Chapter 141

Lian Cheng was extraordinarily attentive, taking his pulse for 5 minutes longer than usual, checking carefully.

She let go of Shen Xiuyan's hand, "There is nothing wrong with your body, but you are restless. I will prescribe a medicine for you, take it for seven days first."

Shen Xiuyan endured the pain and said, "Okay."

"Can you cook medicine?"

Shen Xiuyan shook his head, "I can learn."

If they can learn it, they can help Lian Cheng in the future, and they will have more time to spend together.

"Go to the Chinese medicine hall tomorrow to get the medicine, and decoct it when you come back, it will ensure you have a good night's sleep."

"it is good."

Lian Cheng helped Shen Xiuyan to lie down, "It's still early, let's go to bed later."

"Is it okay if you don't go?"

Probably because of the drunkenness, or maybe after the nightmare, Shen Xiuyan didn't want to see Lian Cheng leave again.

He waited for this day for too long.

Even in the same villa, he was reluctant to lose sight of her for a second.

"Okay, I'll leave when you fall asleep, close your eyes quickly."

Shen Xiuyan was obedient and closed his eyes.

In the palm of my hand, there is always the warmth from her.

Shen Xiuyan sleeps lightly and rarely, often falling into nightmares.

Once awakened, he could no longer fall asleep, and often smoked until dawn.

The world's top psychiatrists have nothing to do with him.

But tonight, after waking up with a start, he fell asleep again with Lian Cheng's company.
On the other side, Wang Xu sent Pan Jiahui home. Both of them were high school students and didn't have a car, so they took a taxi directly.

Pan Jiahui is a girl after all, so she will worry, "Is that boy reliable? He doesn't look like a little assistant at all."

"Reliable, don't look at people wearing suits, you don't think they are suitable for assistants."

"How do you know that person is reliable?"

"I...he is better than me in racing, of course it's reliable!"

Wang Xu directly told him that he challenged Shen Xiuyan to race the car, but he was tortured by Shen Xiuyan and Lian Cheng.

Pan Jiahui laughed for a long time, "You are too funny, but Wang Xu, Lian Cheng has punished Xie Fei, I am afraid that Xie Fei will not let her go."

"I'll go back and talk to my dad."

"Please, Wang Xu."

"Small matter, let me warn you, don't spread the matter of my loss in the race car, it's too embarrassing."
After Wang Xu sent off Pan Jiahui, he went home.

With his schoolbag in his hands, he slipped into his villa.

At this point, he should do his homework at home, but he came back late.

As soon as he stepped into the living room, he found his father sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, "Stop."

"Dad, why did you come back so early today?"

Wang Shangping stubbed out the cigarette butt, "Your teacher called today and said you asked for leave."

Wang Xu, "..."


"what happened?"

Wang Xu simply tossed his schoolbag, "Dad, help us."

He told Wang Shangping everything about the school.

"Father, you don't know how much Xie Fei has gone too far in school because of someone behind her. If it wasn't for your son's poor growth, he might have been taken back to be Xie's son-in-law!"

"People from the Xie family are not blind."


"Hurry up and cut this green hair for me, or I will break your leg." Wang Shangping left after speaking.

"Dad, did you listen to what I said? You must help me, help Lian Cheng."

Wang Shangping ignored Wang Xu.

How easy would it be for a student who could transfer to an experiment three months before the college entrance examination?
The students in the experiment are either the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people, and only their own stupid son can't see through.

But if you dare to attack the daughter of the Xie family,

His temper is quite big.

 Shen Xiuyan: I am a hero with a story~
  Lian Cheng: Any hero who offends the heroine will become a hero who has an accident~
  Shen Xiuyan: The little one dare not, the little one resigns
  (Sister Cheng has walked the longest road, it’s Master Xiu’s routine, hahahaha. Good night~)

(End of this chapter)

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