Supreme Allure

Chapter 462 The Awkward Nalan Muye

Chapter 462 The Awkward Nalan Muye (4)
But I saw his eyebrows like distant mountains, eyes like bright stars, rich and handsome, wearing a purple silk robe, wearing a purple hair crown, two strands of long hair hanging from the ear temples, entwined with purple silk thread, fair skin Sai Xue, tall and slender, with an elegant temperament like a chrysanthemum, warm and moist like jade, he is such a handsome young man.

Just as Qingcheng was looking at the beautiful boy in front of him, the beautiful boy in front of him was also looking at Qingcheng.

Three thousand blue silks were tied into two girls' buns, and two simple ribbons were used to tie two bows on them. They were pure and refined, and their delicate facial features were no different from before. Layers of fairy air always give people a feeling of otherworldliness.The figure is graceful and graceful, and the charm is like a rainbow, which makes people have an illusion of riding the wind.

The most puzzling thing is the seven-color petals between the eyebrows. Nowadays, women like to paste this kind of seven-color petals to beautify themselves, but my sister has never caught up with this trend, and the purple bracelet on the wrist is also The most popular thing at the moment, my sister never wore purple bracelets before, why does she seem to be a different person now.Although, he had to admit that his sister's outfit really surprised him, but all of this was really too weird.

"Sister, why did you put up the seven-color petals? Didn't you often say that everyone should find their own characteristics? Shouldn't they just imitate Ye Qingcheng's?" The man in purple asked with a puzzled look on his face. .

The corners of Qingcheng's mouth twitched when she heard that, now she is being accused of imitating Ye Qingcheng, imitating herself, why is she doing nothing when she is full?

The most troublesome thing is that he still has to answer this question, otherwise, who knows what weird questions the man in purple will ask again.Sure enough, these days, treasures are not so easy to earn, let alone such legendary fetishes as lightning protection beads.

Just as Qingcheng was drooping her eyes and thinking about what kind of excuse she should find to explain, a soft voice interrupted the chat between the siblings.

"Mr. Chai, what a coincidence that I can meet you here, do you mind if I sit here?" The visitor was dressed in a blue gauze skirt, embellished with glittering gold threads, with delicate eyebrows, fair and delicate skin, tall and slender, completely Meets all the criteria of beauty.

Qingcheng and the man in purple were seated by the window, so, except for the side by the window, there was just room for three people.

"It's inconvenient!" The purple-clothed man lowered his starry eyes slightly, he didn't even bother to look at the blue-clothed man.

"Convenience, it couldn't be more convenient!" Qingcheng hurriedly waved to the woman in blue.

Here comes the savior. It would be best if the two of them chatted like each other, you and me, and let the man in purple completely forget the existence of her sister, then she would be able to avoid answering those nerve-wracking questions.

Moreover, the woman in blue called the purple-clothed man in front of her eyes Mr. Chai. According to what Nalannuo said before, the lightning protection beads are in the Chai family. This is Mr. Chai, so the woman in the soul state should be Miss Chai. .Yin Jiyou said before that the Thunderbolt disappeared a few years ago, and even the Chai family didn't know the whereabouts of the Thunderbolt. Could it be that the transparent woman in front of him hid it?If so inferred, then the transparent woman in front of me.

"Sister!" The man in purple stopped Qingcheng from letting the woman sit with them with his eyes.

Qingcheng pretended to be deaf, completely ignoring the hints from the man in purple, and waved more and more enthusiastically.

The man in purple shook his head helplessly, and looked at his sister dotingly.Forget it, as long as my sister is happy, he can sit next to him as a talking wooden clay puppet.

Seeing that the purple-clothed man had finally compromised, Qingcheng couldn't help but sigh inwardly, the elder brother's doting on his younger sister had reached the point of lawlessness and obedience.

"Her name is Lan Xinmei, and she has always had a special liking for her brother, but he has always been obsessed with cultivation and completely ignored women." The transparent woman stood beside Qingcheng and explained in a low voice.In fact, even if she explained loudly, no one could hear her, except Qingcheng.Because she is a soul body, her figure and her words can be controlled, and anyone she doesn't want to show can be completely blocked.

Qingcheng nodded understandingly, and by looking at this posture, she could guess all kinds of things.A typical goddess has a dream, but King Xiang has no intention.However, regardless of whether he has a dream or not, the truth is to catch all available characters for my use.

"Mr. Chai, I heard that in a month's time it will be the magic power contest within your family. Xinmei believes that with Mr. Chai's skills, he will definitely be able to represent the family in the Xixuan Kingdom's magic power contest. Xinmei wishes you a successful start and success soon! "Lan Xinmei filled a cup of tea for herself, and offered tea to the man in purple clothes instead of wine.

"Thank you!" The man in purple didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows, he casually raised his hand and drank the tea in his teacup without touching the other's teacup at all.

Seeing this, Lan Xinmei looked a little ugly, but quickly suppressed it, called Xiaoer, added a bowl of beef noodles for herself, and then casually chatted with Qingcheng.

"Sister Zixi, it's really a big change for a girl. The longer she grows, the more beautiful she is." Lan Xinmei said with a sincere face, but from Qingcheng's ears, it sounded like flattering.

All of a sudden, Qingcheng felt a little sympathetic to this Lan Xinmei. Who doesn't like him, but why does he like such a big boss? It's useless to have a rough, handsome appearance. Apart from being nervous about her own sister, she can't even put on a face to make other girls look good. If you really want to live with such a person, it will be a tragedy.

"Chai Zixi, why are you here? Didn't you die a long time ago?" Suddenly, a scream came from a distance, Qingcheng looked up, and saw two women, one red and one green, walking towards When they came over, the eyes of the two women were full of shock.

"You're just dead!" The man in purple who was lazily drinking Longjing tea was furious when he heard this, but the handsome and elegant man cursed at him.

How dare he curse his sister dead in front of him?When he couldn't find Zixi anywhere a few days ago, they kept sneering and saying that Zixi had died a long time ago, which made him almost believe that he was really devastated. Now, the two of them are still alive when they are sitting here. Cursing Zixi, he couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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