After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 107 Just like you acted just now

Chapter 107 Just like you acted just now

After hearing Lin Shimeng's words, Bai Chaolu smiled.

"Smart is smart, but what you do is not clean enough."

Lin Shimeng immediately expressed her loyalty, "No matter how smart I am, I'm just a low-level entertainer. Thanks to Mr. Bai for taking care of me, otherwise I would be exposed."

"Although you avoided this incident with your cleverness, I want to see how clever you can be. In this way, the company will not assign you an agent for the time being."

Lin Shimeng looked up at Bai Chaolu, "Boss Bai, I'm just an entertainer..."

"At this time, no matter who is your manager, it will have an impact. Why don't you do it yourself and let me see how capable you are." Bai Chaolu looked at Lin Shimeng proudly.

A little star, still kind of doesn't listen to her, why didn't his manager see clearly?
"I'll do my best, thank you Mr. Bai."

"After the official announcement, record a video to apologize to Lian Cheng, remember to be sincere, just like you just acted, go out."

Lin Shimeng went out, but her face was not too good-looking, and her fists were always clenched.

When she was standing at the door, she glanced at Bai Chaolu from the corner of her eye.

Superior, eh?
With Bai Chaolu in charge, Jiayu Media was very fast, and the officials clarified immediately.

——It has been confirmed that our agent, Fan Qing, has done something wrong and has now been relieved of his position.After many days of investigation, our artist Lin Shimeng did not know about it.Here, I also apologize to the former artist @连成, the cooperation is not benevolent, and I wish you a bright star.After this incident, our company must strengthen management and not make the same mistakes again. Please supervise.

Lin Shimeng also followed up and sent a video apology, sincerely.

——I'm very sorry, I didn't clarify this matter immediately because the company needs time to investigate clearly and at the same time prove my innocence.I can only say that the incident was caused by me, and I cannot help it, and I am deeply sorry.At the same time, I want to say that the agent did something wrong, but she was doing it for me, and I hope everyone can see it for my sake and stop scolding her.I also apologize to Lian Cheng and Wen Yingdi, this matter has involved you.This time, I will donate all the salary of "Deep Palace" to charity to express my apology to my fans.I will definitely handle the relationship at work well in the future, and use my works to speak, thank you everyone.

[Hehehe, the investigation takes time, I think it takes time for collusion, right?Do you really think everyone is an idiot?It's an apology anyway, so why not be more sincere sooner? 】

[Fan Qing is a manager, why would she do these things for no reason? She didn't step on Lian Cheng for Lin Shimeng. I suspect that Lian Cheng's contract with Jiayu Media was terminated by Lin Shimeng and Fan Qing. ! 】

[What do you know, it means that Lin Shimeng's rank is relatively high, Jiayu Media sacrificed Fan Qing in order to keep Lin Shimeng, and everyone is a fool, can't you understand?real】

【Lin Shimeng is just a watch, needless to say】

【Didn't you have sex with Si Chen? Why don't you come out to talk? I'm afraid you'll be bombarded to death if you speak~ A man who's been cowarded by this time can only sleep, not want him! 】

[As a fan of Lin Shimeng, whenever something happens, the administrator repeatedly emphasizes not to tear it up, don't cause trouble for my sister, but I really can't help it, let me say it again, Lin Shimeng is innocent!Please don't trouble Lin Shimeng! 】

[Support Lin Shimeng, innocent people don't need an explanation! 】

(End of this chapter)

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