Supreme Allure

Chapter 521 Yelu Sada, You Beast

Chapter 521 Yelu Sada, You Beast (2)
"You look really carefully."

"Of course, you think that everyone is as superficial as you, and you just know how to stare at others. You don't know what you're looking at, and your mind is muddled. Don't just look at a person's face. Let me tell you, according to my secret observation of her today, I found that she is definitely not simple, otherwise, with the wisdom of the island master, she would not be tempted by a face."

"That's true. The island owner himself is so unparalleled in appearance. It is impossible for him to fall in love with a woman just because of his face. From what you say, this woman is really not simple."

"Of course, I've always been a good judge of people."

The voices of those people's comments fell into Qingcheng's ears verbatim, she shook her head and chuckled, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, it seems that Hongshu managed Yuliu Island very well, the folk customs are simple and honest, even the gossip has such connotations .

Just as Qingcheng lowered her eyes and chuckled, she bumped into an iron wall head-on, Qingcheng stopped in her tracks, pinched her pretty nose in pain, and squinted her beautiful eyes to look.

"Qingcheng, long time no see! Did it hurt you? Let me rub it for you." A voice as clear as jade sounded, the person was none other than Zi Li.

Her long, violet-like hair was tied up high, and she wore a violet hair crown. She was wearing a black brocade robe embroidered with dark golden patterns, showing a low-key magnificence. She had sword-shaped eyebrows, a nose like an eagle, and red lips. Ruo Dan, with fair skin and fair skin, had a pair of silver eyes that shone dazzlingly the moment he saw Qing Cheng.

Zi Li was still as clear as jade in memory, but her tall and burly body seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

Unexpectedly, I would meet Zi Li here.But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully, Zili and Hongshu are good friends, even if Zili has lost her memory now, Zili and Hongshu are still friends after losing her memory.The last time I met them was on Yuli Island, and now seeing Zi Li on Yuliu Island is also reasonable.

"I'll just do it myself." Qingcheng avoided Zi Li's slender and fair fingers calmly, lowered her head and gently rubbed her bumped nose, and asked in a low voice, "Your memory..."

When Zi Li heard this, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her lips, she shook her head and said, "Qingcheng, is it true that as long as I don't recover my memory, you will never tell me those past events?"

Qingcheng raised her eyes and was speechless, how would she tell him those past events?It just adds to the troubles. Now, she has finally made up her mind to be with Hongshu. You must know how many ups and downs she has gone through, especially the inner suffering. She really doesn't have the courage to waste so much energy on emotional toss up.Now she only hopes that one day she can find Yin Jiyou and get his understanding and acknowledgment. No matter how hard she is, she will face it with Hong Shu. For the rest, she can only be sorry.If we rush to give people hope, it will only make everyone fall into more pain.That's really cruel.

Seeing Qingcheng's apologetically drooping eyes and speechless, Zi Li smiled self-deprecatingly, with a touch of tenderness in Qingjun's purple eyes, and said softly: "Don't worry, Qingcheng, I won't get entangled, Hongshu told me about you earlier Yes, I wish you all the best. I will bury my thoughts on you tightly in my heart and will not harass you."

"What? Hongshu told you everything?" Qingcheng raised her eyes and looked at Zili in surprise.

"When did Hongshu tell you? He, he even told you these things?" Qingcheng was completely speechless. It seems that Hongshu did not do one or two things behind her back.

"A few months ago, he told me with the messenger jade token." Zi Li smiled bitterly, with infinite sadness in her clear eyes, so what if she didn't want to give up, the matter has reached this point, no matter how much he misses Qing Cheng What is the use?Hong Shu told him this matter just to make him give up completely.He should give up completely, but, the longing for Qingcheng is like leeks in spring, after one wave is cut, another wave grows again.It will always be like crazy weeds, constantly pruning and messing up.

"Well, I still need to collect medicinal materials. Hong Shu is handling business in the front hall of the island lord's mansion. You can find him there. I'll go first." Faced with the pain in Zi Li's eyes, Qing Cheng's heart tightened suddenly, Bursts of distress came to her heart, if possible, she would rather bear these pains for Zi Li.

Hearing this, Zi Li felt reluctance for a while in her clear purple eyes, but she still tried her best to restrain herself, and said lightly with the corners of her lips: "Then go and do your work, I'll find Hong Shu." After finishing speaking, she said stiffly. Turn around and head towards the Island Lord's Mansion.

Qingcheng stared blankly at Zi Li's leaving back, and sighed softly in her heart, Zi Li has matured a lot and calmed down a lot.I hope he can meet his beloved woman as soon as possible, and hope that the next time he meets him, his face will be bright with sunshine.

After a brief meeting with Zi Li and a hasty farewell, Qingcheng continued to collect herbs until night fell. Thinking about Hongshu's busy day, it was time to cook some delicious food to reward him.

Qingcheng threw the herbs in his hand into the space ring, summoned Chipeng directly, and hurriedly embarked on the road back to the Island Lord's Mansion.

As soon as she arrived at the Island Lord's Mansion, Qingcheng went straight to the kitchen.

The servants on duty in the kitchen knew that there was a stunning beauty in the island lord's mansion, and sooner or later she would ascend the throne of the island lord's wife. When they saw Qingcheng suddenly appear in the kitchen, they all knelt down in fright, couldn't they?Has anyone in the kitchen offended the future wife of the island owner?Aren't they going to suffer together?

"What are you all kneeling for? Get up quickly." Qingcheng entered the kitchen with fluttering clothes, and stopped the cooks who were kneeling on the ground.The cooks stood up anxiously.

"I don't know what your lady is doing here?" What does such a beautiful lady come to the kitchen for?If you are hungry, you can call the servants to inform them to prepare food, and there is no need to bother her to go there herself.

Because Gu Hongshu has always hated relationships with women, there is not even a maidservant in the entire Yuliu Island Lord's Mansion. Hongshu originally wanted to provide Qingcheng with a maid, but Qingcheng shook his head and refused.She also doesn't like maids very much, thinking they are too cumbersome.There are many ways to go in and out alone, and it is too annoying to have a maid by your side.

"How's the dinner prepared?" She was called madam by the servants, and she didn't bother to correct her, but she still had a sweet feeling in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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