Supreme Allure

Chapter 461 The Awkward Nalan Muye

Chapter 461 The Awkward Nalan Muye (3)
Look at the white belly in the east, it's getting late.After tossing and tossing for so long yesterday, I didn't find a satisfactory butterfly wing mask. Today, I will simply make one according to this mold and wear it, and I am too lazy to continue researching.If you spend your time on this like yesterday, it would be a waste of time.

After making up her mind, Qingcheng began to refine the butterfly wing mask according to the original mold. When the sky was bright, a butterfly wing mask as thin as a cicada's wings was finally refined successfully. Qingcheng put the butterfly wing mask on herself With a light touch on her face, it fit her skin perfectly. If she wasn't an illusion master, she wouldn't be able to tell that she was wearing a mask at all.

No matter what, you must participate in the medicine refining competition. Lightning Avoidance Pill, such a precious treasure, you can't just give up just because of some setbacks.
Trying to cheer herself up, Qingcheng plucked up the courage and walked out of the inn.

The street was bustling and bustling, and within a few steps of Qingcheng, she was attracted by a noodle restaurant full of fragrance, and was planning to eat a bowl of steaming beef noodles in it, when suddenly, a purple figure flew onto her body, forcefully He held her tightly in his arms with strong arms, and said in his mouth: "Great, I finally found you. But I was scared to death! They all said you were dead..."

Qingcheng was so shocked that he quickly pushed the man away. What's wrong with the world these days?What the hell is Luoshui Qingchuan doing to treat a weak woman so openly and aboveboard in public?At the emperor's feet, doesn't he know how to rectify the folk customs?

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you so strong?" The man in purple who was pushed away by Qingcheng had amazing perseverance and a super thick skin. After being pushed away, he still didn't give up. He hugged her tightly.

Seeing this, Qingcheng's face was full of black lines. He has seen shameless people, but he has never seen anyone who is shameless to this level. What is this purple-clothed man doing?Even his younger sister called out, what on earth is his face made of?

While thinking about it, Qingcheng planned to let him taste the pain of flesh and blood, and make a good memory, so that he would not fly at a woman every time he saw it, which would seriously affect the simple folk customs of Xixuan Kingdom.

Qingchuan, let me help you educate your people, you don't have to be too grateful to me!

After making up her mind, Qingcheng condensed her magic power with both hands, and was about to give an impressive lesson to the apprentice in front of her. However, at this moment, a transparent figure appeared in front of Qingcheng in an instant.

"Girl, be merciful!" the transparent woman said anxiously, her eyes full of sadness.

Qingcheng was shocked by those eyes full of grief, what kind of pain did she have to experience to make a pure girl have such sad eyes.

What is even more shocking is that the transparent woman's face is exactly the same as Qingcheng's butterfly wing mask.Could it be that she moved her mold that day?
"Please don't push my brother away. He has been looking for me for three days and three nights. If he can't find me, he will collapse." The transparent woman begged, "You go home with my brother first, as long as you help me This is a big favor, so I will give you the lightning protection beads."

Qingcheng was stunned again when he heard the words, what?The lightning protection beads are in the hands of this transparent woman?Whether it was true or not, it was just going home with this purple-clothed man. It was very simple. Anyway, there were still two months before the medicine refining competition, so let's go and see what happened.

"Sister, where have you been these past few days? I've been looking for you for three days and three nights but I haven't been able to find you. I sent you so many messages and you didn't even reply to a single one. Those guys at home who were gloating at other people's misfortunes are all Curse that you are dead. I don’t believe it. I don’t eat or sleep and look for you day and night. Finally, God has eyes and you’re fine! Great, it’s good that you’re fine! These days, I can’t bear it anymore , I'm really worried that those crows' mouths will hit the target..." The man hugged Qingcheng tightly, talking incoherently about the panic these days.

Qingcheng secretly raised his eyes to look at the transparent woman in front of him, only to see that her face was already covered with tears, which made Qingcheng feel sad for a while.

Obviously, the transparent woman is the younger sister of the man in purple, and she is probably killed by someone long ago. The reason why she is transparent now is that she can stay in the world for 49 days after her death. After 49 days, her soul will disappear. Enter the underworld.

"Brother, am I alright? Don't be nervous. I'm so hungry now, I want to eat a bowl of beef noodles." Looking at the tearful brother and sister separated by yin and yang, Qingcheng quickly changed the topic and yelled that he wanted to eat beef noodle.

"You, you know that brother is nervous, so don't run around." The purple-clothed man gently helped Qingcheng brush her loose hair, turned his eyes to Xiaoer and said, "Two bowls of beef noodles."

"Okay!" Xiao Er yelled and went to the kitchen to inform the chef.

"Brother, there is still a seat by the window over there, let's sit there." Qingcheng took the opportunity to break free from the arms of the man in purple, and immediately felt a lot lighter. The heavy brother-sister bond was not hers Counterfeit goods are affordable.

By the way, counterfeit?Remember when she pretended to be Hua Hanxiang before?Why are you pretending to be my sister again now?Pretending to be a younger sister is a trivial matter, but don't be like that flower with fragrance, it will be troublesome if you have a fiancé.When you are alone with this soul body, you must ask her carefully.If you have any fiancé, you have to retire the engagement quickly to avoid trouble.

The man in purple dragged Qingcheng to the seat by the window and sat down, picked up a pot of Longjing tea on the table, filled Qingcheng, and then filled the cup in front of him.Holding the teacup in hand, he said, "Sister, brother is very happy today. I wanted to drink for three days and three nights before getting drunk, but the day of the family competition is getting closer and closer. Brother can't be greedy for cups, so today I will replace it with tea." Wine, toast my sister."

Qingcheng raised the teacup on the table, touched the man in purple, and raised his eyes, and found that the man in purple in front of him was actually a super handsome guy.

Because the man in purple had been forcibly hugging him before, he never looked carefully at the man in purple in Qingcheng. Now that the two of them were facing each other, Qingcheng could see the man in purple clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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