After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 140 Master Xiu's Nightmare, Sister Cheng Takes the Pulse

Chapter 140 Master Xiu's Nightmare, Sister Cheng Takes the Pulse

Lian Cheng took Shen Xiuyan to the bathroom to take a shower.

Without Shen Xiuyan's change of clothes, Lian Cheng went to Lian Qingyun's room to find one.

Lian Qingyun occasionally comes to Qinglan Bay to spend the night, and here are his clothes.

Many didn't even cut off the hang tags.

Lian Cheng guarded Shen Xiuyan outside the bathroom, and after a while, Shen Xiuyan came out, wrapped in a towel.

Lian Cheng turned his face away, and stuffed Lian Qingyun's clothes on Shen Xiuyan, "This is not your change of clothes, my old man's, let's just wear them."

Lian Cheng closed the door and left.

She went directly to the living room, inserted a small piece of watermelon with a toothpick and ate it to calm down.

Shen Xiuyan came out wearing Lian Qingyun's pajamas.

Even if it is a middle-aged style, when worn on him, there is a youthful atmosphere.

Shen Xiuyan is thinner than Lian Qingyun, and his clothes are a bit baggy, but he has a casual feeling.

The alcohol still had some stamina, although it was not as exaggerated as being drunk, but Shen Xiuyan still had a bit of a headache, so he leaned against the wall to come out.

Seeing his ghostly appearance, Lian Cheng helped him back to the sofa and fed him watermelon.

"Do you sleep on the sofa or in the guest room at night?"

Shen Xiuyan squeezed the space between his eyebrows, "Let's go to the sofa."

"Your choice is really novel." Normal people would choose the big bed in the guest room.

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

Because on the sofa, there is your breath.

Fortunately, the sofa in Qinglan Bay is big enough for Shen Xiuyan to lie on.

Lian Cheng put all the extra pillows aside, leaving only one for Shen Xiuyan, and covered him with a thin quilt.

"Sleep well, I'm going back to my room."

Shen Xiuyan took her hand, "If you can't sleep, will you come to me?"

"Lonely man and widow, I came to you just to chat?" Although she also thought a little bit!

"Well, let's chat."
Lian Cheng went back to her room, took a shower and dried her hair, then changed into a set of conservative pajamas, and quietly went downstairs to see Shen Xiuyan.

He also drank a lot, his mind was still clear, and he didn't know if he would vomit in the middle of the night.

There is a warm night light in the living room, just enough to see Shen Xiuyan's sleeping face clearly.

"I thought you were so capable, just drank some wine and fell asleep like this." Lian Cheng said and covered him with a quilt.

Only when he got closer did he realize that Shen Xiuyan's face was covered with sweat.

His eyebrows were furrowed.

He seemed to be in a nightmare.

"Ayan..." Lian Cheng pulled Shen Xiuyan's hand and found that his palm was also covered with sweat.

"Ayan, wake up."


Seeing that Shen Xiuyan was getting more and more painful, Lian Cheng could only keep calling him.

Shen Xiuyan woke up suddenly, he was still holding Lian Cheng's hand.

When he woke up, he met her worried eyes.

"What's wrong with you? I've been calling you for a long time, but I can't wake you up."

Shen Xiuyan hugged Lian Cheng fiercely.

Lian Cheng: ...

Lian Cheng's little hand landed on Shen Xiuyan's back, comforting him one after another, "Did you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Shen Xiuyan reluctantly lets go of Lian Cheng.

"Do you do this often?"

"Well, it's a night of dreaming, and I wake up soaked."

"how come?"

"You woke me up, I feel better, thank you." Shen Xiuyan's hair was a little messy, and he looked sluggish, which was pitiful.

"Now that you have me, you won't have nightmares."


As if being hit by surprise, Shen Xiuyan found Lian Cheng's finger on his hand in the next second.

"Don't talk, I'll take a pulse."

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

He forgot.

Lian Cheng is good at medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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