Supreme Allure

Chapter 522 Yelu Sada, You Beast

Chapter 522 Yelu Sada, You Beast (3)
"It's still under preparation. The owner of Zili Island is also at the house today, so I need to prepare more meals." The chef in charge explained cautiously.As soon as the island owner brought his wife back to the mansion, he didn't leave his room for several days and nights, which shows how much the island owner's wife is favored.This has long been no secret in the entire island lord's mansion.Therefore, in the hearts of all the servants, offending the island owner may still have a chance of survival. If he offends the island owner's wife, he may never see the sun tomorrow again.

"Island Master Li hasn't left yet?" Qingcheng was taken aback when she heard the words, she thought that Zi Li must have gone back at this time, why hasn't she left yet?Do you want to live on Yuliu Island for some time?
"Yes!" The chef in charge replied loudly.

"Then I will be in charge today, and you will be my assistant." Qingcheng said as she took out an apron from the space ring, tied the apron neatly, then turned and walked towards the stove.

"Yes, ma'am!" Although the chef in charge was confused, he hurriedly nodded his head and agreed.

So, Qingcheng took a group of chefs to work in the kitchen, and received several messages from Gu Hongshu, asking her to go back home for dinner early.Qingcheng replied with several good words, but she didn't tell her that she was hiding in the kitchen preparing delicious food for him.

The time passed quietly in a burst of busyness, and finally, a steaming and fragrant sumptuous dinner was ready, which almost surprised all the chefs' eyeballs.Their wives are really extraordinary, a typical one who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen.There are so many delicious delicacies, even professional chefs like them can't help themselves.

"Hurry up and bring all these meals to the restaurant." Qingcheng ordered to the chefs.

As soon as the chefs heard this, they immediately picked up the food and headed towards the restaurant. For Qingcheng, they now only worship and admire her, and they no longer have any doubts about her instructions.

Seeing that everything was ready, Qingcheng turned around and went back to the room. After ordering the servants to prepare a large bucket of hot water for her, she began to take a bath in the room. After the bath, she changed into an emerald green suit. long skirt and headed towards the restaurant.

Gu Hongshu and Zi Li had already moved from the front hall to the restaurant, and when the hot and delicious food was served in the restaurant, both of them were shocked.

Gu Hongshu was suspicious, as soon as he smelled the fragrance, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to come from the chef in his house.The smell is so familiar, as if I have eaten such a delicacy before.The chefs in their house are definitely not of this level.

Zi Li also looked at the delicious food on the table in shock, and said curiously: "Hong Shu, when did you change to a new chef, this level, you can tell that it is not easy to take a look and smell it. "

"Li, I have to ask my wife about this matter." Gu Hongshu suddenly thought of something, and said with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Oh? It has something to do with Qingcheng? Could it be that the new chef was hired by Qingcheng? Then I have to ask her to help me hire a chef for Yuli Island." Zi Li said with a look of longing.

"Hahahahaha! Li, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. There is only one restaurant with such a great chef." Gu Hongshu said happily.

"Could it be that these delicacies are all made by Qingcheng?" Zi Li was shocked.

"Hahahahahaha! Li, you finally got the truth!" Gu Hongshu joked with a smile, thinking that Qingcheng had prepared a table full of delicious food for him, he felt extremely happy in his heart.

"What's the truth?" Qingcheng walked in from the door with a smile on her face. The emerald green dress made her delicate body look like a graceful willow, dancing with the wind.Immediately, he was deeply attracted by the two stunning beauties in the restaurant.

"Qingcheng, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, where did you go?" When Gu Hongshu saw Qingcheng, he quickly moved the chair beside him, and gently helped Qingcheng to sit down.

"Where else can I go? Isn't it just picking herbs?" Qingcheng sat down gracefully, raised her lips and smiled lightly.

"I just went to gather medicine? Then what's the matter with the table full of food?" Gu Hongshu casually helped Qingcheng brush up the hair at the ear and temples, and said teasingly, "Don't tell me, the table is full of food Are they all given to me by the gods?"

"Yes, yes, nothing can escape your eyes. How is it? Is the taste okay?" Qingcheng asked a little nervously. Although she has always been confident in her craftsmanship, due to time constraints, the preparations were rushed. After a while, I don't know if those dishes are tasty or not. She was in the kitchen just now, and she was so busy that she didn't even have time to try them.

"As long as it's made by you, it's delicious. It's just Qingcheng. It's too hard for you to prepare dinner for me when you come back from gathering herbs. I won't work so hard again in the future. I will feel bad. The cook will let the cook Let's go, you just need to stay with me. Especially at night..." Gu Hongshu said in a serious manner.

"Hongshu!" Qingcheng hastily interrupted Gu Hongshu's words, while secretly looking at Zili from the corner of his eye, Hongshu is really, to say such embarrassing words in front of Zili.

In fact, Gu Hongshu was more or less intentional, although Zi Li was his friend, no matter before or after amnesia.However, emotionally, he is also very selfish.He knew that although Zi Li hadn't recovered his memory, he never gave up on Qingcheng.Originally, today's business affairs have been finished, and Zi Li can go back to Yuli Island, but he has been reluctant to leave for a long time, making it clear that he just wants to see Qingcheng.That's why he childishly showed his love to Qingcheng in front of Zili.

A burst of sadness flashed across Zi Li's already thin face, but she immediately calmed down, pretending to be nonchalant and said: "Qingcheng, did you make these? It smells so good, I have to taste it. "While speaking, he began to move his chopsticks, picked up a piece of roast chicken and threw it into his mouth, the crispy and tender chicken immediately filled his entire mouth, so that he no longer cared about his sadness, but just wanted to enjoy the delicious food in his mouth .

"Hehe, eat more if you like it." Seeing Zi Li eating so happily, Qing Cheng's mood also improved, and he helped Zi Li pick up another piece of roast chicken.

"Qingcheng, I want it too." Gu Hongshu opened his mouth wide and pointed.

(End of this chapter)

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