
The bewitching color is something that Qingcheng has never seen before. It is redder and more colorful than roses. The enchanting in different poses and with different forms, like burning flames, seem to ignite the whole universe. It is charming and graceful. If this flower is a beauty , that is definitely the most beautiful woman Qingcheng has ever seen in her life.

The tangy aroma made Qingcheng almost cry with excitement, she must be right, this is definitely the legendary Manjushahua!

"It turns out that you like Manzhushahua, tell me earlier. If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have been so stupid to give you roses that you didn't like that night, and you had tied them up. Look, I This hand still hurts to this day." The man actually acted coquettishly at Qingcheng.While talking, he came to narrow the distance between Qingcheng and Qingcheng, and suddenly, he hugged Qingcheng's waist from behind in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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