Chapter 149
The two brothers of the Xie family left with their tails between their legs.

The rest of the people followed Lian Cheng to eat supper, and Lian Cheng directly booked the nearest barbecue stand, and invited the bosses including Jiang Huai to have barbecue.

Can make the owner of the barbecue shop happy.

These big guys are all in and out of high-end places, where have they ever been to such a down-to-earth barbecue stand.

But seeing Lu Kan so easy-going, Jiang Huai and Wang Shangping both bite the bullet and eat barbecue.

Once you have the first string, you will have the second string. When you suddenly feel that the taste is not bad, you can order some beer.

That's how the big guys eat it.

Jiang Huai and Wang Shangping are both old, so they are naturally crowded together.

Wang Shangping poured wine for Jiang Huai. Speaking of which, he still had to be rich to have this meal with Jiang Huai.

It is really difficult to ask Jianghuai to have a meal at ordinary times.

"I'm talking about Jiang Ju. Is this Young Master Lu... from the capital? Is it the Lu family, a big family in the capital?"

"The designated successor of the Lu family in the capital."

— plop

Wang Shangping fell off the stool.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he climbed up with difficulty.

Jianghuai also offered a hand.

Wang Xu looked back and saw his father's appearance, "Dad, is your stool bad? I'll change it with you."

Wang Xu actively exchanged his stool to Wang Shangping.

Wang Shangping, "..."

Wang Shangping sighed to Jiang Huai, "My silly son, am I... lucky? You can know such a person indirectly."

Jianghuai, "..."

"However," Wang Shangping quickly saw the clue, "don't you think the assistant around Lian Cheng is very unusual?"

Jiang Huai tapped his fingers on the table, then pointed to his mouth.

Some things, see through but not tell.

Wang Shangping instantly understood.

Wang Xu bought some small fireworks and set them off for Lian Cheng and Pan Jiahui. They had a great time.

While setting off small fireworks, Lu Kan and Shen Xiuyan went to Jiang Huai again.

Lu Kan cut to the chase, "Jiang Ju, this Xie family has to investigate thoroughly."

Jiang Huai was startled, did Lu Kan want to let the Xie family finish the game?
To avoid those two girls and Wang Xu?
"Young Master Lu, I'm afraid... no..."

It's true that Deputy Director Xie Zhinan is his subordinate, but Xie Zhize is the head of the bank, and the two are brothers and are closely related.

To move one, you have to take care of the other.

This is also the reason why the Xie family has survived in Wucheng all these years.

"Just don't worry, Bureau Jiang, someone from Beijing will come to deal with it, you just need to cooperate." Lu Kan revealed the news in advance.

Lian Cheng and Pan Jiahui also played in the dark with small fireworks.

Shen Xiuyan was on the side, looking at Lian Cheng.

His eyes are full of love.

Lu Kan has been the boss for a long time, "I said Master Xiu, if your identity is revealed, there is no need for me to take detours, and the matter can be solved in one sentence."

"Not yet."

"Master Xiu, the Xie family is not small, do you really want to move?"

"Well, I can't keep people who are not good for her."

Lu Kan, "..."

I'm sorry, Xie Jia.

Speaking of it, Xie Fei is also bad, there are not a few women who have a crush on Shen Xiuyan, and there are all kinds of seduction methods.

But Xie Fei was the only one who used such schemes to harm others.

Shen Xiuyan's whole heart was on Lian Cheng's heart, that's why he capsized in the gutter, and found out halfway that he was being used, can he not hate it? !
In his opinion, Shen Xiuyan was dazzled by love and lost the most basic judgment.

Otherwise, it would be Shen Xiuyan who hit someone.

Don't wait for Shen Xiuyan to rush over, the fight is over.

All the men present drank, but the two girls did not drink.

In line with the principle of drinking and not driving, they all called the drivers to go home.

Chen Qi drove Lu Kan's car to pick him up.

(End of this chapter)

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