After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 146 The condition of non-prosecution, the assistant will give it to me

Chapter 146 The condition of non-prosecution, the assistant will give it to me

Mrs. Xie performed her shamelessness to the extreme, she would never let Lian Cheng go.

Muttering about suing.

Wang Xu was annoyed to hear it, "Dad, don't let her beep and beep nonsense, just sue if you sue, please hire a lawyer!"

Everyone, "..."

Xie Fei did speak, "Lian Cheng, if you want me to not sue you, you can all apologize to me personally. Besides, your little assistant is mine, and I happen to be short of an assistant."

It's all here, even Cheng will bow his head no matter what he says!
If you get into a lawsuit, you will be in trouble.

Then look at the little assistant next to Lian Cheng, how satisfied she is.

As long as she becomes her assistant, she can do whatever she wants, can't she!

She even prepared the medicine to cheer her up.

"Don't even think about it, I won't apologize, let alone give you my little assistant."

"Lian Cheng, don't be rude, and don't look at what kind of form it is!" Xie Fei obviously didn't want to let Lian Cheng and Shen Xiuyan go.

Wang Xu was so anxious that he pulled his father aside, "Where is the lawyer!"

"On the way here."

"Call and remind me!"

Wang Shangping, "..."

His son doesn't care so much about his own affairs, what happened today!
Seeing this, Mrs. Xie said, "Don't think that with the help of the Wang family, you will be able to get out, and you will inevitably be in prison! If you are sensible, just obediently follow my daughter's instructions."
Outside the police station, two cars arrived together.

The first one to get out of the car was Lawyer Liu who got up in the middle of the night after a phone call from Wang Shangping, and ran into a very familiar person head-on.

I didn't recognize it for a while, the phone rang again, Wang Shangping urged again,

He hurried in.

Another man hurried in too.

"Lawyer Liu, why did you come here!" Wang Xu even gave him a hand to see what would happen to him.

The other person ignored everyone and came to Lian Cheng's side, "Miss."

"Well, here we come, did you bring anything?"

"Bring it here," He Tingzhi said as he took out his mobile phone and played the monitoring. "Everyone in the place where the incident happened is under surveillance. My client was acting in self-defense and was not at fault. Ms. Xie violated my client several times, and my client The assistant's behavior has constituted a crime, and my client has the right to sue."

Attorney Liu, who was still figuring things out, saw He Tingzhi's appearance clearly through the light, and couldn't believe it, "You are Mr. He?"

He Tingzhi nodded.

"Is it really you, Mr. He, I never expected to see you in my lifetime!"

He Tingzhi smiled politely.

"Who is this? He looks strangely young, but is he really a lawyer?" Mrs. Xie doubted.

Lawyer Liu was in a hurry, "Who are you?! Are you blind! This is He Tingzhi, Barrister He, the gold medal lawyer in my legal profession, and the pride of the entire Hua Country! He has never been defeated!"

He Tingzhi, the three words are not insignificant.

Not only will he be able to litigate, but he will also study the law several times to make up for loopholes.

It can be said that he is an indispensable talent in Huaguo!
People in the legal profession had to squeeze their heads to see him.

Xie Zhinan and Xie Zhize were also slightly taken aback, originally it was a trivial matter of fighting, if it fell into the hands of He Tingzhi, Xie Fei might be sent into it.

"It's just a child's family having conflicts and fights, how can I bother Lawyer He." Xie Zhize wiped his sweat.

"President Xie, whether to sue or not depends on my client."

Xie Zhinan also understood Xie Zhize's worries, "They are all children, and we didn't intend to really sue, so we might as well let it go."

As soon as the words were finished, someone came again...

(Add more recommendation tickets, good night~)

(End of this chapter)

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