After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 108 Math class allows you to sleep

Chapter 108 Math class allows you to sleep
There is a lot of noise on the Internet.

After Lian Cheng finished, Lian Ye and Shen Xiuyan returned to Wucheng.

The next day, Shen Xiuyan sent Lian Cheng to the experiment again.

The atmosphere in high school has always been very serious, and everyone is immersed in their studies.

Especially the students in the third year of high school, they can be described as burning eyebrows.

There are 59 days before the college entrance examination, and the banners are hung all over the places where the third-year students can appear.

As soon as Lian Cheng stepped into the school gate: ...

As soon as you step into the classroom: ...

Going to the cafeteria at noon: ...

The senior high school students in the whole experiment race against time even when walking. After all, if you do one more question, you will have more hope.

Lian Cheng has a good foundation, but before preparing for the battle, he always needs to practice his hands.

Listen to the class when there is a class, and do the questions when there is no class.

But as soon as she came to Mathematics Teacher Xu's class, she fell asleep.

It's okay to sleep once or twice, but if you sleep too much, it will attract Teacher Xu's attention.

She walked up to Lian Cheng, knocked on the textbook, and Lian Cheng raised his head.

"Look at the topic on the blackboard, can you do it?"

Lian Cheng glanced at it, but said nothing.

Teacher Xu directly handed the chalk to Lian Cheng, "Go solve it."

That way seems to say, stop pretending, I know you will.

Lian Cheng held the end of a chalk, pulled up his school uniform, yawned, and walked slowly onto the podium.

The whole class, "..."

The math teacher is the homeroom teacher, and only Lian Cheng dares to sleep in her class. If it were someone else, he really wouldn't dare.

Lian Cheng walked to the podium and started directly, as if he hadn't reviewed the questions.

Brush, brush, and solve the problem.

Generally, for such a big problem, there are many steps to solve the problem, but Lian Cheng wrote it in three short lines.

The whole class: ?
Teacher Xu, who came up from the back of the classroom, blocked Lian Cheng's way, "Write in detail, so that the students can't understand."

Lian Cheng: ...

Lian Cheng went up again, wrote in detail, and finally came up with the answer.

Pan Jiahui and Wang Xu both gave Lian Cheng a thumbs up, but Ming Shasha still looked at Lian Cheng unkindly.

Teacher Xu let Liancheng go, and explained to the students her steps to solve the problem.

After this class, Lian Cheng was called to the office by Teacher Xu.

The girl stood obediently in the office, her school uniform was zippered all the way, not showing at all, with her hands in her pockets.

Randomly tied a ball head.

His eyes were still a little hazy, and it seemed that he was slightly dissatisfied with waking her up to answer the question.

It can't be seen at all that it is a popular person who was still active on the hot search list in the entertainment circle a few days ago.

Teacher Xu has taught quite a few students. He has never met Xiang Liancheng who can get full marks in such difficult test papers.

Later, because of doubts about Lian Cheng's grades, Lian Cheng was asked to take the test again, and he still got a perfect score.

It may be a coincidence to get a perfect score once, but it is absolutely impossible to score twice.

This is a difficult test paper from the third grade group, which is more difficult than the college entrance examination.

It is the pride of Teacher Xu to have such students, and it is also the biggest headache for the teachers in the entire math group.

I don't know how to teach it!

Teacher Xu asked Lian Cheng gently, "Are you sure about the mathematics in the college entrance examination?"


"Full score?"

"Yes." Lian Cheng directly confirmed.

Teacher Xu was almost too loyal, she met Lian Cheng to answer the questions more than once.

"Why do you sleep in math class, do you think you must have a perfect score?"

"Sleeping in other classes is not allowed by the teacher."

Teacher Xu smiled, "I didn't allow it either."

"It's too tiring to learn other things, and I need to rest."

Teacher Xu, "..."

Lian Cheng smiled.

"You are allowed to sleep in math class in the future, but you must work harder in other things, so you can't hold back math, okay?"

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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