After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 199 Damn it!She's wearing a white dress

Chapter 199 Damn it!She's wearing a white dress
Jiang Qiuqin and Yan Fang also arrived at this floor, so they could only follow Lian Cheng and get out of the elevator together.

In addition to the three, there are several trainees.

Among them was a girl named Shen Wen, who was brought in by Yan Fang.

Yan Fang winked at her, and Shen Wen suddenly quickened her pace with the coffee in her hand.

Shen Wen walked quickly with her head down, deliberately pushed Lian Cheng, and poured a cup of coffee on Lian Cheng.

Lian Cheng:!
What the hell!

She is wearing a white dress!

Before Lian Cheng could say anything, Shen Wen cried immediately, "Mr. Lian, why are you pushing me?"

Lian Cheng:?
"You bumped into it yourself." Lian Cheng was obviously displeased when he spoke.

It doesn't matter if the skirt is ruined,

The coffee was hot, and the place where she stained her arm was already red.

"Teacher Lian, I'm just a trainee, how dare I bump into you." Shen Wen was aggrieved when she spoke, but Lian Cheng's eyes were not friendly.

Shen Wen is ambitious, otherwise she wouldn't be with Yan Fang.

Lian Cheng is just a small entertainer, not popular.

If stepping on Lian Cheng could please Jiang Qiuqin, she would.

Holding the high and stepping down the low can give herself a good future, she can do it.

Lian Cheng looked at the little girl in front of him, she was about the same age as him.

She also looks fair and clean, and she looks like a good girl from a good family.

It was just those eyes that betrayed her.

"What's your name?"

Before Shen Wen said anything, Yan Fang came over, "Lian Cheng, although Shen Wen is a trainee, you can't push her away. How about this, you apologize to her."

Watching the excitement was no big deal, and insisted that it was Lian Cheng who pushed him.

Shen Wen is not an easy-going lamp either, "Yes, Teacher Lian, although you entered the industry earlier than me, I am also a member of Huangyu Film and Television, and we are all colleagues. If Teacher Lian is really in trouble, then forget it..."

Shen Wen looks very generous.

It's just a cup of coffee, just treat her as feeding the dog.

Lian Cheng looked at the coffee stains on his body, speechless.

It seems that she still had a good impression on these people, and they thought she was easy to bully.

"Shen Wen, I think you may have misunderstood, I didn't push you."

"Teacher Lian, there are so many pairs of eyes watching." Shen Wen looked at her carefully drawn manicure, without any intention of giving in.

Jiang Qiuqin watched the play the whole time and didn't intend to speak.

She knew that it was the people below who were licking her. She had seen such things a lot.

The entertainment industry is not a place without wars.

"Lian Cheng, you are not famous yet, it would be bad if you get a reputation for bullying newcomers."

Yan Fang is threatening Lian Cheng.

Small fights between artists, if they are deliberately publicized and taken out of context, they will lose fans.

Yan Fang can do it.

"Say I pushed Shen Wen, do you have evidence?"

"Even the teacher doesn't need evidence, everyone here has seen it."

Lian Cheng looked past Jiang Qiuqin and Yan Fang, and looked at the men and women behind him, "You all saw it, I pushed Shen Wen?"

There is a lot of competition among trainees, and Shen Wen is the most prominent among this group of trainees.

It's not about the outstanding appearance and ability, but the outstanding background.

The relationship between Jiang Qiuqin and Yan Fang has always been very good, and they have already planned to bring Shen Wen to the scene.

The rest of the trainees didn't dare to speak.

"Ask you guys, have you seen it?" Yan Fang asked the people behind her again.

The high-pitched voice is unavoidably scary.

This is a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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