After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 151 The Traditional Chinese Medicine Center changed hands, and the mysterious organization G

Chapter 151 The Traditional Chinese Medicine Center changed hands, and the mysterious organization Greedy Wolf was discovered
The college entrance examination is approaching, and Lian Cheng is focused on brushing up on the questions.

Even though she had the chance to win, she did not relax.

The college entrance examination is a lifetime event, and she doesn't want to repeat it for another year.

She had to finish the exam quickly and go to the university of her choice.

Lian Cheng called He Shuanglian directly for the 900 million that he brought from Xie's house, which shocked He Shuanglian a lot.

The phone came straight away.

Lian Cheng slipped out from the back door of the classroom and connected.

He Shuanglian was cautious but excited, "Did you make a mistake just now, or did you put in a few extra zeros?"

A full 900 million, this is not a small sum.

It is enough to buy a Chinese medicine clinic.



"Repair the traditional Chinese medicine hall and use it for expansion." Lian Cheng frowned.

The development of Chinese medicine is becoming less and less.

"This...Mr. Lian..." He Shuanglian dared to call Lian Cheng that, she didn't hear Lian Cheng's words, so she dared to continue, "How about you as a shareholder?"


"I've prepared some of the Anshen grass you asked for last time, it will be used in the exam."

As a doctor as well, He Shuanglian naturally knew what such a large dose of Anshencao was used for.

He Shuanglian turned her head and said to all the disciples that the Chinese Medicine Center has changed hands.
During the class break, Wang Xu looked at the students in the classroom who were doing the problems, they were very bored, and there was no one to talk to.

He turned his head and said to Lian Cheng, "Do you know that a major event happened in Wucheng?"

"Huh?" Lian Cheng didn't even look up at Wang Xu.

"Xie's family is cold. I heard that it was handled by the greedy wolves in the capital. My dad was also involved in the roll call. I haven't been home for two days. Now Wucheng is under martial law."

"Oh?" Lian Cheng was a little surprised when he heard the word Tanlang.

After all, she is also Lian Qingyun's daughter, after she transmigrated, she had a thorough understanding of the surrounding situation.

Greedy Wolf is indeed very mysterious.

Did the Xie family do something shocking and weeping ghosts and gods, so that the greedy wolf could be shot to death.

"Speaking of it, I always thought that Tanlang was a legend, but I didn't expect it to exist. I heard from my father's subordinates that all the people who came came with guns. At that stop, no flies could fly in. But the Xie family The matter has not been announced yet, so I don’t know what happened.”

Lian Cheng took out a test paper and gave it to Wang Xu, "Prepare for the test well, why are you thinking so much!"

Wang Xu grudgingly groaned, took the test paper, and obediently turned around to answer the questions.
Three days later, the news was confirmed.

During Xie Zhize's tenure as the president, he accepted bribes.

Xie Zhinan covered up.

One thing after another was thoroughly investigated.

It was also exposed that Xie Fei made waves in the school and picked out good-looking students, which aroused the anger of the whole people.

Netizens unanimously demanded that Xie Fei be severely punished.

Under pressure, Xie Fei had to temporarily suspend school and missed the college entrance examination.

The Xie family was completely cold.

When Lian Cheng saw the news, he didn't say anything, and turned around to do his own test paper.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, Shen Xiuyan was even more nervous than Lian Cheng. Not to mention taking him to and from school every day, he also found a lot of supplements for Lian Cheng to eat.

Lian Cheng felt that eating it would cause nosebleeds due to overnutrition, so he declined.

During his busy schedule, Lian Qingyun made many phone calls to care for Lian Cheng, and asked Shen Xiuyan to take good care of Lian Cheng.

Lian Qingyun, as a real parent, applied to Lian Cheng for the exam and later picked up his daughter, but was ruthlessly rejected by Lian Cheng.

Just kidding, if the richest man comes to pick her up and someone else sees her, then she will be on the trending list tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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