Chapter 144
Lian Cheng came to school in the experiment, and did not bring a silver needle at all.
Otherwise, it can be fatal with one move without leaving traces, which is simple and trouble-free.

She handed the two cups of packaged milk tea to Pan Jiahui, "Take it."

Pan Jiahui was about to cry, "Lian Cheng, let's run quickly, we don't want milk tea. Wang Xu, you should say something."

Wang Xu's forehead was covered with cold sweat, "Jiahui is right."

"Protect Pan Jiahui well, they won't attack you." Xie Fei didn't have the guts to confront the Wang family.

"And you!"

Lian Cheng did not speak, and pulled the zipper to the top, and the collar of the school uniform was able to cover his chin.

She put away her cynical attitude and said coldly, "It's not that easy to kill me."

"Don't touch Young Master Wang, treat these two sluts well!" Xie Fei ordered, and the four punks started.

Lian Cheng stepped forward and directly kicked the little gangster who was coming towards him with an iron rod.

The little gangster fell to the ground and howled.

Pan Jiahui, "..." She forgot how to cry.

Wang Xu, "..." I was afraid, it seems that Lian Cheng didn't do anything to fix him last time.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the four punks were so weak that they were beaten by Lian Cheng and cried for their father and mother.

Pan Jiahui screamed excitedly,

"Wow, the kick just now, this man is probably useless!"

"Wang Xu, did you see that Lian Cheng's roundabout kick is so cool!"

"Ahhh! I can't do it anymore. If Lian Cheng is a man, I will definitely marry him!"

Real man Wang Xu, "..." Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so weak.

He silently put away his mobile phone, originally he wanted to call for rescue, but it seems that he just needs to wait to call an ambulance.

I have to say, watching Lian Cheng fight was so exciting, he wanted to cheer like a cheerleader.

In just 10 minutes, the four gangsters were beaten and lay on the ground, unable to get up.

Shefy froze.

She didn't expect that Lian Cheng still had this ability.

She was sure that she was not Lian Cheng's opponent.

"Next time don't be greedy for petty gains and hire junk."

The little bastard lying on the ground, "..."

So angry.

It's too difficult to be insulted if you can't beat it.

Lian Cheng turned around and planned to leave.

"Be careful..." Pan Jiahui screamed.

Lian Cheng noticed it, turned around quickly, and pushed Xie Fei away.

The iron rod in Xie Fei's hand fell to the ground.

Lian Cheng just slapped Xie Fei twice in the past, bleeding from the corner of Xie Fei's mouth, "If you do it again, it won't be as simple as two slaps."

Xie Fei lay on the ground, "Lian Cheng, I won't let you go!"

She had just finished yelling when Shen Xiuyan arrived.

"It's okay." Shen Xiuyan was anxious.

After the car accident and the road was blocked, Shen Xiuyan noticed something was wrong.

It was just a small car accident, so the road would not be closed. He hurried to the school and found out that something really happened.

He looked for Lian Cheng like crazy.


"She's fine, I guess she was beaten by her." Wang Xu said proudly.

Shen Xiuyan looked at the five people lying on the ground, "..."

Her little girl's strength is so high?

However, the commotion was so loud that people passing by had already called the police.

Xie Fei barely stood up and smiled.

call the police

Much easier to call the police!

Her father is the president of the bank, and her uncle is the deputy director. What is she afraid of!
A group of people were all taken away and went to the police station to record statements.

Wang Xu and Pan Jiahui insisted that it was Xie Fei who made the first move, and Lian Cheng was just defending himself.

 Thanks to star, Chen Chen, Chen Chen, mamba for the reward, what's up~
(End of this chapter)

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