After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 200 Planning to use money to insult Lian Cheng

Chapter 200 Planning to use money to insult Lian Cheng
The timid trainee has already nodded.

Shen Wen smiled, "Teacher Lian, it seems that everyone has seen it. It's not good for you to play tricks as a public figure. In fact, I didn't mean to make things difficult for Teacher Lian. It can be solved with an apology. Why doesn't Teacher Lian Willing."

"Really?" Lian Cheng tightened his eyes and then loosened them, said calmly.

"Mr. Lian, you pushed me here."

"No." Among the trainees, a boy spoke.

Following the voice, Lian Cheng's first impression was that he looked good.

Yi Chuan stood up, "I saw that Shen Wen bumped into Teacher Lian."

Yan Fang didn't expect that among the trainees, there were still such ignorant ones.

"What's your name?"

"Yi Chuan, a new trainee."

"As soon as you come here, you dare..."

"Enough," Lian Cheng interrupted Yan Fang, "I didn't push Shen Wen, anyone with long eyes can see clearly, not to mention you don't know that Huangyu Film and Television has many hidden cameras, who are they? Whoever pushed it can always be found out."

After hearing what Lian Cheng said, Shen Wen knew that she couldn't go on anymore.

"Even Teacher, it's the first time we've met, why don't you forget it, I don't want to argue with you."

Shen Wen said and left.

Lian Cheng stopped her, "Do you think you can leave like this after you framed me? What's more, can you afford to pay for my clothes?"

Shen Wen did a lot of homework to enter the entertainment circle,
Lian Cheng's clothes,
There is no sign of any.

At first glance, it looks like a street stall.

"Mr. Lian, if you are short of clothes, I'll just buy you one." Shen Wen also came from a petty bourgeoisie family, and she would never fail to buy a piece of clothing.

"Oh, yes, then you can buy one that is the same, and if you can't buy it, you can pay for it."

"Mr. Lian, is 100 yuan enough for your clothes?"

Lian Cheng put his hands together and looked at Shen Wen with sympathy, "Not enough."

"How much is that? If Teacher Lian is short of money, he can quote a price, and I can afford it."

This is to insult Lian Cheng with money.

Lian Cheng almost burst out laughing.

"Well, actually, I don't know how much the clothes cost, but you shouldn't be able to afford it."

"Even the teacher really knows how to joke, no matter how expensive it is, it's just a piece of clothing."

"There is a brand under the Huangjue Group called Chenxi, do you know that?"


who doesn't know,

That can't be explained by the word awesome!

Rumor has it that Chen Xi's chief designer is called Chen Xi, and her works are so popular that Huangjue Group established a brand in her name.


The clothes of the chief designer are never sold outside,

It is only occasionally auctioned off.

The prices are ridiculously high.

Ladies all over the world are proud of Chenxi's exclusive clothes.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy on the market, unless you have a lot of money and good luck.

"Mr. Lian, you don't want to say that the white dress you are wearing is Chen Xi?" Shen Wen covered her mouth and smiled.

The mob behind her laughed too.

[Lian Cheng is too funny, if it is really Chen Xi's clothes, shouldn't they be confessed at home now?Why wear it on your body? 】

[She probably wants to blackmail Shen Wen? 】

[Bullying us country folks, you haven't seen good clothes, have you? 】

[This dress looks really good, but Chenxi's styles are almost all dresses, there won't be such everyday styles, right? 】

[It feels like watching a show, it's so embarrassing, first pushing people, and then wearing fakes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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