Supreme Allure

Chapter 440 I Never Touch Women

Chapter 440 I Never Touch Women (4)
"Ah..." Qingcheng screamed and wanted to escape, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the iron embrace.

"Finally no longer pretending to be invisible?" The man's muffled laughter came from the back of Qingcheng's neck, and he seemed to be in a good mood. "You smell so fragrant, even more fragrant than this manjusawa." The man buried his head deeper as he spoke. It entered the back of Qingcheng's neck, and began to bite desperately.

"Ah..." Qingcheng's scream became louder now.

After screaming for a long time, the man had no intention of letting go, but instead became more and more vigorous.

"Hey, let go, let's have a good talk." In desperation, Qingcheng could only try to reason with the other party.Can't beat it again and again.

In many cases, the truth seems to be left to the weak side to implement.

Hearing this, the man actually let go of Qingcheng's hand, and stood in front of Qingcheng with a serious face.

Qingcheng, who didn't have much illusions at first, felt a surge of excitement in his heart. It seemed that this person was a person who could speak the truth.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly and raised her beautiful eyes, a green figure appeared in front of Qingcheng.

The green silk robe outlines a slender and healthy body, black hair is draped lazily on her shoulders, and a pair of red eyes are staring at her with a smile that is not a smile.The skin is like creamy fat, the red lips are like Zhu Dan, and the nose is like an eagle.There were bursts of evil spirits exuding from all over her body. When Qingcheng saw her, her intuition told her that the farther away from this man, the better.

But at this time, she had no choice but to seek skin from the tiger!And it's a smiling tiger!

The person who came was the beautiful man I met by chance at Luoyue Lake on Valentine's Day!
"Little beauty in Qingcheng, farewell. I planned to look for you again in a few days, but I didn't expect you to come to me automatically. Is it like three autumns after a day? I am really touched!" The man said at the same time. At the same time, he began to want to make a move on Qingcheng again.

Qingcheng hastily dodged his wolf's claws, and said with a serious face: "Senior, I offended you that day, I hope that senior will not forget the mistakes of villains, and forgive Qingcheng for his recklessness."

Being under the eaves, I had to bow my head, hoping that this giant python would not be serious with her.It was also naughty at the time, and I didn't expect him to be such a secretive guy. It seems that in the future, you should be more cautious in doing things. Look, it's troublesome now. The road to enemies is narrow. If she wants to take revenge, it will be troublesome, not to mention getting the manjushahua, but whether she will survive to go back is a problem.

"Why are seniors older than seniors, am I that old?" The evil man frowned, as if he was very unhappy to hear Qingcheng's words, "Also, am I so scary? What is your expression? It seems that I will eat you. Although I really want to eat you, but, I know, you humans pay attention to cultivating relationships, and I will gradually develop relationships with you. Of course, the so-called things are only three things, Now we are meeting for the second time, and I will eat you again when we meet for the third time. How do you think?"

Qingcheng was horrified when she heard it, and her goosebumps fell off. A ten thousand year old vampire python, in broad daylight, in front of Manzhushahua, kept telling her what to eat. Are you really planning to drive her crazy?Regardless of whether the food in his mouth was actually swallowed into his python's belly or meant to be eaten in that way, she was not sensitive to it.But since he himself said that he wanted to develop a relationship with her, then she should be safe this time, right?

"Then can I pick some manjusawa?" He stretched out his head and retracted his head with a knife, Qingcheng fought it out.

"Of course you can, little beauty of Qingcheng, you can pick all the flowers and plants that look good in this yard." The man said generously.

Qingcheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he didn't expect this giant python to be quite talkative, so he hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I just need to pick some manjusawa."

As Qingcheng said, she began to pick up the manjusawa lightly, and Qianqian's hands trembled slightly. This is the most precious flower in the legend... Manjusawa, it is definitely the top of all flowers. In front of her, any precious flower has become a vulgar fan.

Qingcheng knew the preciousness of manjusawa, so after collecting some, he put the manjusawa into the purple jade bracelet, took out a few bottles of warm blood pills from the interspatial ring, and handed them all to the vampire python, with a grateful expression on his face : "Thank you, these pills are my gift to you in return. Although they are not as precious as your Manzhushahua, they are also my heart. I hope you don't dislike them."

"Little beauty Qingcheng, why are you being so polite to me? What's mine is yours. As long as you like it, you can move the whole garden away." The evil man smiled enchantingly, and took the pill that Qingcheng handed over. Wan, after casually opening a bottle, was taken aback and said, "Warm Blood Pill! Alluring little beauty, how many surprises are you going to give me? You even have such a precious pill, where did you get it? It’s expensive! And there’s no market for it! You’ve returned so many bottles in one shot, and the entire Cosmo Continent doesn’t add up to that much. It’s really strange, did you dig it out?”

"I made it myself." Qingcheng replied indifferently.

This time it was replaced by the evil and charming man, he couldn't calm down anymore, and shouted: "What, you made it yourself?"

Qingcheng nodded calmly again.

"You are so amazing!" Unexpectedly, that evil and charming man hugged her fiercely and rubbed her body back and forth.Shouted excitedly.

God!Who will tell her what is going on and why things are completely different from what she imagined.

Of course, she likes the way she is now, and she got Manzhushahua safely and smoothly, but it's really weird to say all of this.Manzhushahua is too easy to get.And the vampire python in front of her didn't make her feel eerie, on the contrary, it was so sunny and handsome, and even helped her pick manjusawa just now, how could anyone open the door to welcome thieves?Although it is a bit too much to say that she is a thief, the truth is that the role she plays today is no different from a thief.

"You hugged me until I couldn't breathe." Qingcheng was sore from being hugged, and almost called for help.

(End of this chapter)

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