Chapter 145 A Slight Concussion

Only Lian Cheng himself did not speak.

Xie Fei entered the police station as if she had entered her own home, and asked the police officer on duty to pour water.

Xie Zhize and Mrs. Xie arrived in a hurry.

"Feifei, why have you been beaten like this!" Mrs. Xie exclaimed when she saw that Xie Fei's face was swollen like a pig's head.

"She was the one who hit me, my parents and I still have tinnitus!"

"Quick, let the doctor take a look first."

Xie Zhize came prepared and brought his family doctor with him. The doctor initially judged that it was a mild concussion and suggested that Xie Fei go to the hospital for further examination.

Xie Zhize glared at Lian Cheng angrily, "Why did you hit my daughter!"

Lian Cheng didn't speak, Shen Xiuyan protected him behind him.

The moment Xie Zhize saw Shen Xiuyan, he paused.

Why is this man's eyes so terrifying.

But he looks like an ordinary person.

There is not even a brand logo on the clothes, and it looks like street stalls. It seems that he is a good-looking poor man!

"I asked you something!"

"President Xie, what qualifications do you have to interrogate the police?" Wang Xu on the side spoke.

Xie Zhize pretended to see Wang Xu, "Nephew Wang Xian, why are you here? I didn't see it just now."

"I'm here."

Xie Zhize looked at Xie Fei, and Xie Fei nodded, indicating that she did not move Wang Xu.

Only then did Xie Zhize feel relieved, "Nephew Wang Xian, since this matter has nothing to do with you, why don't you go back and rest early, aren't you about to take the college entrance examination soon, don't delay your studies."

Wang Xu ignored him.

Xie Fei faltered, Mrs. Xie supported her, "Feifei, doctor..."

Xie Fei was helped to sit down.

Hearing that Xie Fei was beaten, Xie Zhinan also rushed over.

Speaking of which, this area is managed by Xie Zhinan, and there is no one who does not know Deputy Bureau Xie.

"Brother, you came at a good time. Look at Feifei who has been beaten into a concussion." Mrs. Xie complained first.

Xie Zhinan's brows were all furrowed, and his eyes passed by several people present, except Wang Xu who was a little troublesome.

"what happened?"

Xie Fei added fuel and vinegar, crying and telling the story.

As soon as something happened, Wang Xu contacted his father, and Wang Shangping hurried over.

Wang Xu had already told him what happened in the message.

Wang Shangping was considered a respectable figure in Wucheng, but he didn't expect him to come in person and greet President Xie and Deputy Director Xie one by one.

"President Xie, Deputy Director Xie, this is all a fight between children, why don't we apologize to each other and let this matter pass? The children are all in their third year of high school, and the college entrance examination is about to take place. Nothing beats the college entrance examination." More important." Wang Shangping said calmly.

"This..." President Xie looked embarrassed.

"No," Mrs. Xie vetoed straight away, "My daughter has been beaten like this, so I can't say anything!"

Wang Shangping was not easy to provoke, the two men from Xie's family did not speak, and made it clear that they meant it.

"With all due respect, the cause of this matter is that your daughter fell in love with Lian Cheng's assistant, it's not Lian Cheng's fault!"

"You! My daughter is so good, it's this assistant who is blind! Besides, I'm willing to fall in love with you, and my daughter didn't force him! Wang Shangping, you don't have to talk to me about nonsense, I'm a woman who doesn't understand, All I know is that my daughter was beaten, and I want to seek justice. This matter can’t just be left alone, I want to sue! Hmph, I’m a public figure, I’ve learned all the nonsense in the entertainment industry, and I think it’s rubbish Cheng Neng let her turn the world upside down!"

(End of this chapter)

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