After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 143 My baby is not such an unreasonable person

Chapter 143 My baby is not such an unreasonable person

Shen Xiuyan picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"Master Xiu, you are talking, you are so anxious." Lu Kan was more curious about what happened to Shen Xiuyan last night than anything else.

Shen Xiuyan's cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was a message from Lian Cheng.

——[I added a flavor of herbs, it won't be particularly bitter]

Shen Xiuyan glanced at the phone, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

How did she know that she didn't like to take bitter Chinese medicine.

Shen Xiuyan probably has a lower IQ. Among the patients Lian Cheng has seen, nine out of ten are unwilling to take traditional Chinese medicine. It is really too bitter.

Shen Xiuyan handed the medicinal materials to Chen Qi, "Help me make the medicine."

Chen Qi, "..."

Master Xiu, I've been with you for so long, and I haven't seen you take the initiative to drink Chinese medicine.

Not all the traditional Chinese medicines ended up in the trash can.

Sure enough, men are fickle!
"This is Chinese medicine, right? When did you start liking to drink Chinese medicine?" Lu Kan was full of curiosity about Shen Xiuyan's sudden change.

"She drove it."

"Huh? Xiao Liancheng can prescribe medicine?"

"Well, for insomnia."

What did Lu Kan think of, "Did you have a nightmare in front of Xiao Liancheng last night?"

Shen Xiuyan said nothing, expressing his acquiescence.

"Damn, you actually came here, Xiao Liancheng didn't dislike you? Didn't kick you out of the house in the middle of the night."

Shen Xiuyan put the teacup on the table, "My baby is not such an unreasonable person, she is very kind."

Lu Kan suspected that he had heard it wrong, so he asked Chen Qi, "What did your repair master call Xiao Liancheng?"

"You heard me right."

Lu Kan:!
As a single dog, he doesn't understand.
Xie Fei was used to being domineering and domineering in school, and with that little family background, no one dared to bully her yet.

In the end, it was repaired by Lian Cheng.

On the day I went back, I cried so much that I developed a high fever, so I asked for a day off and didn't come to class.

Pan Jiahui was terrified for a day, but she was relieved that Xie Fei didn't come.

When school was over, the three of them went back together.

When we arrived at the school gate, Shen Xiuyan hadn't arrived yet.

Lian Cheng's cell phone rang.

"There was a traffic accident on the road and the road was closed. The detour may be 10 minutes late."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

Lian Cheng hung up the phone and asked Pan Jiahui and Wang Xu to leave first.

Both of them refused to leave first, so Wang Xufei took them to an online celebrity milk tea shop 500 meters away from the school.

The location in the experiment is a bit biased, and there are not many people at this point.

The three of them bought milk tea and walked back.

After walking a few steps, Lian Cheng stopped.

"Lian Cheng, why don't you leave?"

"Wang Xu, stand beside Jiahui."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Wang Xu habitually brushed the green hair on his forehead, only to find that it was empty. He cut it off yesterday due to his father's lust!
At the entrance of the dark alley, four punks stood there, holding iron rods in their hands, beating their palms up and down.

The sound of high heels came from behind.

Four punks stand aside,

A woman appeared.

Black leather jacket, leather pants and boots, made it look like a spy.

It's not Xie Fei who asked for leave because of a fever.

She waved her hand directly, and the four gangsters surrounded Lian Cheng and the three of them.

"Lian Cheng, don't even think about going back alive today!" It was her deliberate design to hold back Shen Xiuyan's footsteps and bring people to guard here.

Originally, after Wang Xu and Pan Jiahui left, Lian Cheng would be alone and ready to go.

She didn't expect these two idiots to leave, so she had no choice but to clean up with them.

In Wucheng, there is no one she can't touch!

(End of this chapter)

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