After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 150 Good Night, My Little Girl

Chapter 150 Good Night, My Little Girl
Chen Qi parked the car at the entrance of the Qinglan Bay villa area, and Shen Xiuyan personally sent Lian Cheng in.

The euphemistic name is to blow out the wind to dispel the smell of alcohol, but in fact, he wants to talk to Lian Cheng alone.

Chen Qi and Lu Kan are both singles who understand each other, obediently smoking with the car window open and waiting for others.

"You become angry from shame, you become angry from shame, I have never seen Master Xiu so cruel." Lu Kan commented on Shen Xiuyan.

Don't look at him as the one who came forward, but it was all Shen Xiuyan's intention.

"The Xie family doesn't have eyes, so go and mess with Miss Lian."

"Didn't it be said that Miss Xie's family first fell in love with Master Xiu, and Lian Cheng refused to let him go, that's why the conflict arose?"


Lu Kan has always been more interested in such gossip.

"A typical clichéd plot of two women grabbing a man."

Chen Qi, "..."


The single dog doesn't even have a clichéd plot, and he still has the face to say that the master of Renxiu is clichéd! ——
Qinglanwan villa area is very large, Shen Xiuyan and Lian Cheng walked side by side.

"I didn't expect you to know such a powerful person."

For the people of the Lu family in the capital city, such a person is like a god descending to earth.

He didn't reveal his identity at the last meal.

"It's just a coincidence, he is more enthusiastic."

"Then thank him for me."

"Okay," Shen Xiuyan said, reaching for Lian Cheng's hand, but Lian Cheng didn't break free.

"Why didn't you give me to Xie Fei today?"

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuyan would ask this, so he held her hand and asked.

"You are my little assistant, we have signed a contract, how can I just give you to her!" Lian Cheng said seriously.

"Oh, is it just because I'm your little assistant?" Shen Xiuyan stopped, looked at Lian Cheng, and asked her.

Lian Cheng snorted inwardly.

dog man,
He held her hand, squeezed it so happily, and asked this question.

"I can never see such a good man as you, being ruined by Xie Fei!"

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

"Ayan, what do you think is the reason?"

Lian Cheng asked Shen Xiuyan back.

She had to raise her head slightly to meet his eye contact successfully.

With big eyes shining with stars, looking at Shen Xiuyan is also full of anticipation.

The corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and her lips were beautifully shaped.

Shen Xiuyan couldn't hold back, and put his hand on the bottom of her chin, forcing her to raise it up a bit.

"I think it's because you don't want me. I want to kiss you."

"I... um..."

The streetlights shone on the two of them, making their figures very long.

like this kiss,
a long time.

Lian Cheng could hardly breathe, so he was let go.

Shen Xiuyan held her hand and walked forward.

Lian Cheng, who was blushing, hadn't reacted yet.

"I'm glad you didn't sell me out."

If it were another boss, he would never be soft-hearted if he abandoned the things that the little assistant could solve.

When we reached the gate of Qinglan Bay Villa, "Go in."

Shen Xiuyan said so, but still did not let go of Lian Cheng's hand.

Lian Cheng found his own voice, "Ayan, you are no ordinary little assistant to me."

So, I didn't sell you.

Shen Xiuyan laughed when he heard this.

He still wanted to say something, but Lian Cheng had already trotted back past him.

"Remember to pick me up tomorrow morning, good night."

"Good night."

Shen Xiuyan watched Lian Cheng go back, and saw that the light in her room was on, and she was still standing outside the fence foolishly.

The phone rang.

——【Master Xiu, we are still singles waiting at the gate, have you forgotten us?】

Only then did Shen Xiuyan step up and leave.

Good night, my little girl.

 Please recommend tickets, okay, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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